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DLake Creates Stories about health & fitness, for driven people, to live better.

Follow my journey to run my best 5k over the next 2 years
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The Triangular Approach to Smarter RunningLet me introduce you to a method I developed during one of my races: the Mindf...

The Triangular Approach to Smarter Running

Let me introduce you to a method I developed during one of my races: the Mindful Metrics Run Prism. I was in a bit of a suffer slump, and my mind decided to create a framework for analyzing that race. This framework combines effort/power, pace/speed, and intelligence to create a balanced approach to training and racing.

# # # The Effort and Power Axis (Input)

Effort is something every runner understands intuitively. It's the feel of the run, the subjective measure of how hard you're pushing yourself on a scale of 1 to 10. Power, on the other hand, offers an objective input measure. Using a power meter, you can quantify the watts you're producing, providing a consistent metric regardless of external conditions like terrain or weather.

During that hard race, I realized the synergy between effort and power. Running up a steep hill, my perceived effort felt like a 5 out of 10. Yet, when I looked down at the power metric on my watch, I saw my output spiked to 370 watts. This was much higher than the 330 watts I aimed to hold as an average through the race. This discrepancy made me adjust my pace to align my subjective effort with the objective power data. By doing so, I could maintain a steady effort without overexerting myself early on.

Something interesting also happened on the long hill efforts. When I started out on a hill, I wanted to keep my power at my average of 330 watts, but the hill had spikes and flat spots. This made holding exactly 330 watts quite difficult. At the start, it felt like I was going quite slow. The hill was about eight minutes (1.2 miles/1.8km), but at the end of the hill, my effort started feeling closer to a 7/8 out of ten, and the power average was 330 watts even though it would get as high as 350 watts and as low as 280 watts depending on the gradient.

# # # Pace/Speed: Output That You Can't Control

Pace or speed is often seen as the ultimate measure of a runner’s performance, but it can be misleading due to factors beyond your control, such as terrain and weather conditions. While pace is a useful metric for certain workouts and parts of the race, it should not be the sole focus. For instance, during a race, maintaining a specific pace might be impossible due to unexpected hills, temperature or strong winds. Instead, pace should be viewed as the outcome of balancing effort and power.

By integrating pace within the Mindful Metrics Run Prism, you can better understand how external factors influence your speed. Example - if you're running uphill and your pace drops, knowing your power output and effort level can reassure you that you're still on track, even if your speed decreases. This frame of mind helps you avoid spiking and ensures that you’re running efficiently, adapting to conditions rather than forcing a specific pace.

# # # Intelligence: The Cornerstone

Intelligence in running isn't just about smart pacing or knowing when to push hard. It encompasses strategic decisions based on real-time data and race conditions. During the same race, I was at a critical point, 33% into the course. My initial pace was too ambitious, driven by the adrenaline and excitement of the start. My power meter indicated I was exceeding my sustainable power output. It was a make-or-break moment.

I decided to back down, aligning my original race strategy with my power data. This decision was based in intelligence—understanding my limits and adjusting accordingly. Intelligence also involves post-race analysis, interpreting data to refine future strategies. It's about learning from each run and continually improving. One percent better, Kaizen.

PS - this social media stuff is fun, but check out the full episode and more by doing below

📲 Search “dlake effort” on your fav podcast player, YouTube or web search to find it.

🏃🏼‍♂️You can then read watch or listen to it on your next workout

🙏 Lazy way - Keep following me as I keep serving up the highlights of the episode

🙏🏼 Thx to Remy B Reel for helping me make this dope content.

Explaining tempo runs proved to be harder than we thoughtSo here are some visuals to help make it make sense to you and ...

Explaining tempo runs proved to be harder than we thought

So here are some visuals to help make it make sense to you and so you can use this tool of tempo runs to run faster times. It's a tool... start low and slow and then use it as necessary. A run coach might be best with these as they can spike you and wear you out unecessarily.


I like to get a bit more granular and break tempo runs into three types of pacing: slow tempo, medium tempo, and fast tempo. Slow-tempo runs are between your current marathon and half-marathon race fitness. Medium-tempo runs are between your current half-marathon and 10k race fitness. Fast-tempo runs are between your 10k and 5k race fitness. This can be a combination of pace, effort, heart rate, and power or focus on one metric.

Don't know what your current race fitness is? Awesome - go and do a time trial between one mile and 10k as fast as you can. Don't start off sprinting and instead start off at an 8/10 then end at a 10/10 effort. Do these time trials every 6-8 weeks to make sure your workout paces for tempo runs and other workouts are accurate.

You don't have to do this, but this allows me to have the precise and right tools (workout type) for the right job (outcome I want to achieve).

PS - I love social media, but this is only 1% of the story. Get more by doing the below
📲 Search “dlake tempo” on your fav podcast player, YouTube or web search to find it.
🏃🏼‍♂️You can then read watch or listen to it on your next workout
🙏 Lazy way - Keep following me as I keep serving up the highlights of the episode
🙏🏼 Thx to Mike Trees .nrg for helping me make all this free content to help you run your best and live a dope life.

Which would you rather - extreme cold or hot running?We went deep on this in the full episode - go check it out by doing...

Which would you rather - extreme cold or hot running?

We went deep on this in the full episode - go check it out by doing the below;

📲 Search “dlake cold hot” on your fav podcast player, YouTube or web search to find it.

🏃🏼‍♂️You can then read watch or listen to it on your next workout

🙏 Lazy way - Keep following me as I keep serving up the highlights of the episode

🙏🏼 Thx to Remy B Reel for helping me edit and contribute to making all this free content to help you run your best and live a dope life.

Which one is best for you?Like most things in life - it all depends. Sometimes both can work.*Reasons to Use a Human Run...

Which one is best for you?

Like most things in life - it all depends. Sometimes both can work.

*Reasons to Use a Human Running Coach:*

1. **Personalized Attention and Emotional Support**:
A human coach offers personalized feedback and emotional support that AI cannot replicate. They understand human emotions, can motivate you on a bad day, and celebrate your achievements, making the training process more personal and fulfilling.
2. **Experience and Intuition**:
Human coaches bring years of experience and a nuanced understanding of sports science that allows them to make intuitive decisions. This experience helps in adapting training plans based on subtle signs of progress, fatigue, or potential injury that might not be evident through data alone.
3. **Contextual Flexibility**:
A human coach can consider broader life contexts such as stress, personal commitments, and psychological state, adjusting training plans accordingly. This flexibility ensures that training remains sustainable and aligned with other life priorities, providing a holistic approach to fitness and well-being.

*Reasons to Use an AI Running Coach:*

1. **Data-Driven Insights**:
AI coaches excel in processing large volumes of data quickly and accurately. They provide detailed analytics on performance, health metrics, and progression, which can be invaluable for optimizing training efficiency and achieving specific fitness goals.
2. **Availability and Consistency**:
AI coaching tools are available 24/7, providing consistent and immediate feedback without the limitations of human availability. This can be particularly beneficial for those who train at varying times due to busy schedules.
3. **Objective Performance Analysis**:
AI eliminates the bias and subjectivity that can sometimes influence human coaching. It offers an objective analysis of performance based solely on data, which can help in setting realistic goals and benchmarks without emotional influence.

PS - I love social media, but this is only 1% of the story. Get more by doing the below

📲 Search “dlake coach ai” on your fav podcast player, YouTube or web search to find it.

🏃🏼‍♂️You can then read watch or listen to it on your next workout

🙏 Lazy way - Keep following me as I keep serving up the highlights of the episode

🙏🏼 Thx to Mike Trees .nrg for playing along and offering his sage advice and wisdom!

If your running sucks, it might be because you're weak AF... just kidding, not really. Look, we all want to be better ru...

If your running sucks, it might be because you're weak AF... just kidding, not really.

Look, we all want to be better runners. To run faster for longer and feel like we're cruising while everyone is huddled over a trash can hurling up their GU gels. But here's the hard truth most runners don't want to admit: they are weak. Don't worry - I've got the fix with 10W2S's founder and resident physio-therapist, Sam Shearman.

In this article, I’ll go deeper than I normally do and squash all myths about run strength training with the help of a medical sports professional. We’ll clear up all the confusing stuff while also giving you 5 bodyweight-only run-specific strength training workouts that you can do right now in your house with no equipment. If you’re a more advanced gym rat, you can make these harder with weights/resistance.

We’ll touch on exactly;

- The five different exercises; Split Squat, Single Leg Deadlift, Bent Knee Calf Raise, Push Ups, Side Plank (Knees) + Leg Raise
- What they are
- Why they are important
- How to do them
- And example sets

PS - We are not your medical specialists or your personal doctors. We do not know your specific individual condition, and this should not be treated as a diagnosis or treatment regime. Please take this as information and entertainment only to help better inform you to go to a specialist for further help.

PPS - I love social media, but this is only 1% of the story. Get more by doing the below

📲 Search “dlake 5 important” on your fav podcast player, YouTube or web search to find it.

🏃🏼‍♂️You can then read watch or listen to it on your next workout

🙏 Lazy way - Keep following me as I keep serving up the highlights of the episode

🙏🏼 Thx to Sam for helping me make this three part series. Go download her app now!

Which is better - evening or morning running?Combining Morning and Evening Routines and Including Afternoon WorkoutsThis...

Which is better - evening or morning running?

Combining Morning and Evening Routines and Including Afternoon Workouts

This is a very obvious “duh” hack, but a hack nonetheless. If you plan early enough and/or have flexibility in your schedule, you can easily sprinkle in morning and evening runs throughout your week.

I tend to do this with track workouts as my track doesn’t open up until 3:30 pm (annoying, but I kinda get it). This is to my advantage, as I’ll get to it shortly.

Integrating morning and evening runs into a training schedule allows for leveraging morning exercise's metabolic and psychological benefits and the flexibility and stress relief of evening workouts.

Afternoon runs might actually be the best time of day for runners; according to this

*“It has been known for some time that most physical activities are best performed in the mid-to-late afternoon, as this is when body temperature peaks, meaning the muscles are at their most supple and running at speeds that feel tough in the early morning will feel much easier. Recently this has been bolstered by a study by Dr. Boris Medarov of the Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York, which found that lung function was more than 6 percent better in the afternoon than at other times during the day. ‘Everything just feels easy and relaxed, and the miles go by that much quicker,’ said East. So this is definitely the time of day to run if you’re going for a personal best.”*

If you focus on speed intervals and strength gains, the literature supports afternoon sessions as optimal due to peak muscle performance and coordination. This period maximizes strength and endurance, making it perfect for intensive track workouts or heavy lifting sessions in the weight room. Scheduling harder sessions around your hormonal body clock can improve performance outcomes and personal bests, offering a comprehensive approach that accommodates a wide range of fitness and training goals.

PS - I love social media, but this is only 1% of the story. Get more by doing the below

📲 Search “dlake wrong time” on your fav podcast player, YouTube or web search to find it.

🏃🏼‍♂️You can then read, watch or listen to it on your next workout

🙏 Lazy way - Keep following me as I keep serving up the highlights of the episode

🙏🏼 Thx to for editing and for creating the killer infographics and being a part of greatness. Appreciate you all!

Start lifting like this for legit run gainsYou are going to find out what happens at the intersection where science meet...

Start lifting like this for legit run gains

You are going to find out what happens at the intersection where science meets the pavement, the quest for ultimate running performance.

We'll dissect the importance of power and speed in your resistance slash weight training. I'll answer the question for runners, where does power, speed, strength, muscle endurance, and hypotrophy fit in to an already crowded training plan, especially for all of us super busy distance runners.

I'll even tell my own personal story of how I switched gears. in my training and embraced the fusion of lifting with speed and power. It wasn't just a change in routine. It was a transformation in philosophy. This episode isn't just about challenging how your muscles move. It's about challenging that mindset.

By the end of this, you'll not only rethink your 1% better training habits approach, but you'll also get ready for this laundry list. Become more resilient so you have less nagging injuries. generally more bounce, develop that extra gear in your running, become more efficient so your easy runs are close to the same speed as your more intense sessions, develop your secret weapon at the end of races, speed reserve, more on that later, I just found out, so dope, and overall take your training to the next level. Yes, that's a big promise, so let's see if I can deliver.


PS - Lifting for power, speed and force has so many benefits that I did a super deep dive on this so you can learn more than I can shove into a 15 second cute trending short video.

📲 See link in bio or search “dlake axis” on your fav podcast player, YouTube or web search to find it.

🏃🏼‍♂️You can then read watch or listen to it on your next workout

🙏 Lazy way - Keep following me as I keep serving up the highlights of the episode

🙏🏼 Thx to for letting me train like a pro for a bit!

What would you rather: run or bike commute?What if I told you that your commute, yeah… that same old route you take ever...

What would you rather: run or bike commute?

What if I told you that your commute, yeah… that same old route you take every day, could be your new secret weapon in your running arsenal? It’s time to change up your mentality on what you think you know about getting from point A to point B.

Welcome to the dope world of run commuting, where every step isn’t just a path to going somewhere else, but a leap towards a healthier, more badass version of yourself.

By the end of this, you’re not just going to see run commuting as a new alternate option; you’ll view it as an indispensable part of your day. I’ll dive deep into the hows and whys, cutting through the excuses and misconceptions with a mix of hard truths and unexpected insights.

Say peace to the ‘but I can’t because…’ mindset. We’re going to tackle every barrier, real or imagined, and I’ll show you how integrating this simple yet powerful habit can transform not just your fitness, but your entire perspective on daily life.

And as a bonus, I’ll do all of this with my great friend and guest co-host Remy B Reel. Stick around for how he’ll try to change my mind by arguing the side of bike commuting and why it’s way better.

Let’s Go!

PS - There is a bunch more of this info because social media only let’s me show you the trailer.

👋🏼 Comment below with 🏃🏾‍♂️if you want the link so you can go deeper and learn more about this!

📲 See link in bio or search “dlake commute” on your fav podcast player, YouTube or web search to find it.

🏃🏼‍♂️You can then read watch or listen to it on your next workout

🙏 Lazy way - Keep following me as I keep serving up the highlights of the episode

I’ve done 11 years of researchAll so you don’t have to and get 1% better daily.📲See lynk N my profile or Search “dlake t...

I’ve done 11 years of research

All so you don’t have to and get 1% better daily.

📲See lynk N my profile or Search “dlake trees form” on your fav podcast player, YouTube or web search and you will find it.

🏃🏾You can then read watch or listen to it on your next workout

🙏 Lazy way - Keep following me as I keep serving up the highlights of the episode

The foot is grossly underestimated by most runners but it's importance is crazyESP in the quest of performing at our bes...

The foot is grossly underestimated by most runners but it's importance is crazy

ESP in the quest of performing at our best as we age. I tried to consolidate as much info as I could into short form quick infographics so they make sense. Feel free to take whatever you can and share it off with whoever.

I did a whole deep dive on feet, shoes and their importance as we age. Watch it on YouTube, read it on my website at link or listen on your next run/workout - search dlake feet shoes on anywhere or go to link at bio or just keep following and letting the robotic feed hit you with my stuff.

Can you out run a bad diet?! Learn more at link in bio, search "dlake outrun" on YouTube or your fav podcast player or j...

Can you out run a bad diet?!

Learn more at link in bio, search "dlake outrun" on YouTube or your fav podcast player or just let the algorithms do their work and you'll get more heat in your feed

Ps- I have a great solution how you can and can’t do it!

Sunday long run recap 16km ish/2 laps around the bay with With Andrew BulliGood chats steady pace. Achilles felt horribl...

Sunday long run recap

16km ish/2 laps around the bay with With Andrew Bulli
Good chats steady pace. Achilles felt horrible after cold bike ride there.
Def shoulda at something before.
Live and learn fun times.
KZN RUN .run Coming through with the KZN singlet! Felt great on the first run!

To gel or not?!Learn more at link in bio or search trees dlake gels to find it on your fav podcast player or youtubeWhet...

To gel or not?!

Learn more at link in bio or search trees dlake gels to find it on your fav podcast player or youtube

Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out, one thing is for sure: you’re going to need some fuel. And that’s where running gels come in.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Running gels? What are those? Well, let me tell you. Running gels are small packets of energy that you can take during a long run to give you a quick boost. They’re like little packets of magic that can help you power through those tough miles.

But, like with anything in the running world, there are a lot of opinions out there about running gels. Some people swear by them, while others avoid them like the plague. So, where do you fall on the spectrum? Let’s dive in and find out.


Remember legs follow arms

Advanced push-ups for runners and triathletes


An advanced full upper body and core strength workout when done correctly.


Remember that your legs follow your arms in running. A strong upper body and core allows you to keep good posture and running form during your run.


Like a normal pushup but slower and more controlled on the down. Hold at the bottom for 2 seconds. Then explode up.

You don’t need perfect form because I sure as hell don’t but the goal is to just be doing these as controlled as possible while engaging your core and glutes for stability.


Beginners - 4-6 reps x 1-2 sets
Intermediate - 6-10 reps x 1-2 sets
Advanced - 8-12+ reps x 3-3 sets

Beginners Note - If you can’t do these with proper form feel free to do modified position with your knees on the ground.

Advanced Note #1 - Feel free to decline these by putting something under your feet (more weight on your upper body)

Advanced note #2 - the longer you can make going down (5-10 seconds or more) teh harder these get. Introduce a 3-5 second pause at the bottom before pushing up. This is extremely hard. Good luck getting 3-4 done! Haha.

🎥 Filmed by .cappello
👟Shoes by (aka ) &


Do this to be WAY better than me!

- I’m back. I did 3 tips before, now here are 4 more.
- **Follow a training plan:**
Find a simple half marathon plan that works with your life and schedule. This builds consistency
- **Good run Shoes are everything.**
Go to your local run shop and talk with a human about what you need and try them on. Being cheap here will cost you in pain and doctors visits later.
- **Strength training is magic armour against injury.**
You only need 20-30 mins 2x a week to see results
- **Recovery is as important as the training.**
Training is work + rest, not work plus work. If you do the training you have to do the resting.
- Train smart, race easy


It don’t get easier you just go faster/longer

PS - Wanna learn the positive effects of running? Well… a 10 sec video is tough because it’s infinite. Join my one percent better newsletter so you can perform your dopest in training, racing, and life. Link in bio or to go dlakecreates.com/news

😬 2 negative side effects of running

🌟 1 - to run a faster time you have to run faster

🌟 2- to run a longer distance you have to run longer


Gotta slow down to speed up

We did a deep dive on this - link at bio, dlakecreates.com/base or search “dlake base training” on your podcast player or google search

PS - And if all you wanna do it run far without stopping, then you really never need to speed up. But… most people want to run fast - so you need to run fast too! Base training helps you do that.

What to do when you start too fastLearn more about this and a bunch of other stuff on your next run ride or gym workout ...

What to do when you start too fast

Learn more about this and a bunch of other stuff on your next run ride or gym workout at link in bio, dlakecreates.com/racefast or search “dlake race fast" on youtube, google or your podcast player

PS - I seriously thought I could - I was very VERY wrong. You need it all.


Better understand run energy systems

Learn it all and listen on your next workout at [dlakecreates.com/energy](http://dlakecreates.com/energy) or search “dlake energy systems” on your podcast player or google

Aerobic, Anaerobic… adenosine diphosphate phosphocreatine or ATP-PC.

These are greek and Latin words. They are also all different energy systems that we use in endurance sports (and life).

I’ve been in the endurance sports game for 25 years now and it wasn’t until the last few years that I started to get a better understanding of energy systems.

In this episode, we’ll explain (in simple metaphors and analogies) exactly what they are, when they are used and how you can use them to train and race your best.


why you should consider a run podiatrist

Your feet are the source of everything. The start and end (hopefully not) to your running. Don’t take care of them - and you will pay.

Good run Podiatrists will spot issues early on as again, everything starts there.

I’ll be doing more deep dives on feet, shoes and specialists in the future. Keep following and subscribe to my newsletter/podcast/youtube if you wannna know when it drops!

Or your tell me BEST story in the comments!Learn more about what to do if you go out too fast in a race at link in bio, ...

Or your tell me BEST story in the comments!

Learn more about what to do if you go out too fast in a race at link in bio, https://treesdlake.com/racefast or search "trees dlake race fast" in google for the video and audio podcast.

I'll go first - Mine was 2004 May. It was the 4x400 meter Penn Relays (at Penn U in Philly) for my College and I was the first leg. Our whole conference got shoved into one heat. Yes there were 16 people in one heat and it was a mass start (no blocks).

Before I go on, here is a fact that you'll need to know for the end. My fastest 200m time stand alone in blocks was 22.9 seconds. More on that shortly.

Sh*t was WILD. I had the whole Penn U stadium cheering along with all the Pro runners (kinda - we were D3, aha), but the adrenaline was rushing through my body. and I knew I had one of the faster sprints out of those 400 folks.

My coach just said "Daren... get out in front to get position to Sanders (our super fast anchor leg) can take it home" - and I said "yezzir on it".

I really took that to heart. Heart beating... crowd simmers down... "runners take your mark - (no set cuz no blocks) - GO" and I was OFF.

Shot out like a bullet from a gun, throwing elbows to keep people away from me, staying on my toes. (so that i didn't get tripped by everyone else). I felt amazing at the 150m mark.

Hit the 200m mark and my coach was screaming something. I was like. "Yeah I know Im' killing it" was still in first". I kept saying to myself "I think I'll get my best time ever and run a low 49".

Hit 300 and all of the lactate rushed into my legs and I've never felt so dman slow in my life.

Last 100 meters/home stretch felt like I was going backward - about 3-4 guys passed me. I got the baton to our 2nd leg and almost collapsed.

We won that meet because we had a strong 4x4 team so I didn't sabotage anything but here is the kicker.

My coach afterwards said "guess what your 200m (halfway) split was? ---- 22.5"

Yes again, my fastest 200m was 22.9 leading up to that. Haha... to say I hit the wall is an understatement.


The slow carb diet is great!

Learn more on your next run, ride or gym sesh at link in bio or dlakecreates.com/seasonaldiet or search “dlake city served” on google, YouTube or you fav pod player

Sometimes… it’s like a tool. I still need carbs, gotta be smart.


A burger, fries and coke is great after a race

Learn more on your next run, ride or gym sesh at link in bio or dlakecreates.com/seasonaldiet or search “dlake city served” on google, YouTube or you fav pod player

It’s all relative to you and your needs.

yeah runners need mad carbsLearn more on your next run/ride/gym session at link in bio or htps://treesdlake.com or searc...

yeah runners need mad carbs

Learn more on your next run/ride/gym session at link in bio or htps://treesdlake.com or search on google, youtube or your podcast app “trees dlake seasonal diet”

****Why you should use a seasonal diet approach to your training****

PS - I still find this crazy how many carbs a runner needs as I never go this high but instead I choose to swing on a seasonal diet depending on training.


People don’t agree with everything I say...

and that's okay!

Learn more on your next run, ride or gym sesh at link in bio or dlakecreates.com/cityserved or search “dlake city served” on google, YouTube or you fav pod player

I’m not a morning person by design, 10 years ago you couldn’t have told me I’d be waking up at 5am to run in the cold dark… but I trained myself to become this new identity.


If you missed it…

Below is the text of the video. While we are here… Cuz it’s so hard dropping all this knowledge for you to get 1% better each day, why not join my newsletter where I go deep. The truth is complex and takes more than 12 seconds to get you to perform better in your life, training and work/school.

Sign up for free at link in bio or go to https://dlakecreates.com/news


My top 4 ways I cool down after a run

1. Strides:
- In the last 5mins do 4 10-15 second sprints at 80-90% effort
- This decreases heart rate, improves run form and mechanics
2. Easy plyos & form drills:
- This shakes out any tightness from doing the same run movement
- I do butt kicks, high knees, and ankling
3. Dynamic Stretching:
- Full range run movement stretches
- I do lunge walks, leg and arm swings
4. Static Stretching:
- After a run is the best time to do these
- I do the classic kneeling lunge stretch, deep squat and arms on wall stretch

Make this your own thing, be consistent and have fun!



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Through the Culture of Audio & Fitness DLake Creates Fun-Formative Experiences

Hi. I’m Daren – An award-winning audio producer, musician, vocalist, and international DJ. I’ve had the pleasure to share the stage/collaborate with Gotye, Diplo, Kid Cudi, Benny Blanco, and Emancipator. I’ve also been fortunate to create original work for HBO, Spotify, Pandora, Soundcloud, Coca-Cola, Disney more companies.

I’m also a 10-Hour Ironman finishing Triathlete, 2-Hour 59-Min Marathon Running, Cyclist, Model and Fitness/Health Advisor to Strava and other people. Through my discovery process of research and self-experiments, I document how I crack the code to getting healthy, staying fit, and using data to create habits that last a lifetime.

As a former NYC raised now Sydney, Australia based jack of all trades/master of some you can find me sitting comfortably in the intersecting culture of audio production, podcasting, music, health and fitness.

Feel free to click around to whatever interests you or just holler at me if you want to say “what up”.