We're not a p**n site, darling. It's 2012, a technological age of freedom and social movements brimming in a virtual existence. It's about time Gay Australia can put itself on show to the world. GayAustralia. # # # is a place where bloggers, business, travellers and revellers can all come to the one bit of the internet and share with each another. Whilst having the framework of a gay business directo
ry come news/article/events site - travel, accommodation, job boards, tickets, venues and promotions will feature. Placing ourselves on . # # #, the spot on the internet for the adult community - micro-blogs, mini-sites, drag, tasteless videos and no-hold reviews can flourish in an environment that allows freedom of speech. We will be a self-regulating community. Only as smutty as the weakest link, and strongest as the most attuned homosexual blogger come drag reviewer. Working in several stages - First, spreading like an outbreak of disjointed dance sequences to Carly Rae Jepson playing at Peel, Gay Australia will find through Facebook people are interested in being part of the foundations of the larger site.. launching when the cosmos aligns. If you feel you would like a space on the site like www.fabulous.gayaustralia. # # # or gayaustralia. # # #/cut_the_cake please post.