I just thought maybe you’d enjoy watching along. I find it so peaceful and I love seeing how each page comes together. It makes me feel really calm and really happy! Plus, I get to share it with the kids too, which has been lovely. Daisy especially loves it and has currently nicked my book for herself!
#colourwithme #colouringbook #colouringforadults #cocowyo #cocowyobooks #cozycolouring
Christmas 2024 - “the years go by so fast, let’s hope the next beats the last.”
I hope you all have had and are still having the most special time with those that you value the most. We’ve had a very busy few days and it’s been so special. I’ve been especially reflective this year - a lot has changed since last Christmas and I’ve missed my Grandad a tremendous amount. But it also served as a reminder to soak up every second that I could. After all - today is a gift, that’s why they call it the present. And the last few days have been full of gifts for me, because they have been filled with all of these wonderful people who I am honoured to call “my family.”
This is the first Christmas I’ve got someone missing. I feel like I’m stood on a line, where on one side I am happy and excited and so full of love, cheer and happiness. And then on the other side, I feel as though it just isn’t the same. I’ve known Christmas in a way that I can never experience again.
Christmas Eve was always Nanna and Grandad day - the only time I didn’t visit was 2021, because I simply wasn’t allowed because of the pandemic. Grandad always sat in his chair and there would be a star made of fairy lights on their front window that he would tape into place. We’d have a cup of coffee or tea and we’d talk and exchange gifts. And we’d give them the biggest hug as we said goodbye. Us off to finish the magic for our children - them often seeing my uncle and his wife for a curry.
Last year, when I said goodbye, I cried silently in the car. Mark held my hand, as I hid it from the kids. I think a part of me was frightened that I might never get to do that again. And unfortunately I was right.
I’m so grateful and glad, but I’m also wistful and sad. But then I know that those emotions I find the hardest are because I loved him very much and I was so lucky for that.
I send love to anyone else who feels the in-between of grief this Christmas. Who is missing a place at the table, a gift under the tree, and a special name in a card.
And Grandad, Merry Christmas. ❤️
This was what I got up to yesterday. I feel like a completely different person at the moment and I’m so grateful to have this time with my family.
I’ve got a couple more days of a slower pace before the Christmas Day food prep starts on Christmas Eve. But I’m excited, and we are out for dinner with our friends after all that’s done too! And I’m hopeful I can bring some happy smiles to lots of faces on the big day.
Three more sleeps!
One from the other day - featuring work, a cute dog, present wrapping and a mums’ night out.
#minivlog #christmasvlog #ditl #diml #vlogmas #vlogmas2024
Now, I know there’s are some folk who argue that Yorkshire Puddings don’t belong with Christmas Dinner. But I am not in that camp!
But what I will say - they are a tricky beast because they require a hot oven and an oven that isn’t disturbed. So making them ahead just makes sense to me.
RECIPE (I doubled this)
140g plain flour
4 eggs(200ml/7fl oz)
200ml milk
Preheat your oven to 220C and pop enough oil (sunflower/vegetable or even beef/goose fat would work) into the well of your Yorkshire pudding tin. You want just enough to cover the bottom. Pop that in the oven for at least 15 minutes until smoking hot.
Meanwhile, grab a jug for easy pouring, and mix your flour and eggs into a paste and gradually add your milk until you have a nice, smooth batter.
When your oil is nice and hot, divide the batter between your Yorkshire pudding tin and shut the door and leave them alone. Don’t open the door. Don’t peek. They will sink. Trust me. They should take about 20 minutes or so to cook.
Let them cool fully before storing in large sandwich bags - the best way really as otherwise they are at risk of being squashed. Then pop them in the freezer with plenty of space, and leave until you need them on Christmas Day.
When ready to warm through - stick them in the oven once everything else is done. 180C is fine for this and they should only take about five minutes. So much easier than doing on the day, and you don’t have the washing up to deal with then either! Hope that helps!
#makeaheadyorkshirepuddings #yorkshirepuddings #christmasdinnerprep #christmasdinnerhacks
The pressure of “feeling festive.” I was going to do a normal voiceover on this vlog from the other day, but I thought I’d talk about how I’ve felt today instead. Because I think it can be easy to think that maybe everyone’s feeling festive and jolly, when you aren’t always feeling that way yourself. But I guarantee that most of us have had a little stressed/overwhelmed cry at some point in the run-up to Christmas. And today just happened to be the day for me.
Do I think tomorrow will be better? Yep. Am I really excited for the Christmas break with my family and friends? More than anything. But am I overwhelmed and tired at the moment? I really am.
I just need to get these kids better and hopefully, by Friday, when they break up, I will see three excited and happy faces and my to do list will be a lot smaller. But for now, I allowed myself a moment of feeling how I needed to feel. Because it felt better than plastering on a fake Nutcracker’s smile. And if you have felt it a bit too - you aren’t alone and I see how hard you are trying. You’re magic, don’t you forget that. ❤️
I don’t know why, but I felt all the feelings doing this for them this morning. I’ve had 12 years of being the magic for my kids, and I don’t really know how long I have left of this part of their childhood. I know that we’ll make new traditions and things will be just as special. But it’s been brilliant. It really has.
Sometimes - actually a lot of the time - I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed in the run-up to Christmas. I just want to make it so special for them and it’s only when I stop a see their smiles that I’m reminded that I’m doing okay.
They absolutely loved this - even Bill! I had a lot of things already in, like the googly eyes, straws, little flags and stuff like that. But I picked up the rest from Tesco and it went down really well. They said it was the best breakfast they’ve ever had, which is probably not true as they’ve eaten out for breakfast before, 😂 but I’ll take it!
Hope you all have a lovely Sunday everyone! Merry Christmas! 10 DAYS! Ahhhh!
#northpolebreakfast #northpolebreakfastideas #activityadvent #christmasbreakfast #kidschristmasbreakfast #activityadventideas
Back with another wee test! And I’ve actually really enjoyed doing these videos because I’ve found some right goodies! I always traditionally have a Bucks Fizz on Christmas Day morning, because my parents and grandparents always did too! But it does taste a bit so-so, and after seeing these doing the rounds, I wanted to give them a try of my own. I’ve skipped cranberry juice, as honestly, clementine juice just sounds a lot more festive to me and tastes nicer! And I added raspberries, as I’m much more likely to eat the one floating in my glass at the end! Waste not, want not and all that!
#bucksfizzhack #bucksfizz #christmasdinnerhacks #christmasmimosa #christmascoctails
The roast potato hack worked really well for me, so I had to reshare this one in case you’ve never tried it. It’s a Jamie Oliver recipe, so all credit goes to him. But I can’t recommend it enough. It saves a lot of time - and mess - and is especially useful if, like us, you get a turkey crown rather than the whole bird. And I love knowing that it’s just there and ready to defrost and heat through on the day.
Tip: make sure you give it another taste before serving up. Some great additions for extra flavour include soy sauce, Marmite (both great for umami hits) and you could even simmer a cinnamon stick for a little extra festive punch too.
#getaheadgravy #christmasdinner #christmasgravy #christmasdinnerhacks #makeaheadgravy
I found this day quite hard in points - I had a burst of anxiety at 3:30am, after I woke up for a wee, and I didn’t really get back to sleep after that. I’ve got a lot going around my head at the moment, with a few worries too, and I’m sure you’re likely the same. But I realised, as I watched this back, while it wasn’t my favourite day in the world, and I will always hate hospitals, and I will never enjoy driving in torrential rain, or feeling controlled by anxiety, this day was a perfectly imperfect day of my life, and there were still moments of Christmas magic. I just had to look for them.
I hope you enjoy watching these anyway. I enjoy capturing them for you (and for me too). 🤍
#ditl #diml #dayinmylife #minivlog #dayinthelife #vlogmas #vlogmas2024