Doc Cinematography Reel 2024 | Jesse Freeston
NEW REEL. Some premium selections from my recent cinematography work.
"Intro" - Weval
"Get A Move On" - Mr. Scruff
"Hypin' Woman Blues" - T-Bone Walker
Featuring collaborations with Ultima Esuna, Thies Beckers, Waahli aka Wyzah, Diego Briceño, Esteban Baruc Alvarez-Mares, Christoffer Keyfor, Tamara Sevunts, Mariano Franco, Zahra Moloo, POP Montreal, Ahren Belisle Comedy, Stephanie Osorio - Music, and many others that I can't find on here...
My astonishing voyage 2km below the Earth’s surface (that’s five Empire State Buildings) to find out how dangerous nuclear radiation is.
One Question While Packing for #Cop27
I'm on my way to film #COP27 for Decouple Media, here's one burning question while I pack.
One CRUCIAL Lesson for the Climate Movement from the HIV-AIDS Movement
In the 1980s the Reagan Administration and the HIV/AIDS movement ACT UP feuded over how to respond to a deadly pandemic. Reagan promoted behavior change (abstinence). ACT UP said the government should fund tech research.
ACT UP won and the new drugs that emerged saved tens of millions of lives. (Unfortunately many in Africa and elsewhere are still waiting for the benefits of this.)
The question I'm asking though is: In the face of global warming, is the climate movement acting more like Reagan or like Act Up (when it comes to technology)?
The empire takes lots of notes.
World's BIGGEST Nuclear Plant (it's in Canada)
I got a VIP tour of the largest active nuclear plant in the world, Bruce Power, the plant that made Ontario the home of North America’s largest-ever emissions reduction, when it replaced coal with #nuclearpower.
The world of #climateaction is always asking for #sustainable replacements to fossil fuels that work at scale. Well, Ontario is one of just a few electrical grids in the world that did just that with the help of homemade Candu reactors, and a little emotional support from Drake and Justin Bieber.
#factsnotfear #climateaction #sciencematters
Hangin out by the (spent nuclear fuel) pool.
So I was hanging out by the (spent nuclear fuel) pool....
A lil' teaser from the latest episode of Decouple Studios on my tour of the world's largest active nuclear plant. Dropping next week.
Third and final installment on my funky video trilogy to launch Waahli's lastest album. Theme: we all get by with a lotta help from our friends. #mtlmusic
Hasta siempre abuela
“Nunca mi vida ha sido tan feliz como en estos días después del golpe de estado. Porque solo censados tengo 2 milliones 500 mil nietos. Eso es lo que tengo.”
- La abuela de la resistencia hondureña, Dionisia Díaz , 2013.
Abuela, ayer se nos fue el privilegio de visitarte en carne y hueso, pero tu espíritu repercutirá, amplificado por tu megáfono, por siempre en los corazones de l@s que tuvimos la suerte de caminar contigo.
En mis 15 años de documentalista/periodista he seguido a varios grandes, y en cada uno se puede identificar unas virtudes a imitar. Pero la abuela figura en la cortíssima lista de personas que pueden servir de modelo completo del buen conducto durante nuestras cortíssimas estadías en el planeta.
Pero mucha plática ya, mejor que la miren en acción. Aquí el segmento de 3 minutos sobre la hermosa candidatura elecoral de la abuela en medio de las horrorosas elecciones del 2013. Parte del documental “Los votantes golpeados” que hice con el gran periodista Félix Molina.
(lo pueden ver completo aquí: )
Que en sonrisas descanses abuela. Nos distes tantas. Te amo.