Two years ago, we embarked on the ambitious journey of recording the Divine Liturgy as composed and compiled by Gabriel Cremeens, our esteemed assistant director and project leader for this endeavor. Over the course of two grueling days, we labored tirelessly, driven by the conviction that we were crafting a truly exceptional example of Byzantine Chant in the English language. Despite the challenges, we remained steadfast in our commitment to excellence.
Originally slated for release in Christmas of 2022, unforeseen circumstances intervened. Both our producer, John Michael Boyer, and our ensemble director, Samuel Herron, underwent significant life changes, including securing new jobs, relocating across the country, and embracing the joys of parenthood. Consequently, the project faced delays. However, after much perseverance and dedication, we are thrilled to announce that it has reached its completion and is now on the verge of being released to the world.
To all those who supported us during our Kickstarter campaign two years ago, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering patience and encouragement. We sincerely hope that the final product exceeds your expectations and proves to be worth the wait.
To our new listeners, we extend a warm welcome. We invite you to immerse yourselves in our humble rendition of the Divine Liturgy in the 1st Mode, and we hope that it resonates with your hearts and souls.
Details of the release are soon to follow. Thank you.