Tagvverk Journal

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Tagvverk Journal Towards a productive literature. Tagvverk is an online journal publishing poetry, fiction, essays, reviews, criticisms, visual poems, and multimedia projects.

We are a space for textual demonstration and enlivened discussions on literature. You can read our publication and back issues on our website. Please send submissions to [email protected].

Pleased to present “Imperfection, Achieving It,” a sequence of sixteen poems by Mark Francis Johnson.https://tagvverk.in...

Pleased to present “Imperfection, Achieving It,” a sequence of sixteen poems by Mark Francis Johnson.



“What they’ve cried
this evening over

loudspeakers – who knows,
noise. My guess, water is a

the least form of powder?
that’s true. However, that’s wrong

everything is the same,
it’s all conspired to kill

another of my teeth. Dear molar
how seldom really I saw you, yet

I am begging you look at me,
nine teeth down,

grieving you beneath a sky
loudspeakers occupy.

So, this is shock. No further points
just one: it is total fu***ng crap

I should lose another tooth to this world.”


MARK FRANCIS JOHNSON lives in Philadelphia. He is one-third of Hiding Press, along with Andy Martrich and Jon Gorman. His latest book is Diary of a String (Spiral Editions, 2024).

Imperfection, Achieving It   1 For my name-day treat last week’s watery pink dawn. Or, let’s examine a trunk, “a dwindling kit of sharps.” Whenever confusion fails to find expression a…

Pleased to present three poems from Paul Ebenkamp: “Astral Rejection,” “Roomful of Equipment,” and “Peace.”https://tagvv...

Pleased to present three poems from Paul Ebenkamp: “Astral Rejection,” “Roomful of Equipment,” and “Peace.”



PAUL EBENKAMP is author of The Louder the Room the Darker the Screen (Timeless, Infinite Light, 2015), Late Hiss (Desert Pavilion, 2021) and Regular Acid Consciousness (Despite Editions, 2022) and also makes music as Position. He co-curates the Woolsey Heights reading series in Berkeley, CA.

Astral Rejection   Sounds fun I’ll be there. Yet what the odds won’t tell you is it’s an action-comedy truism how so many kisses… emulsify, diminish …these words for world- famous secrets that…

Pleased to present an excerpt from BRICKED by Danny Snelson.https://tagvverk.info/2024/08/13/danny-snelson/*“BRICKED is ...

Pleased to present an excerpt from BRICKED by Danny Snelson.



“BRICKED is an ongoing XR writing environment bearing witness to memory loss.

In the summer of 2019, my family orchestrated what would later become a final vacation with my grandmother, who had recently been diagnosed with dementia, and my father, who passed shortly thereafter. In the work, an exhaustive inventory of the objects that populated this trip is accompanied by text fragments on the losses that accumulate within both human and technical memory systems. These samples are arranged from assets in development, hung upon Tagvverk white as a defense against forgetting.

This version includes soft citations from Lauren Berlant and Kathleen Stewart, Wendy Chun, Hal Foster, N. Katherine Hayles, Habiba Ibrahim, Trevor Owens, Michel Serres, and Mackenzie Wark.”


DANNY SNELSON is a writer, editor, and archivist working as an Assistant Professor in the Departments of English and Design Media Arts at UCLA. Recent works include Elden Poem (Hysterically Real, 2022), Full Bleed: A Mourning Letter for the Printed Page (Sync, 2019), and Apocalypse Reliquary: 1984-2000 (Monoskop, 2018). His forthcoming book, The Little Database: A Poetics of Media Formats (University of Minnesota Press, 2025), examines the networked afterlives of media-reflexive works of art and letters.

                              BRICKED is an ongoing XR writing environment bearing witness to memory loss. In the summer o…

Presenting eight poems by Jeremy Hoevenaar: “Your fingertips,” “Generous loving,” “Trees dropped,” “Lay down these carbs...

Presenting eight poems by Jeremy Hoevenaar: “Your fingertips,” “Generous loving,” “Trees dropped,” “Lay down these carbs,” “Road of excess leads,” “Eye to eye in lanes,” “The concrete blinking,” and “Bracing for inexact.”



“impact smash yrself
against the wall until
yr an abstraction don’t
short sell yr interior
decompositional balance
the infinite’s revealed
in a controlled glitch
life as management
of this bubbling up
of fear my ears are in
my knees when you speak
thank you O unseen
wheelies of light
an extension of the common
resigned feeling then sleep
with the tourmaline
in yr mouth quiet
dreams will pool in
yr unplaceable center…”


JEREMY HOEVENAAR lives in a barrel he can wear to the marketplace. He is the author of Our Insolvency, Cold Mountain Mirror Displacement, and Adaptations of Pelt and Hoof.

Your fingertips imprint the veil removing paralysis one object at a time a dent we seek to match the color of this offloading future—try hoarder— no more leaning stacking pushing under piling on to…

Pleased to present poems by Zoe Darsee.https://tagvverk.info/2024/08/06/zoe-darsee/*“[Seeing bandages as ghoul eyes, see...

Pleased to present poems by Zoe Darsee.



“[Seeing bandages as ghoul eyes, seeing]

Seeing bandages as ghoul eyes, seeing�
thought as blowholes or bandages, white�
gulls, dirty. Flyers already know how�
to move. It’s obvious, thoughts are bandages�
are ghosts healing. Actually�
do not touch me again. This is not frantic�
to be a splayed whale, when I’m all out.�
Then you give me a lemon�
from your grocery bag. What�
if I were a grocery bag.”


ZOE DARSEE was born around noon on a Tuesday. They are the author of BELL LOGIC (Spiral Editions) and Anzündkind (Creative Writing Department). Together with Nadia Marcus, they run TABLOID Press. This work continues. More at zoedarsee.com.

[Mouthgazing] Mouthgazing for the lost popular bougainvillaea eco-poetic RANGE ROVER fire-split mirror “Oh here under here you will see “see” rubs the mouthless, fireless vacuuming lot, “that which…

Presenting “I Did It,” a poem by Josef Kaplan.https://tagvverk.info/2024/08/02/josef-kaplan/*“Everything that was happen...

Presenting “I Did It,” a poem by Josef Kaplan.



“Everything that was happening
in that moment was entirely logical
and understandable – I know that now.
But at the time it was inconceivable.
It’s so funny, how far from ourselves
we can be. I imagine, in that moment,
there were two,
parallel versions of myself,
held within the same outline, their
appearance and movements exactly
the same, doubled so precisely that
any deviance from an absolute
sameness of appearance was
imperceptible to the naked human eye.
And yet, I also imagine that those
two versions of myself existed,
simultaneously, at the furthest
reaches of metaphysical coherence
from one another. They were two
beings sharing an identical
physical reality, and yet
existing in two realities of intention
so dissimilar that it’s maybe impossible
to refer to both as something even
akin to a reality, as if they each
represented a matrix
of discernible, graspable
indicators, some aligned some not.”


JOSEF KAPLAN is the author of Loser, recently out from Make Now Books. His other books include Poem Without Suffering; All Nightmare: Introductions, 2011-2012; Kill List; and Democracy Is Not for the People. He lives in Philadelphia.

I Did It I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t think, even once, before it happened, of wanting to do it, of wanting anyone to do it, let alone me. I was free from want. I was obliviou…

Pleased to present “Ripe Fire,” a poem by Chloe Bliss Snyder. https://tagvverk.info/2024/07/30/chloe-bliss-snyder/*“And ...

Pleased to present “Ripe Fire,” a poem by Chloe Bliss Snyder.



“And yet
schisms like synonyms
are still syntaxing me,
in fissions without frisson, as if
the old ode on Keat’s Greek urn
were in potsherds,
Truth and Beauty
in sharts,
so one reads now only
Know and Need.”


CHLOE BLISS SNYDER lives and writes in upstate New York. Her work has appeared in Annulet, Caesura, Grotto, and New American Poetry, among other publications. Her chapbook Ekho and Narkissos was published by The Swan pamphlet series, and its recording may be heard on PennSound.

RIPE FIRE I. All the card-readers in town have been drawing the Moon for me. God forbid one flips the fifteenth, he’ll see — o, but they tend to not take these things literally. Still, I know they …

Pleased to present an excerpt from Psalms After Jamme by Timothy Otte, comprising English-to-English "translations" of B...

Pleased to present an excerpt from Psalms After Jamme by Timothy Otte, comprising English-to-English "translations" of Biblical Psalms. The pieces primarily rely on the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible and are variations on the "tablet poem" form of Franck André Jamme.



“T O D E T H R O N E
O R E N D F L E S H”


TIMOTHY OTTE (he/they) is the author of the chapbook Rebound, Restart, Renew, Rebuild, Rejoice (Lithic Press), a mentor with the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop, and writer of an occasional newsletter called Stanza Break that focuses on poetry in translation and books outside of a publicity cycle. Other Psalms have appeared in Yalobusha Review, Timber, Sink Review, Bat City Review, and an earlier version of “Psalm 22” appeared in FENCE. Their work has received support from the Minnesota State Arts Board and the Loft Literary Center Mentor Series. Otte lives in North Minneapolis. More at www.timothyotte.com.

** TIMOTHY OTTE (he/they) is the author of the chapbook Rebound, Restart, Renew, Rebuild, Rejoice (Lithic Press), a mentor with the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop, and writer of an occasional ne…

Pleased to present a series of abecedarian-inflected prose poems from “…AGAIN” by Mark Nowak.https://tagvverk.info/2024/...

Pleased to present a series of abecedarian-inflected prose poems from “…AGAIN” by Mark Nowak.


Other poems from “…AGAIN” have previously appeared in Ludd Gang, Threefold, NYTimes, Rabbit: A Journal of Nonfiction Poetry, and in a chapbook from Kenning Editions.


“Lithium. Lingerie. Abandoned NAPA auto parts store near Lebanon Valley Speedway. Old RVs settled in for the upcoming winter. A few leftover fires. Limp tires, retreads. Get Little Caesars delivered. Landscaping businesses. Northern lights. Like it or not. At one point in history we were called the lumpenproletariat (from the German lumpen, “rag, rogue”). Just labor now. Belabored. Refugee workers, migrant child laborers. Crumbling factories that lack investment capital. Lack love. An era that’s lost its luster.”


MARK NOWAK’s books include Shut Up Shut Down, Coal Mountain Elementary, Social Poetics, and …AGAIN (forthcoming), all from Coffee House Press. He recently edited Coronavirus Haiku (Kenning Editions, 2021) and wrote an introduction to Celes Tisdale’s When the Smoke Cleared: Attica Prison Poems and Journal (Duke University Press, 2022). A native of Buffalo, Nowak is founding director of the Worker Writers School.

from …AGAIN   Jack pines. Junk food. 1-800-GOT-JUNK. It’s just another episode of Hoarders. It’s just another empty parking lot outside another shuttered JCPenney. J. Crew relocated to t…

Pleased to present work from Colin Reid Bolton ().https://tagvverk.info/2024/07/19/colin-reid-bolton/Selections include:...

Pleased to present work from Colin Reid Bolton ().


Selections include:
“untitled pages 1-9”
“marmalade emperor corners” (excerpts)
“Eucalyptus” (excerpts)
“and ideas, my son: the Frosted Money of Delaware January”
“the sun’s rays” (excerpts)
as well as an assortment of images (or visual poems, as you like)

Check out the Total Arrangement at tagvverk [dot] info


“under LIZARD color falls
sings it character
threatens to court-martial anyone
who sings the mistake, the song for ‘willing audiences,’
songs which have extremely noisy meanings.”


You can reach COLIN in the clouds at [email protected].


Pleased to present sections 291-300 from “A Thousand Albums” by Brian Ang.https://tagvverk.info/2024/07/16/brian-ang/*“S...

Pleased to present sections 291-300 from “A Thousand Albums” by Brian Ang.



“Self-mythologizing fascist anthem reputation playlists / Revolving cacophony synthesizer sky dissonance transgressions / Label panel barriers / Unfinished hyperactive romantic policing upstairs remix reason spirit hipster / Supplying babble bird mysterians / Cuteness / Smiling star scene avoidance rage crowd voice”


BRIAN ANG wrote The Totality Cantos (Atelos 2022). totalitycantos.net includes the complete text, links to buy copies, and a generator that randomizes assemblages of its one thousand sections. Prose: “Assemblage Poetics”; editor: Assemblage Sampler and ASSEMBLAGE; current poetic project: A Thousand Albums, open to the totality of music.

** BRIAN ANG wrote The Totality Cantos (Atelos 2022). totalitycantos.net includes the complete text, links to buy copies, and a generator that randomizes assemblages of its one thousand sections. P…

Very pleased to present “PATMOS: a hymn” (after hölderlin after grenier after waltuch after dworkin) by Zack Brown.https...

Very pleased to present “PATMOS: a hymn” (after hölderlin after grenier after waltuch after dworkin) by Zack Brown.


Borrowing the html format of Eclipse Archive’s presentation of Robert Grenier’s “Sentences,” Brown’s piece is an interactive homage that acts, through both its formal echoes and sonic mimicry, as a “Grenierian” rewriting of the first four lines of Friedrich Hölderlin’s “Patmos” (1802), using the delayed cognition of Grenier’s work to encompass the poem as a whole in just those lines through puns, resonances, and the process of coming into the intelligibility of the language.


“a forest for us to

it’s hard to
the letter

where a bear is
the letter



ZACK BROWN is a PhD Candidate in the poetics program at SUNY Buffalo. From 2019-2022, with Dana Venerable, he was the co-editor of the literary journal P-Queue. He is the author of Receipts (LUMA/89plus). In 2023, his poem “Deeds of the Princes” appeared in Polish Translation for the “US Poetry” special feature in Wizje magazine. With Courtlin Byrd, Brent Cox, and Simon Eales, he records the podcast Buried Text. In an ongoing project to consider alternate medial possibilities for poetry, he does weekly livestreamed performances of poetry and philosophy on Twitch: twitch.tv/luminancebloom.

        ** ZACK BROWN is a PhD Candidate in the poetics program at SUNY Buffalo. From 2019-2022, with Dana Venerable, he was the co-editor of the literary journal P-Queue. He is…

Very pleased to present "Chora," a poetry sequence by Jessica Rae Elsaesserhttps://tagvverk.info/2024/07/09/jessica-rae-...

Very pleased to present "Chora," a poetry sequence by Jessica Rae Elsaesser



“There are no predatory responses left, pathogenic grief
sensitivity, our body stuff roils at the abstract spatial pattern
lack, distorted and dilating relation—our visions bifurcate,
cluster sticky yellow flowers, ounces of nectar, names we
confuse for being, skin forming contamination bond,
places of trust.”


JESSICA RAE ELSAESSER is a poet whose recent works have been included in Salutations by RVNG Intl., Completely and Without Pause – Feminist Notes on Oppression and Expansion, Thou Who Holds but Owns Not by TLTRPreß, Looking for you by Du-Good Press, and DAISYWORLD MAGAZINE #2. They co-founded A Wrecked Tangle Press, publishing small edition artist’s books from 2008-2018. Their current self-publishing project, Place of the Linden, collaborates with the work of Lindsey Ann Elsaesser.

Chora       Our sound is translucent, soft, watery, crushed between fingers softly pulped, whispers in our ear porous litany— skyline netted white, color blotted out of anything that…

 is thankful for , and for Matthew Goethe’s poems from a manuscript tentatively titled Bonus Futures. Read the full sele...

is thankful for , and for Matthew Goethe’s poems from a manuscript tentatively titled Bonus Futures. Read the full selection on our site!



“I’ve been rather bombarded by Bruce
a heart beats, pondered and then pointed
That is fear at its functional best
awesome thing, I probably didn’t see it
been fruitless been rather converted
My sucker ski bus
under assault
go to a greater or lesser extent in
their is friendly games to keep their engines taking over”


MATTHEW GOETHE is the shell corporealization behind Sweaty Letter. His first book A Snowfire Not Born(e) Again (2021) was published via Sweet Wreath. A new dos-a-dos chapbook with J. Martin Conaway will be released later this year. He makes poems in and around Atlanta, GA.

Bonus Futures   (15:40) I thought my truck / Come on now, just pick the right past they are baby ponies / Mr. Sitter at the whole scene he was in tears and it was heaven neon to hear little bo…

Pleased to present work by Elizabeth Zuba: “ON SPACE AND TIME;” “WHY THINGS GROW UP;” “WHY THINGS GROW ANYWAY;” “ON CYCL...



“Every creature on earth denying their own existence, actually any bird can be taught to sing the song of any other bird if you isolate it and play a recording of the other bird's song on repeat, which people used to have to pay for and pretty steeply too but now it's free on youtube, so that the second bird learns the first bird's song so well it replaces its own song completely, and then that way when the first
bird dies, its song lives on safe and sound in the second bird, although obviously meaning that now the second bird's song is actually lost forever, which is maybe OK on an occasional basis but the problem is when it's happening across whole species, and then genetically and generationally all the way down to the very last one, I mean obviously, but it happens.”


ELIZABETH ZUBA is the author of two works of poetry, Decoherent The Wing’ed (SplitLevel Texts) and the chapbook May Double as a Whistle (The Song Cave). Her most recent book Frog Pond Splash: Collages by Ray Johnson with Texts by William S. Wilson (Siglio Press) was listed as a New York Times Best Art Book of 2020.

ON SPACE AND TIME What is The revolution of cells upon us? The revolution of cells upon us is what should be added to the wall text of drawing exhibits everywhere, even if all you have is a pencil,…

Pleased to present "Pity Rack," a poem by Reuben Gelley Newman.https://tagvverk.info/2024/06/28/reuben-gelley-newman/*"E...

Pleased to present "Pity Rack," a poem by Reuben Gelley Newman.



"Everything’s lost and everything’s fine
Everything’s saved and nothing is fine
Everything’s saved and everything’s fine
Everything’s lost and nothing is fine"


REUBEN GELLEY NEWMAN is the author of Feedback Harmonies (Seven Kitchens Press), a chapbook inspired by Arthur Russell. He is a writer, musician, and librarian-in-training based in New York City, and he coedits for Couplet Poetry. Recent poems have appeared in Prelude, Salamander, Ninth Letter, and mercury firs.

Pity Rack May 2024 after seeing Arthur’s City Park, September 30, 2023, at the NYC AIDS Memorial directed by Nick Hallett   ~   Scratch loop Hocket Left pocket Headrush Peter pipes a perf…


Pleased to present poems by Jesie Gaston: “A DISPATCH FROM DEATH ISLAND;” “WEDNESDAY NIGHT MUSIC AT TANGIBLE BOOKS;” “HAMBURGER MN, OR: THE HEART;” “CLASSIC JOKE;” and “(SCENE: THE PERSONALS SECTION)." Read the full poems at Tagvverk.info — — —


“I can smell the grease from here:�
putrescence, fat drips�
decohering as ersatz:�
sweat, tears. Anything of use�
sloughed off in�
some inferno,�
(perfect broast�
on their backs)�
as if the black skins�
of half chickens�
at Pollo Express,

Transmuted to some poor creature�
come to in the instant it�
must give up the ghost.”



JESIE is a writer & filmmaker based in Chicago. Their first book of poetry is forthcoming with Propeller Books.

A DISPATCH FROM DEATH ISLAND The dial is unsure as the one, urgent, comes through precise in( andbetween ! !) each moment yet hopeless in whole for any shape but shapeless as the fingers at the kno…

Presenting two poems by Hunter Larson: “the color of love” and “we are obligated to love that which destroys us.”https:/...

Presenting two poems by Hunter Larson: “the color of love” and “we are obligated to love that which destroys us.”



“An hour spent thoughtless like glass
Wet pavement reflecting a ragged light
Back into the faces of the ones we love
But my intentions are completely porcelain
I mean I shatter them anyway
Settling back into a kind of bright relief
As my landlord pins her eyes on the future”


HUNTER LARSON is a poet from the Midwest pursuing an MFA in poetry at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and is the winner of the Fifth Annual Brannan Prize, selected by Vi Khi Nao. You can read his work in the Poetry Project Newsletter. He is also co-editor of the poetry journal and critical archive Little Mirror.

  the color of love   I love poetry, but it’s a death cult Of love, non stop repetitive chiming of the I I love language but I hate the way We use it, we use The bad s**t we do with it Co…

Pleased to present three poems by Claire Dougherty: “Women,” “Hollywood of the North,” and “Men.”*“The artist loves to s...

Pleased to present three poems by Claire Dougherty: “Women,” “Hollywood of the North,” and “Men.”


“The artist loves to say that women / have a natural access to blood, while men / can only access it through war, / circumcision or hunting. What about doctors? / I want to ask, but I’m only an assistant. I no longer / menstruate. My IUD has finally cut off / my natural access to blood. The artist / talks about his colors, his famous blood red and / electric blue which looks nothing like the sky / but he speaks not on the flat pale Crayola flesh tone / of the body of the mother whose va**na he’s torn apart / to access her blood. Who is she? Kris Jenner, a famous mother / wanted to meet the artist and see his paintings, so on Sunday / morning when the gallery was closed I came to turn / on the lights for her and to offer her water…”
— from “Women”


CLAIRE DOUGHERTY can be found in Fence, Iterant, Second Factory, and Wyrm. She is a co-founding editor of RECLINER. Her chapbook The Claire Bitch Project is forthcoming from Theaphora Editions. She is from Stockton, CA and lives and works in Los Angeles.

Women Women still must be sexy in order to command attention. Men continue being completely on the nose. There really is a famous very rich male artist Painting very large paintings Of mutilated va…

Pleased to present four poems by PJ Lombardo, from a sequence of ekphrasis-on-film titled “Motions.”“I will break a scre...

Pleased to present four poems by PJ Lombardo, from a sequence of ekphrasis-on-film titled “Motions.”

“I will break a screwdriver
inside your ignition

and all the poems we wrote apart will melt together
like hot steel
on an untended highway
somewhere below los angeles
animalic, afloat“


PJ LOMBARDO is a writer from New Jersey. He earned an MFA from the University of Notre Dame and he co-founded GROTTO, a journal of grotesque-surrealist poetry. HATE, DANCE, his chapbook, was recently released by Bottlecap Press. Read his work in Works & Days, The Quarterless Review, SARKA, Spectra Poets, The Brooklyn Rail and elsewhere.

Pecked Apart by Crows with Your Back Flat Against the Wooden Floor-Panels after Manhattan Baby (1982)   So lost inside this visiting bruise Eyes fastened, a husk of prior revolts Blue tearligh…

Pleased to present new work by Ed Steck.ED STECK is the author of A Place Beyond Shame (Wonder, 2023), An Interface for ...

Pleased to present new work by Ed Steck.

ED STECK is the author of A Place Beyond Shame (Wonder, 2023), An Interface for a Fractal Landscape (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2019), The Garden (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2013), and more. He lives in Pittsburgh, PA.

                  **                         **             &n…

Pleased to present four poems by Amalia Tenuta: “BLOOD LASER,” “HEAT WRITING,” “SMOOTH DIFFERENCE,” and “homed.”“imagine...

Pleased to present four poems by Amalia Tenuta: “BLOOD LASER,” “HEAT WRITING,” “SMOOTH DIFFERENCE,” and “homed.”

“imagine critique a difficult person test
it too the characteristic an incident report
& now even more community property”

AMALIA TENUTA is a poet currently residing in Minneapolis. She is the author of the chapbook The Primitive Accumulation of Realness.

BLOOD LASER   i have come to know girlhood & unfortunately am still there: folded in the rain room face apocalypse failure not the movement of fluidity though certainly its residual & …



** EMMETT LEWIS holds an MFA in poetry from Columbia University where he was the recipient of a Creative Writing Teaching Fellowship. His work has appeared in fieldnotes; Works & Days; berlin …

Pleased to present “A Poem on Oil for the Occasion of the End of Winter” by Nicodemus Nicoludis.“Manhattan panorama, / r...

Pleased to present “A Poem on Oil for the Occasion of the End of Winter” by Nicodemus Nicoludis.

“Manhattan panorama, / rose petal building tops / on the morning commute / in which I take several / forms of transportation: / my feet walk to a subway which moves toward / the ferry across the river, watching carefully the other / boats. The UN comes into view, the police are set up / in their boats too, the president is in town.”

NICODEMUS NICOLUDIS is a poet, PhD student at the CUNY Graduate Center, and co-founder/managing editor of Archway Editions. He is the author of Multicene (2023) and lives in Queens.

A Poem on Oil for the Occasion of the End of Winter   1.   To state something simply To unfold your hands– To have the compassion for anyone– if it is what you are moving toward To spend …

Pleased to present three poems by Delilah Silberman: "The Waiting," "Pool," and "A Measure."

Pleased to present three poems by Delilah Silberman: "The Waiting," "Pool," and "A Measure."

THE WAITING To follow a thought, think in its way and think at its end I did. I did it well, maybe not at all. Attached, to each other. What is attached? What is to each other? Almost all of the tu…

Very pleased to present “The Dwelling Rooms Within, Awake with Birds’ Departures” by Elijah Guerra.This ekphrastic seque...

Very pleased to present “The Dwelling Rooms Within, Awake with Birds’ Departures” by Elijah Guerra.

This ekphrastic sequence responds to the work of the surrealist painter Remedios Varo (1908-1963).

The Dwelling Rooms Within, Awake with Birds’ Departures   In dwelling is becoming, a liquifying, a vaporizing to ecology.   Entity & atmosphere co-compose their vibrancies.   In …

Pleased to present "Eight Folds" by Jack Bachmann:

Pleased to present "Eight Folds" by Jack Bachmann:

** JACK BACHMANN lives and writes in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His work has appeared in Mold, ÖMËGÄ, and micro/MACRO among other places, including two chapbooks, Dayglo and Soft Static Crushes. He is…

Presenting: "How old give me that old feeling" by Elizabeth Mikesch-- https://tagvverk.info/2024/04/23/elizabeth-mikesch...

Presenting: "How old give me that old feeling" by Elizabeth Mikesch--


"we’re born with an eye color
most of my friends have more than one eye
more than two colored eyes!
I have beautiful taste in the soul
yet this negator did not do it for me
so these days i spend a great deal of time
hazily removing myself
from public databases
so as not to be found"

How old give me that old feeling say together an angry lover of words rots at the sentence says everybody talks about their time in the garden names like Forsythia I hear and then i hear little mou…

Pleased to present "Fume Lapse (Jan-June 2022) by Joshua Wilkerson

Pleased to present "Fume Lapse (Jan-June 2022) by Joshua Wilkerson

Fume Lapse (Jan-June 2022)     In Fashion 5:52: a pigeon with a leaf hat. Air raid signal at Target. Long-haired elders in camo. No, the other shade of camo.       Telescop…



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Tagvverk is an online journal publishing literature, essays, reviews, criticisms and visual poems. We are a space for textual demonstration and enlivened discussions on literature. You can read our publication and back issues on our website. Please send submissions to [email protected].