The Malta Business Bureau (MBB) is a non-profit organisation acting as the EU-business advisory office for the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, and the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA). The organisation is based in two countries, the Head-office in Malta and a Representation-office in Brussels. The MBB liaises directly with its counterparts both locally and abroad
, including the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Maltese Permanent Representation in Brussels and other international business organisations such as BUSINESSEUROPE, EUROCHAMBRES and HOTREC on all policy and funding issues affecting Maltese business interests. Business Agenda is the official publicaton of the MBB, and is the only B2B publication that is specifically targeted at reaching all leading businesses in Malta. It provides the latest business & EU related news, analyses, features and interviews relevant to the Maltese business community. Distribution channels for Business Agenda include:
o Distribution by the Malta Business Bureau to leading businesses, banks, ministries and embassies. o All members of the MHRA. o Local SME’s (Small to Medium Enterprises). o Local Government Departments. o European Commission / European Parliament / BusinessEurope / Eurochambres / HOTREC (Brussels).