Local Tiger International (羅威國際)

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  • Local Tiger International (羅威國際)

Local Tiger International (羅威國際) We produce all types of Documentaries, Films & Corporate Videos. Please contact us for more detail. http://www.locotiger.com

Local Tiger International is a documentary production company. By integrating audiovisual resources from Asia and Europe, we provide an excellent platform for all kinds of international production.


奧運剛剛結束, 但運動的精神與價值永遠與我們同在!! Taiwan’s Mega Factories第五集, 將揭密全球第二大的健身器材工廠。讓大家揮汗如雨的橢圓機, 隱藏了甚麼樣的人體工學秘密? 你知道最受歡迎的跑步機, 在百年前竟然是監...

奧運剛剛結束, 但運動的精神與價值永遠與我們同在!!

Taiwan’s Mega Factories第五集, 將揭密全球第二大的健身器材工廠。讓大家揮汗如雨的橢圓機, 隱藏了甚麼樣的人體工學秘密? 你知道最受歡迎的跑步機, 在百年前竟然是監獄裡懲罰受刑人的工具嗎!? 人工智慧的導入, 讓這些冷冰冰的運動器材、變身成為你的專屬健身教練, 教你用最聰明的方式、燃燒最多的卡路里。

The Olympics might be over, but the spirit of sports lives on! 💪
In the latest 5th episode of Taiwan’s Mega Factories, we dive into the world’s second-largest fitness equipment maker. Discover the secrets behind the elliptical machines and the surprising history of treadmills, once used to punish prisoners. Plus, see how AI is turning gym gear into your personal trainer. Let’s get ready to sweat it out together!

Step inside the world’s second-largest fitness equipment factory to see how treadmills and ellipticals are made. Fitness equipment like elliptical machines, ...

從你家的落地窗、手機的螢幕、你極度依賴的5G高速網絡, 到你手上握著裝有冰涼冷飲的瓶子…. 它是一個平凡到幾乎沒有存在感的材料, 但卻也是一個你生活中時時刻刻離不開的東西。Taiwan’s Mega Factories第四集, 將帶大家走進...

從你家的落地窗、手機的螢幕、你極度依賴的5G高速網絡, 到你手上握著裝有冰涼冷飲的瓶子…. 它是一個平凡到幾乎沒有存在感的材料, 但卻也是一個你生活中時時刻刻離不開的東西。
Taiwan’s Mega Factories第四集, 將帶大家走進全球第五大玻璃工廠- Taiwan Glass。從容器玻璃、平板玻璃到邁向AI世代的玻璃纖維。在這座熾熱的超級工廠裡, 1600度的高溫, 熔出了無與倫比的堅硬與剔透, 也形塑出了未來世界的樣子。

From the windows in your home to the screen on your phone, glass is everywhere in our lives!
Don’t miss the 4th episode of "Taiwan’s Mega Factories" as we explore the world’s 5th largest glass factory, Taiwan Glass. See how this super factory’s 1600-degree heat creates the amazing glass that shapes our future!

Glass has been an important material in human societies since its invention over 4,000 years ago. But how is glass made, and why is it still so essential tod...

Taiwan’s Mega Factories第三集來囉! 本集將帶領大家進入豪華遊艇的世界。超過一年以上的建造期、涵蓋千道以上製程步驟,打造出價值超過上億元的海上皇宮。這個世界上最貴的大玩具,是台灣在國際舞台嶄露頭角的另一個榮耀。片中除了...

Taiwan’s Mega Factories第三集來囉! 本集將帶領大家進入豪華遊艇的世界。超過一年以上的建造期、涵蓋千道以上製程步驟,打造出價值超過上億元的海上皇宮。這個世界上最貴的大玩具,是台灣在國際舞台嶄露頭角的另一個榮耀。片中除了follow豪華遊艇從設計到下水的製造過程之外,還記錄了全球少見的 “陸上行舟”。跟著我們一起進入超級遊艇工廠的世界吧!
#超級工廠 #遊艇 #嘉鴻遊艇 #遊艇王國

Have you ever wondered how the world’s grandest yachts are made? Step inside a Taiwanese mega factory that produces some of the most customizable yachts in the world. This episode documents the entire yacht production process, from design to mold making, fabrication, joinery, and testing. Come witness the shipbuilding expertise that makes Taiwan one of the top yacht producers in the world.

Have you ever wondered how the world’s grandest yachts are made? Step inside a Taiwanese mega factory that produces some of the most customizable yachts in t...

公司最新力作…. 即將登場….Exciting news! Our latest documentary series is on the horizon—stay tuned for its upcoming release! 🎥

公司最新力作…. 即將登場….
Exciting news! Our latest documentary series is on the horizon—stay tuned for its upcoming release! 🎥

TaiwanPlus前進晶片大廠美光科技 冠軍產業紀錄片全球首播 | 2024-02-06 11:12:00

很高興與大家分享,我們的6-ep系列紀錄片-《城市再生系列》成為TaiwanPlus在2023年收視率最高的系列節目。感謝大家的支持與協助~ Pleased to share that our documentary series 'Rev...

Pleased to share that our documentary series 'Revitalizing Cities' emerged as the top-watched series on TaiwanPlus in 2023! 🌟 Grateful for the incredible support. Cheers to everyone who joined us on this journey! 🎉

來囉~「城市再生系列」紀錄短片第六集:藝術之都台北,已正式在Taiwan Plus播出。。。全球疫情稍歇的片刻,台北準備迎來重要的藝術盛事:一座被譽為世界百大最佳景點的表演藝術中心;一場集結上千位藝術家、亞洲歷史最悠久的藝術博覽會…. ,它...

來囉~「城市再生系列」紀錄短片第六集:藝術之都台北,已正式在Taiwan Plus播出。。。全球疫情稍歇的片刻,台北準備迎來重要的藝術盛事:一座被譽為世界百大最佳景點的表演藝術中心;一場集結上千位藝術家、亞洲歷史最悠久的藝術博覽會…. ,它們即將為城市的藝術地圖,標誌上嶄新註記,目標是將台北打造成風格獨具、無可取代的藝術之都。
Here comes the EP6 of our series docu- Revitalizing Cities: Taipei, City of Art.
Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, its political and economic center. But it’s not just concerned with administration and the flow of money. It has come to flourish as a place of unparalleled creativity. The city is home to a thriving arts scene, with an exciting new venue at its heart. And it’s about to host thousands of artists, all coming together for one of the oldest and biggest art fairs in Asia. Together they are cementing Taipei’s place as a unique, irreplaceable center for all the arts.

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan, its political and economic center. But it’s not just concerned with administration and the flow of money. It has come to flourish as a place of unparalleled creativity. The city is home to a thriving arts scene, with an exciting new venue at its heart. And it’s a...

我們團隊製作的「城市再生系列」紀錄短片第四集:淡江大橋,已正式在Taiwan Plus播出囉~ 淡水河是北台灣最重要的河川,在它的出海口,一項野心勃勃的計劃正如火如荼展開…. 跟我們一起來看看這座即將破紀錄、成為世界最大單塔不對稱斜張橋的台...

我們團隊製作的「城市再生系列」紀錄短片第四集:淡江大橋,已正式在Taiwan Plus播出囉~ 淡水河是北台灣最重要的河川,在它的出海口,一項野心勃勃的計劃正如火如荼展開…. 跟我們一起來看看這座即將破紀錄、成為世界最大單塔不對稱斜張橋的台灣新地標- 淡江大橋!
Here comes the EP4 of our series docu- Revitalizing Cities: Danjiang Bridge.
The Tamsui River is the most significant waterway in northern Taiwan. The estuary, just before the river spills into the Taiwan Strait, is the site of a major new engineering project. One that’s going to set records, with a main span of nearly a kilometer and a tower some 70 stores high. It’s to become a new landmark in the region – and around the world. This is the Danjiang Bridge.

The Tamsui River is the most significant waterway in northern Taiwan. Its basin runs 160km through some of the island’s most densely populated regions. The estuary, just before the river spills into the Taiwan Strait, is the site of a major new engineering project. One that’s going to set record...

開春新作第二發…. 「城市再生系列: 第二集 搶救城市之河」,已正式在Taiwan Plus播出囉~ 橫跨台中舊城區的綠川,如何從一條惡名昭彰的排水溝,重新找回原有的清新及歷史人文風貌,本片將帶著大家一同認識這段老台中的故事。本片的完成,要...

開春新作第二發…. 「城市再生系列: 第二集 搶救城市之河」,已正式在Taiwan Plus播出囉~ 橫跨台中舊城區的綠川,如何從一條惡名昭彰的排水溝,重新找回原有的清新及歷史人文風貌,本片將帶著大家一同認識這段老台中的故事。
Our latest series docu- Revitalizing Cities: EP2 Urban River's Rescue in Taichung.
All around the world, rivers are an essential part of a city's identity. Sometimes left to pollution, they can easily suffer from public dislike. This documentary explores the case of Taichung, central Taiwan, where an ambitious urban renewal plan has decided to give back to the Green River its original place: a natural element preserved for the benefit of the inhabitants, at the heart of the old city.

All around the world, rivers are an essential part of a city's identity. Sometimes left to pollution, they can easily suffer from public dislike. This documentary explores the case of Taichung, central Taiwan, where an ambitious urban renewal plan has decided to give back to the Green River its orig...

公司開春新作「城市再生系列: 第一集 高雄老火車站搬遷」,已正式在Taiwan Plus上架播出~ 重達近三千噸的歷史古蹟,即將被搬回城市的中軸線,一段非常值得保留的珍貴紀錄。Our latest series docu- Revitali...

公司開春新作「城市再生系列: 第一集 高雄老火車站搬遷」,已正式在Taiwan Plus上架播出~ 重達近三千噸的歷史古蹟,即將被搬回城市的中軸線,一段非常值得保留的珍貴紀錄。
Our latest series docu- Revitalizing Cities: EP1 Relocating Kaohsiung Main Station.
From constructing efficient transportation networks to implementing sustainable policies, the world's major metropolises face urgent urban challenges. In this context, how can we ensure the preservation of historic elements while allowing for the proper evolution of the city? This documentary explores the case of Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan, where an underground rail project led to the relocation of the Japanese-era imperial train station.

From constructing efficient transportation networks to implementing sustainable policies, the world's major metropolises face urgent urban challenges. In this context, how can we ensure the preservation of historic elements while allowing for the proper evolution of the city? This documentary explor...


What a great honor! Local Tiger International just grabs 2 National Wins at the Asian Academy Creative Awards 2021!!

* Best Documentary (one-off): Asia’s Housing Experiments
* Best Lifestyle Programme: Hakka Renaissance 2- Liudui

Thank you the Asian Academy Creative Awards! Both these two programs/ series were completed during the pandemic. From Taipei, Hong Kong to Mongolia and finally back to Southern Taiwan. It was really a challenging and unforgettable journey. Thanks to all the friends who have helped us. Congrats to the whole team and let's have our fingers crossed for the final Asian competition in Dec.

從新加坡捎來了好消息! 我們公司在今年的亞洲影藝創意大獎Asian Academy Creative Awards,共贏得了二項國家獎 !!

* 最佳紀錄片: 打造亞洲社會住宅
* 最佳生活風格節目: 客家文藝復興2- 靚靚六堆

謝謝評審和主辦單位的青睞,這二部紀錄片/ 系列紀錄片都是在新冠疫情期間艱苦完成的,從台北、香港、蒙古、最後又回到了南台灣,我們團隊一起走過了這個充滿挑戰的旅程,要謝謝所有在拍攝期間給予我們協助的朋友們。今年12月我們將代表台灣,與亞洲其他地區的入選代表,共同角逐亞洲最佳紀錄片大獎! 祝我們好運,也再次感謝大家的支持!!

Sunny Han, Jose Miguel Garcia Sanchez, Juan Canton Vega, Arigun Khurlee, 林俊嵐, Wei Jay, Carol Hann, Jonathan Schütz, Arvid Torres, 胡德煒 Arigun Khurlee 👍👍👍


Our latest documentary- Asia's Housing Experiments
June 6th at 8pm on National Geographic
羅威國際最新紀錄片- 打造亞洲社會住宅
6/6 (日) 晚上8點 國家地理頻道

Our latest documentary- Asia's Housing ExperimentsJune 6th at 8pm on National Geographic羅威國際最新紀錄片- 打造亞洲社會住宅6/6 (日) 晚上8點 ...

Our latest documentary- Asia's Housing Experiments
June 6th at 8pm on National Geographic
羅威國際最新紀錄片- 打造亞洲社會住宅
6/6 (日) 晚上8點 國家地理頻道


從去年開始、隨著疫情在全球各地的爆發 (包括最近的台灣),悲傷的告別、遠距的思念,還有對未知的恐懼,讓這個世界再也不一樣了。

在舉世聞名的香港天際線之下,隱藏著令人難以想像的居住壓力,有20萬人口住在狹小 (空間往往不到一坪)、不見天日的分租屋中 (就是大家所熟知的籠屋、棺材房),當地人稱之為 "劏房";在蒙古的烏蘭巴托,遊牧民族的城市化,竟讓這裡成為全世界空汙最嚴重 (PM2.5超標133倍)、最不宜人居的首都;而在台北,喊了這麼多年的居住正義,仍舊是一個遙不可及的夢想…..



這三座城市… 各自有不同的文化和居住問題,

我們團隊在歷經香港動亂、疫情爆發、蒙古鎖國等眾多考驗之後,心中充滿感激完成的紀錄片-「打造亞洲社會住宅/ Asia’s Housing Experiments」,即將於台灣時間6/6 (本周日)、晚上8點,於18台國家地理頻道首播。誠摯邀請各位好朋友給予我們指教,謝謝大家。

Asia is one the most economically dynamic continents of the 21st Century. With 120,000 newly urbanised people every day, the cities are becoming crowded. Lac...


恁仔細!!! 我們去年幫國家地理頻道拍攝的系列紀錄片"Hakka Renaissance 2- Liudui (客家文藝復興第二季-靚靚六堆)", 榮獲2021年休士頓國際影展(WorldFest Houston International Film Festival)/ 文化歷史系列影片金獎 (Gold REMI Award), 謝謝團隊的努力, 也謝謝客家鄉親在拍攝期間對我們的協助, 再次感謝大家的支持!! 我們會繼續努力!!

Our NatGeo documentary series "Hakka Renaissance 2- Liudui" has won the Gold REMI Award at the prestigious 2021 WorldFest Houston International Film Festival/ category: Information, Cultural and Historical series program. Congrats to the whole team and thanks for everyone’s kind support and help!!



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