Directions: Social and Behavioral Sciences: Education; Psychology; Health Care Science; Rehabilitation. International Journal of Science Annals (IJSA)
Issue of International Periodical Scientific Peer-Reviewed Journal IJSA
Рrint ISSN: 2617-2682; Online ISSN: 2707-3637; DOI: 10.26697/ijsa
IJSA considers for publication of Original Research and Review Articles in the following directions - Social an
d Behavioral Sciences: Education; Psychology; Health Care Science; Rehabilitation. Covered in: IJSA is presented in 30 international scientometric databases, repositories and search engines: Crossref System, Google Scholar, COPE; DOAJ; ERIH PLUS; Publons; EndNote Click; ResearchGate; Dimensions; Zenodo; Index Copernicus, etc. Join our Official Facebook Group to participate in the conversation. To find more information, click the link below:
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