This Warren High School Film and Television Production class is structured in such a way that it will allow and encourage students to use their individual learning styles to identify and solve strategic problems using a visual and auditory means of communication. The class will be divided into three distinct sections. The first section is in the classroom. The classroom is state-of-the-art. This c
lassroom has 40 video-editing bays, 10 of which will be connected to an 8 TB server with Fiber Channel. Each bay is preloaded with software including Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, DVD Studio, LiveType, Motion, Color, Compressor, and Soundtrack Pro. Students will be expected to pass competency tests on each program. Directing methods will be learned and developed. Each student will then produce a unique film project utilizing the directing and editing techniques they have learned. The second section is a working broadcast television studio. The studio is also state-of-the-art; complete with video switcher, audio mixer, and light board and all other equipment needed to produce a live broadcast. Each student receives hands on experience with industry standard equipment. The students will be expected to show competency with each component. They will also be expected to produce a daily campus news show. The final section of this class addresses ways in which students can find exposure for their work. The students will be expected to master the Internet. It is revolutionizing the way we live, learn, and work. The Web can provide a plat- form for budding filmmakers to exhibit their work at low or no cost. No other technology in history has provided us with so many opportunities so easily. Recognizing that the Internet has such possibility could potentially lead to students finding a career with the skills the acquired. Awards and Certificates
Adobe Certified Pro: Awarded to a student who has reached the highest skill level in the use and operation of Adobe’s pro Applications as attested to by Adobe Certificate of Achievement: Awarded after the student has successfully completed all the career preparation standards expectancies and individual job title requirements. ROP Student of the Year: An outstanding student who plans to pursue a career in the Entertainment Industry will be nominated for this award and, if selected, will be presented with awards by ROP. Final Project – Portfolio: The student will complete their personal portfolio that can be used for actual job recruitment.