Ray Ramon was born in Lagos, Nigeria and immigrated to Australia in 2002. He gained Australian citizenship in 2006. Jenni Ramon was born in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. Ray and Jenni got married in 2011 after meeting at a Karaoke event and both agree it was love at first sight. Before they both met Ray was predominantly a gospel singer, once together they formed a strong love and chose to write song
s together of how they met and the life and love they share hence giving birth to a whole new mainstream catalog. Ray is a multi award winning artist and together the couple have also received worldwide recognition for their works. As Independent artists the couple having been through the regiments of how difficult it is for the average musician and Independent artist to get on to certain platforms decided to build a company to help meet these needs. Over the past few years, Ray and Jenni after numerous requests have assisted other artists with International Release of their music and videos, giving on going support and also written songs for numerous artists of different genres. After increasing demands to help other artists achieve musical success from around the world, together Ray and Jenni developed the "Ray Ramon Records" brand thereby opening up an opportunity for up and coming artists to further their musical ambitions.