Sennheiser’s top-of-the-line headphone system is $70,000 USD. We got an exclusive look with Eric Palonen @ericpalonen at CanJam SoCal 2024 of the Sennheiser HE 1 Electrostatic headphone system.
@sennheiser @canjamglobal
If you want one, better get on the waitlist, because they’re custom made in Tullamore, Ireland.
#sennheiser #canjamsocal #electrostatic #headphones #luxuryheadphones #sennheiserhe1 #electrostaticheadphones
The Audma Maestro HPA1 headphone amplifier actually does make headphones sound like speakers.
We spoke with its inventor, Cesare Mattòli @audmaofficial at CanJam SoCal 2024 @canjamglobal
Available now for 9600 USD
#canjamsocal #canjamsocal2024 #audma #headphoneamp #crossfeed #headphoneamplifier #headfi #hitechsolutions
Ever been confused about A/V Receiver model names? You’re not alone. Today’s reel is for you.
Well done @marantzofficial
Video in collaboration with @ealanosborne
#avreceiver #hometheater #modelname #techfun #techhumor #techfunny #avr #marantz
What do you think about Dongle DACs? What do you think about one that looks like a mini cassette player? ❤️ ❤️
Check out the new @fiioofficial KA15 for 109 USD
Video in collaboration with @ealanosborne
#fiio #ka15 #dongledac #usbdac #usbc #hiresaudio #minicassette #funsizetech #portableaudio #portabledac #fiioka15
Do you have a home? Do you like sound? Check out the new Bose SoundLink Home portable Bluetooth speaker for 219 USD.
Original song by @ealanosborne
@bose #bose #soundlink #soundlinkhome #bluetoothspeaker #portablespeaker #portableaudio #bosesoundlink #bosesoundlinkhome
For Prime Big Deal Days, TCL is offering up all of their high performance 98-inch QLED TVs at substantial savings including the least expensive 98-inch TV we’ve ever seen starting at 1798 USD.
Video In collaboration with @ealanosborne
@tcl_usa @amazonprime #primeday #primedaydeals #amazonprime #amazonprimebigdealdays #tcl #4ktv
QUICK SECRET: The ear pads on your headphones can make a huge difference how they sound. Dylan @dekoniaudio explains the differences at @canjamglobal SoCal 2024.
#canjamsocal2024 #canjam #dekoni #deoniaudio #earpads #headphones #headfi
Check out the craziest headphones in the world that you probably can’t even buy!
We caught up with the creator of all these headphones at CanJam SoCal 2024. Full video coming soon.
#canjamsocal #pud #pud667 #headphones #audophile
Video in collaboration with @ealanosborne
Check out the Chord Alto at CanJam SoCal 2024. It’s both a headphone and speaker amplifier for near field use, delivering 50 watts per channel for speakers and driving up to four pairs of headphones simultaneously.
It features a compact 1U design for easy rack integration, with two 3.5 mm and two 6.35 mm headphone outputs on the front panel.
Equipped with balanced and unbalanced inputs, as well as XLR outputs for external monitor control, the Alto offers versatility and high-quality audio performance in any professional setup.
MSRP: 4320 USD @thesoundorg
@chordelectronics @canjamglobal
#canjamsocal2024 #chord #chordalto #headphoneamp #speakeramp #canjam #soundorg
Watch until the end to learn how to get Audeze’s $6.000 new CRBN2 electrostatic open-back headphones with SLAM for only $995.
@audeze CRBN2 (pronounced carbon 2) $5,995 USD
#audeze #crbn2 #openbackheadphones
Recorded at @canjamglobal SoCal last weekend.
HIFiMAN at CanJam SoCal 2024 demonstrated their new flagship Susvara Unveiled, HE1000 Unveiled and ANANDA-BT R2R open-back planar magnetic headphones.
#hifiman #canjamsocal2024 #susvaraunveiled #he1000unveiled #anandabt #openbackheadphones #planarmagneticheadphones #wirelessheadphones