We talk about it ALL on the EcoHealth Radio Show: Evidence-based natural medicine approaches with a heavy dose of common-sense. Join your hosts, Naturopathic Doctor, Tiffany Jackson and Functional Medicine Doctor/ Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Chris Nagy, on Monday evenings from 4:00 – 6:00pm as they share cutting-edge information to help you get to the root of your health challenges. Learn natural hea
lth treatment approaches and hear interviews with leading experts in the field. UPCOMING GUESTS:
-Monday, July 28th: Josh Trutt (truttmd.com)
Do you really need to take a multi-vitamin? All about Curcumin
-Monday, August 5th- Denise Gabay Otten (Curingcourtney.com
Learn how she naturally cured her daughter of autoimmune hepatitis! The EcoHealth Radio Show explores the root cause of disease and equips listeners with practical strategies to improve health and longevity. Tune in to hear the latest health literature and to keep abreast of the most current treatments strategies. What’s the worst thing that can happen by listening? Your current doctor may become annoyed by a knowledgeable, empowered patient. On the other hand, the information may save your life. EcoHealth Radio is broadcasted live at Kinetic HiFi radio station in Charleston, SC. Kinetic HiFi is an online radio station dedicated to bringing back to the community. is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor who combines the wisdom of nature with the rigors of modern science. Dr. Jackson graduated from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and then pursued her doctorate at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. After completing her education, she proceeded with a one year internship at the Center for Occupational and Environmental Medicine in North Charleston, South Carolina. After finishing her educational pursuits, Dr. Jackson joined Great Plains Laboratory where she presented at medical conferences and seminars around the US, and trained physicians how to interpret laboratory data. Dr. Jackson completed the Defeat Autism Now! practitioner training. Tiffany Jackson is the founder and director of EcoHealth & Wellness in Charleston, South Carolina. As a Naturopathic Doctor, she provides educational support to patients particularly in the areas of autism spectrum disorders, environmental medicine, chronic gastrointestinal disorders, food sensitivities and heavy metal toxicity. Dr. Jackson is particularly passionate about teaching patients how to effectively use diet and nutritional supplementation to optimize their health. Dr. Chris Nagy, a Summa Cum Laude graduate of St. Joseph’s College, received his medical degree (M.D.) from Wright State University School of Medicine in Dayton, Ohio. Following completion of his Orthopaedic residency and fellowship, Dr. Nagy began practice in 1996. Dr. Nagy further advanced his education by completing a fellowship with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, training in Age Management Medicine via the Cenegenics Education and Research Foundation and earning certification in Mastering the Protocols of Hormone Optimization. With his extensive training, Dr. Nagy founded and directs Your Personal Wellness Center. Dr. Nagy’s passion for teaching and sharing the message of optimal health began as a result of building his wellness practice. Dr. Nagy’s goal is to introduce and teach the important lifestyle behaviors necessary for patients to improve their health and quality of life, now and in the future. Dr. Nagy relies on what nature offers and not just treating or masking symptoms. Addressing the root cause of disease is Dr. Nagy’s priority. A self-described “Health and Wellness Fanatic,” Dr. Nagy champions the principles of proper nutrition, efficient and results-driven exercise, appropriate nutraceutical supplementation and hormonal optimization. Active in his community, Dr. Nagy gives numerous seminars, demonstrations and talks on topics related to all things health and optimized living. Dr. Nagy also writes a health oriented newspaper column and serves as a board member on The Bread Riot, a local food advocacy organization.