
People This Page is Dedicated to Telling Stories That Deliver A Positive Message Video Creator

I think few things are more distressing than locking one’s car keys inside the car.Living in a metropolitan city, I drea...

I think few things are more distressing than locking one’s car keys inside the car.

Living in a metropolitan city, I dreaded this eventuality so much so that I became extra careful. I always ensure the car keys are in my hand before closing the last door and I make sure to cross-check at least twice.

Once, I arrived in a clinical event venue and wanted to put on my ward coat before going in so I dropped the car keys in my handbag on the passenger’s seat and stepped down to wear the coat.

Ladies and gentlemen, the wind blew ever so gently while I was midway through and the car door closed shut right before my very eyes.

Immediately I knew I was stuck.

One of the things that I dreaded the most had happened to me.

My colleagues sympathized with me and offered some solutions - the most feasible was to get a panel be**er to force the door open.

I was distraught to say the least.

When I finally stopped sulking and decided to place the needed call to my panel be**er, lo and behold… I realized my phone was also in the handbag locked in.

I was in a greater fix.

Now I needed a ride to the shop of any panel be**er because I didn’t have my phone nor the phone number of my regular.

When I narrated the scenario to my senior colleague who could help me go find a panel be**er, he asked, “do you not have a spare key?”

Brethren, yet again, I bowed my head in shame as I admitted “the spare key is also in my handbag, my house keys too”.

Everyone bursts into loud laughter.

They asked me to make it make sense.

“Who keeps main key and spare keys in the same place?” “It is called spare key for a reason”.

I waited until they’ve had a great time laughing me to scorn before begging for help. He agreed to take me to wherever I could find a panel be**er around and long story cut short, oga panel was able to open the car door in a few minutes. Of course, I paid a lump sum for his expertise because you trust Naija artisans to take advantage of a distressing situation.

Anyways, ever since that unpalatable experience, I learnt the hard way not to put main and spare keys - be it for the house, office or car - in one place ever again.

The keys of our lives are even more sacred and they should be kept with utmost care in the right place and with the right person. Note that I said “place” not “places”, “person” not persons.

When it comes to our lives, there is only one person with whom you can confidently keep the main and spare keys without any fear of danger.

That is the person of Jesus!

Unlike the car, with Jesus, you would never have any fear of getting stranded when all your keys are locked in.

With Jesus, there’s no need for a plan B, no need for sympathy from your friends, no need for the services of a panel be**er!

Locking all aspects of your life in Jesus is the single most important decision anyone can make in life.

He says to come unto Him, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, He would give you rest. Jesus said to cast ALL your cares upon Him for He careth for you.

ALL! Not few, not most. ALL.

Lock your main key, spare key, house key, estate gate key, health key, career key, marital key, children’s key, political key, economic key - every single key that pertains to your life can be locked up in Jesus and you can be rest assured that you will never be stranded.

I invite you to give Jesus a try today. Let Him run your life, completely, absolutely.

Tis so sweet.

I can tell you.

If you want to know more about how to lock all the keys of your life with Jesus, please DM or send a WhatsApp message to 08130354279.

Jesus is real!

You can trust Him with your entire life.

Why not do so today?

📸 with the iconic Pastor Kunle Soriyan (PK)

What I find most exciting about going to a new place is the uncertainty of it. The cheer adrenaline rush that comes with...

What I find most exciting about going to a new place is the uncertainty of it.

The cheer adrenaline rush that comes with getting into a car, bus, boat, aircraft whatever… and going, unsure of what to expect.

The time races, lags and races more as you move along. Seconds soon turn into minutes and minutes to hours, and the journey grows on you like a pajamas.

For trips to interior villages, you watch roads transition from smooth tars to rocky grounds to muddy stretches of plane soil. You watch the environment move from urban to rural to interior. Often times clamped on two sides by thick forest, a long narrow road stretching ahead of you like a slippery river.

When you consider the nature of the road -vis-a-vis condition, depth of potholes, duration of travel, commute convenience etc - it becomes rather fanciful to think a 180 degree detour might be the best option.

Other times, you wonder why you set out in the first place.

“Because, what in God’s name is this traffic/badroad/heat!!!”

But no matter how long a trip, no matter how uncertain the distance, no matter how far away the destination, every journey must surely come to an end.

Regardless of how turbulent any trip is, there is always a destination. And when the destination is sure, you’re guaranteed.

I dare to say that life is an adventure. The adventure of life is more fun with the seeming uncertainty therein. The seeming uncertainty being the most exciting part of the journey especially for you, dear believer, whose destination is sure.

Always remember that in the midst of the uncertainty, the boisterous ravaging realities on the journey of life, there is an assurance from the creator of life who is coincidentally your personal life’s event planner extraordinaire that your destination is sure.

“For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭MSG‬‬

“I want to do many good things for you,’ the Lord says. ‘I want you to become rich and strong, and I do not want to hurt you. I want you to believe that you will have a good future life.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬ ‭EASY‬‬

Believe this.

Relax and enjoy your life’s ride - bustle or rough - your destination is guaranteed

Gemstone Sickle Cell Foundation is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Join Zoom Meeting

Gemstone Sickle Cell Foundation is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Good news, Team.We shall be having our sickle cell webinar (June edition) this Thursday!Yeah! You heard that right.Our g...

Good news, Team.

We shall be having our sickle cell webinar (June edition) this Thursday!

Yeah! You heard that right.

Our guest speaker, Ara, grew up with 2 siblings living with sickle cell and she shall be sharing with us the real story of her journey, struggles, finding love and raising advocacy for people living with sickle cell.

Please register and reserve your seat now…

“Together we can end sickle cell disease”

Seen this movie?

Seen this movie?

Ruth shares her deepest secret with him and he does this...Can you marry a single mum?Please like, share and leave a comment.Feel free to contact us via 0813...

Today, I spoke to some little cuties in a prestigious school in my city about emotional intelligence and self awareness....

Today, I spoke to some little cuties in a prestigious school in my city about emotional intelligence and self awareness. I taught them signs of emotional blackmail and practical ways to respond. After the teaching, a beautiful little girl (at most 7) came to hug me and said, “Ms. Grace, thank you. I have a gift for you.” And voila! She gave me this beautiful wrist band

Teachers, is this how you feel when your students appreciate your efforts?

🤗🤗 things like this mean a lot to me.

P.s: my film is still showing o

Please watch. Please subscribe

Once upon a time, my professor -a woman revered and feared- invited me to her home. She said she had been noticing me in...

Once upon a time, my professor -a woman revered and feared- invited me to her home. She said she had been noticing me in the faculty and it’d be her pleasure to host me to an evening of conversations.

Ma? Me?

My legs shook as I approached her door. How was I supposed to behave in her hallowed presence? I wasn’t sure. It appeared my liver might fail me and I might start stuttering.

Shortly after I arrived, came a loud banging knock on the door.
Relieved to catch my breath a little, I watched as a bubbly couple walked through the door.

“Bisola” (not real name) the female guest shouted from the door.

I paused.

Who was Bisola?

Surely not me.

When I saw the wide grin on my professor’s face, I immediately remembered that her first name was Bisola.

So who was this older lady that called my professor by her first name?

The effrontery, the boldness.

My professor was widely acclaimed and honored nationally and internationally.

She was a professor of professors, teacher of teachers.

Who then was this woman not to accord her her due respect.

While I grappled with my self-inflicted torture called judgement, the most shocking thing happened. My highly esteemed and most distinguished professor got up like a happy teenager and collapsed into the open embrace of the lady that called her a mere “Bisola”.

They hugged so tightly, forgetting that there were other people in the room. The night continued casually and happily with my professor and the lady I later discovered was her best friend since childhood reminiscing on good old days.

Another day, we were having a briefing from the president of our association who, although, we knew his name, we called him “Mr President” or “pres” at the very worst.
While the meeting was ongoing, a comely girl came behind me and whispered, “I need to speak to Paul” (not real name).

“Paul?” I wondered whose name was that.

Then she pointed at Mr President.

Wait, what?

It was Mr President she was calling “Paul”? Like Paul? Just Paul? No pastor, no doctor, no apostle, no minister? No nothing? Just Paul?

I felt the need to set things straight and was going to reel about how disrespectful that association member sounded until I was told that she was Mr President’s fiancée.

These scenarios made me realize that intimacy breaks formality.

Just like my revered professor’s childhood best friend and Mr President’s fiancée, it is possible to develop a deep level relationship with someone so much so that you leave formality behind.

In the same vein, it is possible to develop a measure of deep koinonia with God that transcends formality. Where the Almighty is not merely a highly revered thunder-striking, judgement-seeking, vengeful scary God but a loving father and friend.

It is in the place of relationship that you’d realize how much Jesus was willing to stoop to our level just so he can raise us to sit with him in heavenly places far above.

In the place of deep relationship with God, you’d realize that the Holy Spirit is interested in things as minute as your choice of outfit for a regular picnic date.

Relationship breaks formality, such that there’s no fear of or avenue for disrespect.

For with God, familiarity does not breed contempt, it breeds reverence.

Seek relationship, dear friends.

Seek deep relationship with God.

Our God is a loving father and friend and He seeks such from us.

If you ever learnt as a child that RSVP means “Rice and Stew Very Plenty”, gather here 😀

If you ever learnt as a child that RSVP means “Rice and Stew Very Plenty”, gather here 😀

Last night, I stumbled upon a review of one of my books by a fascinated reader, my (in her words) “new biggest fan” and ...

Last night, I stumbled upon a review of one of my books by a fascinated reader, my (in her words) “new biggest fan” and it made me smile.

On this , I desire that everyone, young and old, become an ardent reader like me. At 10% off, you can have all my books from today till Sunday.

Click here

Happy World Book Day, book-fam.

What would you do when your parents are against your choice of a life partner?This episode promises to be exciting.Drops...

What would you do when your parents are against your choice of a life partner?

This episode promises to be exciting.

Drops at 12pm on the DOT.

Link :

HELP US‼️‼️‼️One of our warriors just had a major surgery done due to kidney complications of sickle cell disease.We cal...

HELP US‼️‼️‼️

One of our warriors just had a major surgery done due to kidney complications of sickle cell disease.

We call on you for a kind donation of any amount so as to clear his hospital bill which is a total of #198,068

Please send donations to

Oguntunji martins darasimi

Or to the foundation

fidelity bank
Gemstone Sickle Cell Aid Team

For more inquiries please call or send a (WhatsApp) message to 08130354279

Together we can end sickle cell disease

For some good laugh and life lessons, watch this.Don’t forget to like , comment and share.

For some good laugh and life lessons, watch this.

Don’t forget to like , comment and share.

If he needs to seek mummy's permission to do anything with/for you, would you still marry him?

He needs to always take permission from mummy. Could he be the one for Sis. Ruth? Watch out for Mummy’s boy in-law. Plea...

He needs to always take permission from mummy.

Could he be the one for Sis. Ruth?

Watch out for Mummy’s boy in-law.

Please subscribe and turn on notifications here as you anticipate...

P.S. who knows how I can get more than 24hrs in a day? 🥹

I have over 5k friends and  here. Could you all please subscribe to my YouTube channel?Just click here: https://youtube....

I have over 5k friends and here.

Could you all please subscribe to my YouTube channel?

Just click here:

Click “subscribe”

It’s easy.

Let’s get to 2k subscribers this week.

Comment “done” please.


Everybody needs somebody,
when the night is a little too cold,
when they are tired of being bold,
when there are secrets to be told,
when they want someone to hold,
when there is joy of great worth to share,
when no one else seems to care,
when they're alone and their soul feels bare, everyone needs someone who will be there.

BLINKERED is a story of one girl’s search for identity and belonging. Through the isolated world of a person living with...

BLINKERED is a story of one girl’s search for identity and belonging. Through the isolated world of a person living with sickle cell disease, Tonia struggles to navigate the dichotomy of the life she knows and the one she desires. Humorous and intriguing, BLINKERED, is a story about hope, love and survival.

Order your copy here

Check out other intriguing novels by Sam’s author here

Worldwide delivery.

Cover designed by Excel Kayode

Read this and thank us later.

Read this and thank us later.

A successful tech lady, Eliora Onuche, appears to have everything she could possibly want. Only that the demons of her past seem to echo through the halls of her thoughts to impact on others who genuinely care about her. She doesn't know how to secretly wrestle with the demons until they get her....

Here’s how to help your friend through a heartbreak.What do you think?

Here’s how to help your friend through a heartbreak.

What do you think?

So many times we’re poised between sympathizing and empathizing with that dear friend who just lost a blossoming relationship. Your words at such instances must be carefully selected so as not to cause more harm than good. Today, I show you some helpful ways to assist your friend through a tough h...





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