Siapakah yang disebut sebagai anak Nabi Ibrahim AS yang disembelih. Adakah Ismail AS atau Ishaq AS?
Anaknya menjawab: "Wahai ayah, jalankanlah apa yang diperintahkan kepadamu; Insya Allah, ayah akan mendapati daku dari orang-orang yang sabar". - Surah As-Saffat (37) , Ayat 102
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The Greatest Forgiver - Beautify Your Akhlaq - Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah
📸 Last Episode! - Have you ever felt that you have committed too many sins and given up on yourself because there is no way Allah will forgive you? It is now time to learn how forgiving the Greatest Forgiver is.
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In this series of nine episodes, Ust. Suffiyan will dive deeper into the beautiful teachings of the Prophet ﷺ in refining and beautifying our character.
#ilmproduction #ilmproductionsg #beautifyourakhlaq #akhlaq #forgiveness #repentance #tawbah #istighfar #alghaffar #ramadan
Remember Your Hard Times - Beautify Your Akhlaq - Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah
One of the ways to live a life of gratitude and generosity is to remember the tough times we had to go through in order to achieve what we value. Also, knowing what we possess doesn’t entirely belong to us.
Watch full video series on Youtube:
In this series of nine episodes, Ust. Suffiyan will dive deeper into the beautiful teachings of the Prophet ﷺ in refining and beautifying our character.
#ilmproduction #ilmproductionsg #beautifyourakhlaq #akhlaq #gratitude #humility #ramadan #syawal
Hide Their Sins and Shortcomings - Beautify Your Akhlaq - Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah
Each one of has us has flaws and makes mistakes which we are not proud of. Do we cover the faults of others, the way we want Allah to conceal ours in this world and the hereafter?
Watch full video series on Youtube:
In this series of nine episodes, Ust. Suffiyan will dive deeper into the beautiful teachings of the Prophet ﷺ in refining and beautifying our character.
#ilmproduction #ilmproductionsg #beautifyourakhlaq #akhlaq #assittir #ramadan #syawal
Respond to Your Mother! - Beautify Your Akhlaq - Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah
The most beloved deed to Allah after prayer at its proper time is being dutiful to parents. Also, one of the undoubtedly answered prayers is the prayer of a mother for or against her child.
In this series of nine episodes, Ust. Suffiyan will dive deeper into the beautiful teachings of the Prophet ﷺ in refining and beautifying our character.
Watch full video series on Youtube:
Crush Your Ego and Arrogance - Beautify Your Akhlaq - Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah
Arrogance is a satanic characteristic as it led Iblis, our clear enemy to be cursed by Allah. Have we checked ourselves thoroughly to ensure that we do not possess it in our hearts and minds?
In this series of nine episodes, Ust. Suffiyan will dive deeper into the beautiful teachings of the Prophet ﷺ in refining and beautifying our character.
#ilmproduction #ilmproductionsg #beautifyourakhlaq #akhlaq #ego #arrogance #ramadan
The First 3 to be Dragged to the Hellfire - Beautify Your Akhlaq - Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah
The first three categories of people who will be dragged to the hellfire by their faces share a common trait. What was the sin the committed that caused them to have a terrible ending?
In this series of nine episodes, Ust. Suffiyan will dive deeper into the beautiful teachings of the Prophet ﷺ in refining and beautifying our character.
Watch full video series on Youtube:
#ilmproduction #ilmproductionsg #beautifyourakhlaq #akhlaq #riya #ramadan
The True Meaning of Patience - Beautify Your Akhlaq - Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah
Allah loves those who are patient. What does it truly mean to be patient? In times of hardship and calamity is when our patience will be put the test and our true character will unveil.
In this series of nine episodes, Ust. Suffiyan will dive deeper into the beautiful teachings of the Prophet ﷺ in refining and beautifying our character.
Watch full video series on Youtube:
#ilmproduction #ilmproductionsg #beautifyourakhlaq #akhlaq #patience #sabr #ramadan
Hastiness is from the Devil - Beautify Your Akhlaq - Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah
We might already know that being hasty and acting rashly might lead to negative outcomes. What did the Prophet ﷺ taught us to do when we have to make an important decision?
Watch full video series on Youtube:
In this series of nine episodes, Ust. Suffiyan will dive deeper into the beautiful teachings of the Prophet ﷺ in refining and beautifying our character.
#ilmproduction #ilmproductionsg #beautifyourakhlaq #akhlaq #calmness
Care and Concern for Others - Beautify Your Akhlaq - Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah (EP1)
In this last 10 days of Ramadan, join Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah and learn how we can refine and beautify our character.
Watch full video series on Youtube:
Care and Concern for Others - Beautify Your Akhlaq - Ust. Suffiyan Zainal Shah (EP1)
When we reach out to others to offer a helping hand, how are we actually benefitting from our kind acts? How does Allah appreciate us when we support those in need and lighten their burdens?
In this series of nine episodes, Ust. Suffiyan will dive deeper into the beautiful teachings of the Prophet ﷺ in refining and beautifying our character
#ilmproduction #ilmproductionsg #beautifyourakhlaq #akhlaq #kindness #ramadan
Surah Al-Mujadila (58) & Al-Hashr (59) - Ustaz Zahil Zakaria Al-Hafiz