When I sold my business and retired a few years ago, I promised my wife I would read all the classics I'd Cliff-Noted in high school. Instead, I found myself lying around the house in my bathrobe watching sports shows and reading sports blogs. It occurred to me that I was spending far more time watching and reading analysis of sporting events than actually viewing the games themselves! I was also
startled by how much passion these sports media people were evoking in me, and how much I wanted to sound off about it. Meanwhile, my son, a Cornell electrical and computer engineer, financial analyst, and avid baseball fan, was spending his free time inventing sabermetrics to more effectively illustrate why he thought “these idiots” (as he termed them) were just that. When I told him my idea, he immediately began developing the models for what would eventually become our site. Hence, the SMM..... A place where we can rate, rank, rant and rave about the thousands of sports media contributors ranging from your favorite local college "play by play" guy to the biggest national blow hard analyst. In the months to come we'll be providing you with a variety of forums, face offs, reviews, and polls, but the central component to our site will always be the simple constantly changing ranking of the various sports media contributors who so profoundly influence our enjoyment of and the way we view sports in America.