[EN EXCLUSIVA] Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Les traemos en exclusiva el nuevo trailer de Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
¡COMPÁRTANLO EN SU MURO! ¿Qué les pareció?
[REC] 4
De esta manera épica, despedimos al edificio que albergó a nuestros infectados durante 3 películas. ¿Te lo imaginabas así?
©2014 FILMAX ENTERTAINMENT Todos los derechos reservados. Solo para fines de entretenimiento, no lucrativos.
REC4: Apocalypse / EE. UU. Trailer
Several hours have passed since the terrible events that ravaged the old building in Barcelona. After the chaos of the first few moments, the army decided to intervene and an elite group of soldiers infiltrated the building in order to plant detonators and put an end to this nightmare once and for all.
The mission is a success; quick and precise. Angela Vidal, the young television reporter who entered the building with the fireman just hours before, manages to make it out alive. But what they don’t know is that she hasn’t made it out of the building alone; within her she carries the seed of the strange infection.
She is to be taken to a provisional quarantine facility, a high-security installation where she will have to stay in isolation for several days.
A perfect location for the virus to be reborn in all its splendour. It will take on new and even more deadly forms, setting the scene for horrors we could only have imagined, before finally revealing its true nature.
The apocalypse has just begun…
Presentación de REC4 en Latinoamérica
Jaume Balagueró responde una pregunta de E23, una pregunta de MUD y otra sobre la película
REC 4 - Créditos
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