All Nigerian youths movement -kungiyar matasan Nigeria

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All Nigerian youths movement -kungiyar matasan Nigeria our choice is nothing but youths in politics Is time to wake up and make a move


The power they took away from the youth will soon return to them


One day the poor will have nothing left to eat but the reach.The youth will have nothing left to dethroned but the powerful politicians


"Awolowo was 37 years,
Akintola 36,
Ahmadu Bello 36,
Balewa 34,
Okotie-Eboh 27
and Enahoro 27
And they led the struggle for Nigeria Independence
the death of Macaulay. Only Zik was 42 at the time!
In 1966, the first military coup was led by K
Nzeogwu who was 29 years and countered by
M.Mohammed 28,
T. Danjuma 28,
I. Babangida 25,
J. Garba 23,
Sani Abacha 23,
and M. Yar'adua 23,
And brought into power
Y. Gowon 32,
Ojukwu 33,
Obasanjo 29,
And Buhari 24!
Most of the military governors who governed the
states under the successive military regimes were
under 30 years.
Also, the brief democratic dispensation which
interjected the military interregnums also saw some
Senators and members of the House of
Representatives, in particular, populated by persons
under 30!
Under 30's were also not in short supply with
appointments - we have examples of
MT Mbu who became Nigeria's Foreign Affairs
Minister at 23 and Pat Utomi who became a
Federal Adviser at 27
And so on and so forth!
NOW: Why is it that almost all this age bracket is
today still sleeping in 3-seater chairs in their
parents’ homes?
Why is it that this age bracket is today still
collecting pocket money from their parents?
Why is it that this age bracket is today still writing
Why is it that this age bracket today still 'sagg' their
Why is it that this age bracket is today still
searching for jobs and not yet married?
Why is it that this age bracket is today no longer
qualified to even be leaders of youth wings of
political parties?
Why is it that this age bracket is today so docile?
Why is this age bracket today incapable of feeding
Why is it that this age bracket is today barred from
even aspiring to certain political offices?
Why is it that this age bracket is today
incapacitated, unwilling, unable and incapable of
asking questions?


Abdulwahab Ibrahim
April 18, 2019
[email protected]

In my observation, the children of the poor are at serious disadvantage in most of the recruitment exercises in both the public and private sectors of the economy due to age limit.This "unjust" practice which has been ongoing for many years is against Social Justice.

Virtually all Nigerian's Jobs seekers are now "age falsifiers" due to the "unjust"fixing of 25 years maximum, in most cases, as the "recruitment" or "employment" age. Sadly to note, none of our lawmakers have ever thought of sponsoring a not- too- old to be employed bill.

We need our legislators, if they are truly for the poor, to sponsor a bill which will at least fix 40 years as maximum age for employment of fresh graduates in both the public and private sectors of the economy.

The argument is for the children of the poor who mostly have an average age of 30 years for graduation due to certain factors as against the children of the rich with an average of 22 years for graduation.There could be, of course, very few cases where the poorman's child finishes on time, but we do not use minority as bases for judgement.

I am not unaware of the fact that, employers have preference for younger employees in order to maximize their years of service, but the argument is for the children of the poor who need to be protected in the interest of Social Justice.

Under normal circumstances one is supposed to graduate at the age of 22 for a four years course. Most pupils start primary school from 6 to 12 years, secondary from 12 to 18 years and university from 18 to 22 years.Sadly to note, this is not so with most of the children of the poor due to certain factors.

Some of the reasons that lead to the longer years of graduation for the poorman's child is that, it is possible for him to reach his final year without WAEC fees, if he eventually gets it, it is very possible for him to write it for good two times before he obtains a minimum of five credits.

He struggles to get money for JAMB, if he eventually gets it, he could write JAMB three times because even if he passes it at his first trial, it is not a guarantee for him to secure an admission into the university due to the limited available admissions slots in the country .

It is important to note that, of the about 1.8 million candidates that struggle for admission in the 91 public universities in the country on annual basis only about 300,000 students get admission due to limited slots. A poorman's child might even miss admission after long years of struggle due to lack of registration fees.The poorman's child also battles with ASSU's perennial annual strike action which affects his year of graduation.

The richmen's children who mostly benefit from the present 25 years age limit do not encounter the challenges being encountered by the children of the poor. The present situation encourages dishonesty among Nigerians. Most of the poormen's children due to the challenges mentioned could only get employed if they alter or falsify their ages.

Who will come to rescue of the poorman's children? Where are the masses advocates? Where are the legislators of conscience? Where are Justice advocates? We need human rights advocates to speak up. We need legislators of conscience to come up with a not- too -old to be employed bill.

May God bless Nigeria!


Dear Nigerian youths, let be the change we wish to see


*Irony of Life in Nigeria*
Rich man marries and have 4 children. Poor man marries and start mass production of children that he can't afford to train because the only thing that gives poor man joy is the body of his wife.
The country has beaten him to the level that s*x is his only idea of enjoyment.

Politicians steal your money, sleep with your wife and girlfriends and sister, make sure you don't go to school, even when you struggle to, he makes sure you don't finish on time let alone getting a job.

He sends his children to the best schools abroad so they will take over from him when he is done playing with your future.

He initiates a poverty alleviation program, videos himself cutting tapes during the mounting of an electric pole. He gives you N4000, bags of rice at rallies and arms to fight his opponents.

He paints the roads and puts Street lights when there are no light in your home. You hail him!

He spends millions on billboards of his fake projects, hires the best PR experts to keep you drooling with hunger and uninformed and keep on doing damages to your common sense. You defend him.

Second tenure, no jobs, no food, the N4000 has finished and the bag of rice wasting in the pit of your toilet. He must recover the billions he spent buying your votes. For he is not qualified to lead but you qualified him.

You start making use of the guns he bought you. You kill the poor like yourself who is suffering the effects of the N4000 and bag of rice that you took. You try to Kidnap his friends, their police orderlies fire back at you.

His friends tell him that there is insecurity in town and it will affect their mobilization for him for second term.
He shouts ahhhh, second tenure is like the second round of s*x that puts one to sleep after, except, perhaps, he works for vivid entertainment or one of those Hollywood p**n industries.
He complains of lack of security to the commissioner of police and General Officer Commanding, Air Officer commanding or the Flag Officer Commanding.

He spends millions hosting them. They tell him what to do. By now, you have become a threat.

He buys even a bigger gun for the police and the military plus operational vehicles.

He pays for radio and TV jingles to warn you.

You rob, you die. You protest, you die. You stay at home, you die of starvation.

Then, you get recommended to a church and since you can't pay tithes, pastor turns you into an errand boy.
He sends you to buy biscuits for his children, wash pants for his wife and clean his cars.

You sweep the church for free while awaiting your heavenly reward while the pastor fly private jets and drive flashy sedans.

You are happy that your pastor is rich and argue for him in midst of your friends.

He runs to the UK at the slightest symptoms of headache but prays for you when you are sick and tells you to bring your sick mother to church for prayers instead of taking her to hospitals to waste money.
She dies and he tells you that it was God's will while his mother has been in the UK for months receiving the best treatment that tithes can buy.

He buys a new land for a new church branch, you help to carry blocks and turn concrete, then collect blessings as reward. You are happy to be working for the salvation of your soul, heaven will pay.
The pastor lives his heaven on earth.

The new church building is completed on your sweat.

He invites the president, governor, senator, house of representative member and every other person who made sure that you are poor by design.

The whole area is policed with guns and armored cars. You are comfortably seated at the back while straining your neck to see who and who came.

The president and governor and senator plus their contractor friends donate hundreds of millions for the new church while you cheer from the back.

The food they shared didn't get to you but you are happy the president and governor and senator came to your church. You even brag to others of how your pastor is well connected.

You get home, hunger Knocks angrily on the belly door, your neighbor bails you out while you wait for heaven to pay.

10 years on the jobless job, pastor's children have been sent abroad for studies. Age is no longer on your side, pastor hooks you up with another aunty that sweeps the church for free with no education just like you and Weds you both on a Friday evening church service and you are happy. Your children starts the cycle all over again.

What is the difference between an Ordinary Thief (OT) & a Political Thief (PT) ?*

*1)* The *Ordinary Thief* steals your money, bag, watch, gold chain etc.;
But the *Political Thief* steals your future, career, education, health & business! �

*2)* The hilarious part is: The *Ordinary Thief* will choose whom to rob; But you, yourself chose the *Political Thief* to rob you. �

*3)* The most ironic one: Police will chase and nab the *Ordinary Thief;* while the Police will look after and protect the *Political Thief!*

That’s the *travesty cm irony* of our current society!

*_And, we blindly say we are not blind!_*

It may not make sense to many but just read and be wise.
Its election year again

Am advocating for youths peace, am advocating for youths freedom,am advocating for me and you living,let find our passio...

Am advocating for youths peace, am advocating for youths freedom,am advocating for me and you living,let find our passion for passion is the hidden strength that will leads you to an achievable dreams,We can't continue like this because things don't move without an external force. Freedom for youths is worth fighting for. We have to get up and make a move because no one will see you till you do something. This is the right time for us to change this hopeless systems or we watch and fold our hands for the system to change us. I believed we can only live once, therefore it is better we live meaningful life. God bless you, God bless the youths, God bless federal Republic of Nigeria.

The struggle continue,we will never stop till we reach the top,Gradually our dreams will be fulfill.God bless you, God b...

The struggle continue,we will never stop till we reach the top,Gradually our dreams will be fulfill.God bless you, God bless the youths,God bless federal Republic of Nigeria

A great youth courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.Never submerge your personality,you can ach...

A great youth courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.Never submerge your personality,you can achieve greater than you taught.Great youth are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.

What you do has far greater impact than what you say.Before you are a youth, success is all about growing yourself. When...

What you do has far greater impact than what you say.Before you are a youth, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a fruiful youth, success is all about growing others.
Do what you feel in your heart to be right–for you’ll be criticized anyway.God bless you, God bless the Nigerian youths,God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever...

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.To do great things is difficult; but to command great things is more difficult.Ease is a greatest threat to progress than hardship. Never expect it to be easy to innovate a revolutionary ideology

Youth in politics is the not the number one remedy, is the only remedy

Youth in politics is the not the number one remedy, is the only remedy

The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful,...

The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly. We need to have the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes emergency.we can't continue to vote people who don't care for our well being.we have patiently learn how to obey,He who has learned how to obey will know how to command.Its time to involved ourselves in commanding position.Whatever you are, be a good one.
If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing.Great things come for those who don't wait but work for it.God help the youth, God bless you, God bless federal republic of nigeria

The end is just the begining.We all known  our problem,we have seen how we are ignore in all national activities.We have...

The end is just the begining.We all known our problem,we have seen how we are ignore in all national activities.We have seen how they ignore our right as citizens always whining and complaining to divert our attention from there incompetency.A govornor became a senator.Can you see how the corruption and and corrupt politicians are keep recycling.If we continue to remain silent and watch things going in wrong order is like you are supporting it.Dear Nigerian youth, the best remedy for our problem is when we change our attitude and think smartly by involving in politics so that we can be the elements of change we want to see.Youthfull age should be fruiful age.God bless federal Republic of Nigeria

I pledge to be the element of change I want to see.I urge you to do the same because what is uniting us is greater than ...

I pledge to be the element of change I want to see.I urge you to do the same because what is uniting us is greater than what is dividing us.Dear Nigerian youth,never think is easy to accomplish this quest, ease is a greatest threat to progress than hardship.let respect our differences in other to prove to them that an attack on one of us is just like an attack on all of us.we need get up and make a move so that we could free ourselves from mental slavery.The percentage of youth population in Nigeria should be of great advantage and not a disaster.Offcos what Is for us without us is not for.our only choice is total youths in politics.God bless you,God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


We are but the products of our yesterday, our prayer and action todat determine our tomorrow





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