"I think we must be very clear about what the threat here is, which is that Trump and Vance have a radical authoritarian agenda and do not care about democracy or the rule of law. The Unhumans plan endorsed by Vance, Bannon, Don Jr., and Flynn is much scarier even than the “Project 2025” Trump is desperately trying to distance himself from. They are encouraging dehumanization and the creation of imaginary enemies, which lays the groundwork for acts of repression and violence. In encouraging people to embrace Unhumans, Vance has endorsed the outright dehumanization of the left, while Trump’s rhetoric about migrant “animals” fuels the paranoia of people like the guy who killed dozens of Latinos in a Walmart to stop the “Hispanic invasion.” (We should always be careful about making cause-and-effect links between political rhetoric and the acts of random shooters, of course, but it’s easy to see how telling people that they are in a war, that there are invaders everywhere, and that the invaders will r**e or kill them is not making acts like this any less likely.)"
A disturbing book plans a ruthless total war against the “unhuman” left.