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#Biomed #Seminar #PostdoctoralFellow #TCell #Vaccination #COVID_19 #SARSCoV2 #neutralisingantibodies #dendriticcell #dendriticcells #antigens #antibody #antibodies #antigen #immunity #immunesystem #lymphocytes #mhcmolecules #mhcmolecule #peptides #tcells #tcellreceptor #tcellreceptors #signalcascade #tlymphocyte #immuneresponse #3d #3dart #3dmodeling #3dillustration
Bacteriophages are viruses that infects and replicates within bacteria. There are many on earth and they do not infect humans. Bacteriophages (BPs) have been used to treat bacterial infections involving different body sites. A large amount of these studies have investigated the use of BPs for treatment of bacteria in the skin.
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Video Credit: iC0NB0Y on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#bacteriophage #bacteriophages #biology #science #bacteria #biotechnology #research #medical #microbiologist #biologynotes #bacteriology #virology #biotech #biochemistry #microscope #cell #scientist #biologymajor #cellbiology #microbiology #molecularbiology #lifescience #genetics #medicalscience #humanbody #human #pyshiology
Hybridoma technology is useful for producing large amounts of identical antibodies. Hybridomas are hybrid cells that are made from the fusion of an antibody-producing white blood cell with an immortal myeloma (tumor) cell and used to culture a specific monoclonal antibody.
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Video Credit: Molecular Devices on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#phdlife #phdstudent #biology #immunology #antibody #science #cells #scientists #research #researcher #researchlife #labs #laboratory #medicine
#meditation #med #medicalstudent #medical #sciencestories #researchdiaries #discoverybiology #sciencejournal #mondaymorning #passionforresearch #drugdiscovery #antibodydiscovery #hybridoma #molecularbiology #antibodies #pharmacy
Blood typing is useful to tell what type of blood you have and whether or not you have a protein called Rhesus (Rh) factor on the surface of your red blood cells. Once you know your blood type and the RH factor, you can safely donate your blood or receive a blood transfusion. There are four blood groups determined by the presence or lack of A and B antigens on red blood cell surfaces. These combinations create the 8 most common blood types (A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-).
To determine which blood type a sample is, antiserum is added. If the blood clots with the antiserum, then the blood type can be determined from this. The video goes into detail with simulated samples (they don't use real blood).
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Video Credit: Jennifer Davis on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#bloodgrouping #blood #biomedicalscience #laboratoryscience #biology #science #teessideuniversity #bloodabo #rhesusnegative #rhesuspositive #bloodtype #bloodtypes #bloodtyping #bloodline #bloodgroup #glycoprotein #allele #hemoglobin #typeablood #typebblood #typeoblood #typeonegative #redbloodcell #typo #human #humanbiology #vettechlife #felinevettech #reversebloodtyping #hematology
During competitive inhibition, one chemical inhibits the effect of another chemical by competing with it and can bind to the enzyme. When this occurs, the chemical pathway is interrupted and the output lowers in efficiency.
During noncompetitive inhibition, a chemical can bind to the enzyme, but it does not inhibit the chemical needed in the pathway. The chemical pathway functions normally.
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Video Credit: Jeremy LeCornu on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#enzymes #pharmacology #pharmahumour #pharmacist #clinicalpharmacist #funnypharmacist #funnypharmacy #biolearning #biologybyrs #biologynotes #biologynote #medicalentrance #medical #funbiology #funlearning #enzyme #substrate #competitive #competitiveinhibitors #competetiveinhibition #futuredoctor #futuredoc #mechanismofaction #methotrexate #biochemistry #memes #medicalmemes #medicos #anticancerdrug #dihydrofolate
There are different ways the immune system detects germs. Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), and damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) are molecules that can be detected by Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) on immune cells.
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Video Credit: Basic Science Series English on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#womeninscience #womeninstem #patternrecognitionreceptors #immunology #inflammation #interferon #biology #cells #chemistry #molecularbiology #biophysics #cellmembrane #proteins #clathrin #cancerbiology #cancer #fightcancer #meninstem #stemboys #bioinformatics #theaddictivebrain #computationalbiology #molecularpatterns #colorectalcancer #colorectal #microbiota #diet #eoidemiology #sciencecommunication #scicomm
Rabies is caused by a virus that attacks the central nervous system (CNS) and it is shed in the saliva. The rabies virus is effective at evading the immune system, so that it is mostly undetected. As a result, an immune response doesn't really develop, so it is difficult to eliminate the virus. After transmission, when the virus has reached the central nervous system (CNS), it replicates and spreads into the the brain; causing inflammation.
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Video Credit: medikatie on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#rabies #onehealth #vaccine #vaccination #prevention #health #medicine #dogs #cats #phylogenetic #disease #infections #immunebelt #nucleoprotein #epidemiological
#bordercontrolpolicy #veterinaryscience #parasitology #research #scientificjournal #tropicalbiomedicine #ecosystemdoctor #environmentalist #populationdecrease #wild #wildlife #wildconservation #corrosive #stomach #toxins
Subcutaneous injections are given underneath the skin, in the fatty tissue. Intradermal injections are placed in the dermal layer, or the skin underneath the epidermis and intramuscular injections are placed in the muscle layer.
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Video Credit: PublicResourceOrg on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#injections #injection #injectionmolding #cosmeticinjections #injectionmold #injectionmoulding #injectionwhitening #injectionbeauty #fillersinjection #lipinjection #lipinjections #phinjection #whiteninginjection #glutathioneinjection #fuelinjection #injectionmurahoriginal #vcinjection #botoxinjections #vitcinjection #ivf #cindellainjection #muscleinjection #intravenousinjection #intradermal #subcutaneousinjection #phdstudent #animationstudent #psychologystudent #engineeringstudent
Antibody affinity & avidity are measures of binding strength to antigens or other molecules. Affinity is the measure of the binding strength at a single binding site and avidity is a measure of the total binding strength. Antibodies can have up to ten binding sites.
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Video Credit: MICRO BIOGENICS on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#blood #anatomy #healthcare #infection #illness #hashimotos #vitaminD #autoimmunity #hypothyroid #medicine #medical #virus #viruses #health #healthy #science #scientist #scientists #research #researcher #researchers #antiinflammatory #antiinflammatorydiet #antiinflammatoryfood #antiinflammatoryfoods #inflammation #inflammationsupport #inflammationrelief #antibodies #antioxidants
Active immunity is where your immunity to a germ occurs after exposure to that germ. Passive immunity is short-term immunity that comes from antibodies from another person/animal.
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Video Credit: braingenie on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#types #typesofimmunity #adaptive #passive #natural #naturalimmunity #adaptiveimmunity #physicianassistant #palife #hospitalmedicine #trauma #educate #passiveimmunity #breastfeeding #studyeasy #studyblogs #acquiredimmunity #activeimmunity #mednotesplus #immunitysystem #immunologyclass #mednotes_info #medschoollife #healthfacts #HealthIsWealth #vitamins #healthandwellness #superfood #guthealth #antioxidants
Ebola is a virus that disrupts blood clotting. It is known as a hemorrhagic fever virus, because the clotting problems lead to internal bleeding. The virus causes inflammation and tissue damage and is aggressive in nature. It is for this reason that the Ebola virus can rapidly disarm the infected person's immune system by blocking the adaptive immune response.
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Video Credit: Albert Einstein College of Medicine on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#ebolavirus #ebolaresearch #ebolascience #ilovescience #biologyteacher #geneticengineering #scienceeducation #biologist #scientist #gradschool #undergrad #scienceislife #instascience #biotechnology #biology #ebola #learning #virusvideo #virologylab #virologyresearch #biochemistrymemes #masterstudent #molecularbiology #scienceandtechnology #sciencefacts #virology #biomedicalscience #biotechnologist #biotech #bacteria
Have you ever seen a live cell undergo apoptosis? This clip shows the apoptosis (Programmed Cell Death) of T685A human melanoma cancer cell.
The movie was taken using Nanolive's technology: the 3D Cell Explorer. A label-free holo-tomographic microscope able to reconstruct living cells in 3D based on their optical density:
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Video Credit: Nanolive, Looking inside life on YouTube. Check out the rest of the video on their channel as well as their other videos.
#medicina #medlife #necrosis #apoptosis #celula #semestroso #medicosenespañol #medicinaenespañol #cuadrodiferencial #medicina #semestroso #patologia #ciclocelular #studygram #medicoenproceso #science #neurons #apoptosis #biology #doctor #medical #medicalstudent #brain #nerves #cells #information #knowledge #facts #fact #neuroscience #neurology #neurologist #neurologist #doctor #medicalschool #medicalscience #medicalstudent #medicalstudents #stem #stemeducation #braincells #braindead