Redstone Review is hiring graphic designers.
Redstone Review, Lyons’ monthly news and opinion publication, is looking for one or two graphic designers to join our staff. We are one of the few remaining publications to still be proudly supplying our content on paper. Positions for Ad Designer and for Page Designer/Production Manager are both opening soon. A solid working knowledge of CMYK print production is a must.
The Ad Designer works closely with our ad sales department, but selling space is not required for this position. Contact with our advertisers, most of them local, is often part of the job. Good creative chops in a small space is a plus.
The Page Designer/Production Manager must have excellent typesetting, photo retouching, and layout skills. Creating a properly constructed file for press and interfacing with our printer to deliver the file is the production part of the job.
These two people work very closely together, and, if interested, a single artist could be considered for both positions. Contact [email protected] for more information on either or both.