Britta June and Co

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Britta June and Co I help coaches maximize exposure, gain visibility, and generate leads through organic marketing so they can focus on changing lives.

Feel like you never accomplish anything when you're on LinkedIn? The rabbit hole time-lapse trap is real! You've been sc...

Feel like you never accomplish anything when you're on LinkedIn?

The rabbit hole time-lapse trap is real!

You've been scrolling, clicking, liking, and opening, and before you know it you have a million tabs open, but aren't really sure how so much time has passed, and you feel like you've made progress with your networking.

👉 The key is having specific goals to accomplish and set a timer to complete them.


If you log on with no time limit, you can feel overwhelm and do nothing or you can spend WAY more time than you intended still haven't reached your goal.

It doesn't take HOURS on the platform to connect, get visible, make an impact, and move the needle forward in your business.

Need help setting those LinkedIn goals so you can start making sales? 💸

DM me - "GOALS" to learn more.

Using LinkedIn to attract your ideal client involves more than just cross-posting content from Instagram and occasionall...

Using LinkedIn to attract your ideal client involves more than just cross-posting content from Instagram and occasionally logging in to check your notifications and inbox.

LinkedIn is a live ongoing professional networking event.

That means if you want to expand your visibility and have your ideal client reach out to you, you want to show up, share, support, connect, and lead with value each step of the way.

These are the 3 most common mistakes I see on LinkedIn:

PROFILE isn't updated to be client-facing without clear CTA
CONVERSATIONS are few and far not demonstrating you're available.
PERSONAL STORIES are only saved for the 'gram, making your content dull.

If you'd like to activate your LinkedIn profile to start attracting your ideal client into your network and into your DMs send me a message with the word "ACTIVATE."

Wanting to use LinkedIn for your business? Not quite sure where to start? Feel like your engagement efforts aren't payin...

Wanting to use LinkedIn for your business?

Not quite sure where to start?
Feel like your engagement efforts aren't paying off?
Tired of your content not working for you on LinkedIn?

You can go from having a profile to ACTIVATING your profile. ⚡

Intentional actions will get you visible in front of ideal clients, spark conversation, and move the needle forward to having those sales conversations and signing new clients. 🚀

An ad-hoc approach to LinkedIn will leave you frustrated.

Make every effort count in building your authority and growing your business. 💪

Ready to implement each of these steps with clarity and intention?

👉DM me "Get Started"

"... No matter how perfectly you craft a question or the environment or the lighting or music - you're not going make so...

"... No matter how perfectly you craft a question or the environment or the lighting or music - you're not going make someone feel comfortable unless you share something first yourself." - Tom Harman

Does your workplace say they care about mental health but their actions haven't lined up with their words, promises, or initiatives?

Has your workplace offered a mental health workshop but then nothing actually changed in the day-to-day?

Tom Harman joins me on The LinkedIn Lounge Podcast in a very honest and open conversation to discuss how we can effectively approach mental health in both the workplace and with our friends and family.

🔹 Being proactive in our relationships
🔹 Advice for men struggling with mental health
🔹 Having productive dialogue around mental health
🔹 How vulnerability is beneficial personally and professionally
🔹 How to respond when someone mentions mental health struggles
🔹 Initiating meaningful conversation to create connection and safety

🎧 Listen to our conversation here:

👉 Sign up for Tom's Newsletter:

hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag

77% of marketers believe that LinkedIn generates top organic results 82% of B2B marketers reach success with LinkedIn as...

77% of marketers believe that LinkedIn generates top organic results

82% of B2B marketers reach success with LinkedIn as a lead generation channel

Users on LinkedIn have more money to spend than the average web audience—they have over 2x times higher buying power than the average

LinkedIn is FULL of potential! ⚡️

But you only unleash and tap into that potential when YOU'RE willing to lean into the platform and intentionally engage, interact, and nurture a network you're regularly growing.

⭐️ Triple your visibility
⭐️ Get in front of high-quality, ideal clients
⭐️ Establish your authority in a professional network
⭐️ Build mutually beneficial professional relationships
⭐️ Sell and sign your offer

Are you ready to uplevel and leverage your LinkedIn presence in 2024?

2-month 1:1 high-touch personal experience to understand and use the platform specifically for your business goals!

DM Me "LEARN" for more info.

✨LinkedIn Wrapped 2023 in Review✨Mark your calendars and come listen to  and I discuss what we’ve noticed,discovered, an...

✨LinkedIn Wrapped 2023 in Review✨

Mark your calendars and come listen to and I discuss what we’ve noticed,discovered, and learned about LinkedIn this year while predict what we’ll see in 2024.

Want to learn more about LinkedIn? Tune in!
Not sure if LinkedIn is right for you? Tune in!
Curious how it’s different from IG? Tune in!

Get the inside scoop from two LinkedIn experts!

Deeply grateful and blessed to be carrying eternity in my heart.Every year brings new seasons of life within the changin...

Deeply grateful and blessed to be carrying eternity in my heart.

Every year brings new seasons of life within the changing of the four seasons.

Business ebbs and flows.
Creativity fluctuates.
Responsibility varies.
Motivation wavers.

But no matter what the season carries a few things always remain the same:

Every day is a gift.
People need support.
Networking is never a waste of time.
Investing in people is always a good idea.
Holding onto hope with an eternal outlook keeps things in perspective.

As we gather together and keep our thoughts focused on gratitude and thanksgiving let’s also encourage one another through stoking.

Stoke the faith.
Stoke the soul.
Stoke community. 🔥

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17

Romans 8 ✨

🍁 Happy Thanksgiving! 🍁

⭐️Exclusive Black Friday LinkedIn Bundle! ⭐️A special offer created to help you polish off your LinkedIn account before ...

⭐️Exclusive Black Friday LinkedIn Bundle! ⭐️

A special offer created to help you polish off your LinkedIn account before heading into 2024!

- Profile Audit
- DM Messaging Templates
- Continue the Conversation Workbook
- 1 Hour Consulting Call

⭐️ Get feedback on your profile and action items you can implement to boost your visibility, appear in more searches, and take people on a journey through your profile.

⭐️ Have access to resources that help you navigate the conversation no matter where you're at in the connection and relationship-building process.

⭐️ Hop on a 1-hour call to ask all your questions and get insight and direction on how you can best use your LinkedIn account to make it move and create exciting opportunities for you!

A $300 value all yours for $150! 🎉

Grab your bundle by clicking on the Black Friday Bundle in the bio.

Officially 13 years on LinkedIn (but really only 4 years I've activated the power of this professional networking platfo...

Officially 13 years on LinkedIn (but really only 4 years I've activated the power of this professional networking platform.)

There is so much fear surrounding the opinions, reactions, and impressions of others on LinkedIn.

You know that as soon as you start opening up (no matter how vulnerable you think you're being) you're putting your professional reputation on the line.

We hold back for many reasons!

What will my boss think?
What will my colleague think?
What will my old high school classmate think?

What if I'm wrong?
What if it's not liked?
What if it costs me my job?
What if my opinion is unpopular?

(I supported my clients using LinkedIn for over 18 months before I started publishing my own content and started having meaningful valuable connections!)

And because I overcame the self-doubt and imposter syndrome I've:

🔹 Signed multiple long-term clients.

🔹 Met incredibly supportive and inspirational entrepreneurs who continually support and encourage.

🔹 Had numerous quality and valuable conversations that I've been able to publicly share through my podcast The LinkedIn Lounge Podcast.

🔹 Was introduced to the world of Employer Branding and its supportive community that moves to promote, education, and build awareness.

🔹 Was asked to speak internationally on weaving the personal into the professional and the Employer Branding Empple festival which has now opened up new doors of speaking opportunities.

And I'm still learning and leaning into LinkedIn!

The biggest reason I'm a huge advocate for EVERYONE to be using this space is because you truly don't know what doors will open for you that personally impact you but then also can make an impact on a much greater scale.

How many years have you been on LinkedIn?

P.s. Did you know that LinkedIn has reached over 1 billion users?! Are an account hold or are you leveraging your space here?

Grab the FREE Visibility Training:

and Content Prompts to get started:

Small changes make a big difference! If I were looking to quickly improve my LinkedIn Profile I would start by double-ch...

Small changes make a big difference!

If I were looking to quickly improve my LinkedIn Profile I would start by double-checking these 4 things:

🔹 Profile Photo is visible to EVERYONE!
🔹 Contact information is up to date and creates an opportunity to connect OFF the platform (email, website, social media).
🔹 About Section is up to date, written in the 1st person, is personal, and not simply your resume.
🔹 Turn Off 'People Also Viewed' Setting under General Preferences.

👉 (Click through the slides for an additional four suggestions!)

There are so many fun tools you can use on LinkedIn!

Just because a tool is there though doesn't necessarily mean you should use it.

Start small and when you have more time you can start to comment more, write your own content, and use more of the features available to you.

🌟 Grab your Free LinkedIn Guide here:

It's ok if you don't want to be a LinkedIn influencer!There are reasons (and value) to start sharing on LinkedIn that do...

It's ok if you don't want to be a LinkedIn influencer!

There are reasons (and value) to start sharing on LinkedIn that don't involve:

❌ Spending hours on the platform
❌ An intricate content strategy
❌ Extra tools and programs

You can share on LinkedIn because you want to:
🔹Take on a new challenge
🔹Get out of your comfort zone
🔹Facilitate conversation and opportunities
🔹 Support your colleagues through recognition
🔹 Start building your own digital professional reputation
🔹 You enjoy sharing your experience (it's fun and you're learning!)

With a little direction, you can go from scrolling, watching, and reposting other people's content to tripling your visibility, creating valuable meaningful connections, and crafting a persona brand that also authentically reflects your employer brand.

We don't need more influencers. We need more normal real-life people sharing relatable experiences. That's where the true connection that matters takes place.

Little by little is better than nothing at all.It doesn't need to be constant.It doesn't need to be big.It just needs to...

Little by little is better than nothing at all.

It doesn't need to be constant.
It doesn't need to be big.
It just needs to be.

What's holding you back from sharing on LinkedIn?

Feel too professional?
Doesn't feel as fun as Instagram?
Not as entertaining as TikTok?
Your voice doesn't feel appropriate on LinkedIn?

YOU belong on LinkedIn!

Not sure what you can actually share?

Send me a DM to get started:

- Profile Optimization
- Content Strategy and Copywriting
- Consulting Call
- Account Management

It's a good day for an introduction! Hi! 👋 I'm Britta Blanski - Owner of Britta June and Co. an Employer Brand and Linke...

It's a good day for an introduction!

Hi! 👋 I'm Britta Blanski - Owner of Britta June and Co. an Employer Brand and LinkedIn Strategy consulting agency.

I didn't always love LinkedIn - at first, I actually thought it was the worst (most boring) social media platform - that is until I realized that it's not quite like social media and can actually create exciting opportunities for its users who are willing to put themselves out there.

The key being- you gotta put yourself out there!! 😝

🤫 I worked with my LinkedIn clients for over 18 months before I published my own posts on LinkedIn 🙈

It's hard to show up especially when your professional reputation is on the line.

That's where I particularly love working with my clients whether they're an executive, an entrepreneur, or job seeker there is a personal growth and mindset journey and process you go through to realize that:

1. You DO have something worth sharing
2. You CAN (and should) share that story online.

Weaving together over a decade of experience in curriculum creation, storytelling, copywriting, and marketing I help you confidently show up on the professional networking platform in order to lead by example AND create your own opportunities.

I moved to Bologna, Italy in 2012 from Minnesota and am never fully satisfied with mediocre autumn and lack of snow.

When I'm not breaking down the LinkedIn stereotype you can find me:

💙 Playing with my two boys (8 and 6)
🎹 Re-learning old piano sheet music
🎙️ Enjoying quality conversations for The LinkedIn Lounge Podcast
✞ Reading, listening, discussing about faith

I'm glad you're here and would love to learn more about you!

Always feel free to slide into my DMs with questions about Italy or LinkedIn!

It's taken some time to really absorb and comprehend what an incredible experience the .community festival was. No matte...

It's taken some time to really absorb and comprehend what an incredible experience the .community festival was.

No matter how many times you get up and speak in front of people you still get the pre-presentation jitters. 👻

This was my first experience speaking live on stage and I'm so grateful for having asked me to be a speaker. There were many reasons why I felt like I wasn't capable or I wasn't the right person to be on stage. Katarina encouraged me straight from the get-go and her kindness and support showed and proved that it was and is possible! 💛

I took to the stage to give a call to others to step up, take action, and take on the responsibility of taking action when it comes to sharing your own story, and advocating for yourself, and for your team - by doing so we encourage others to do the same. ✨

There is one thing that struck me from this experience:

Meeting new people and engaging in meaningful conversation is always worth it.

It's special to meet so many great thought-leaders and content creators from LinkedIn IN person.

It's encouraging, motivating, and inspiring to hear closely (literally) someone else's experience, struggles, questions, wins, and thought processes.

We're all in this thing called life together.

Don't be afraid to embrace and tackle head-on those scary-out-of-your-comfort-zone experiences! You never know what you'll learn about yourself.

It’s not every day you meet someone who is so grounded in their work and confident in their message their excitement is ...

It’s not every day you meet someone who is so grounded in their work and confident in their message their excitement is contagious.

That’s exactly what brings to the table!

It was so much fun talking to her on the LinkedIn Lounge podcast on the impact and importance of your visibility within whatever community you are a part of (both online and in person).

In this episode we discuss:

🔹Getting vocal on a local level
🔹 Not diminishing your position, role, or calling
🔹Different ways of getting visible and how to get started
🔹Leaning into new adventures with trust
🔹 Facing changes and evolution in the digital world
🔹 Fearlessly embracing your message and mission

🎧Go connect with Roshanda and listen to our conversation: link in bio!

Social Media can attract us to the possibility of big numbers and big success. LinkedIn can certainly get you visible an...

Social Media can attract us to the possibility of big numbers and big success.

LinkedIn can certainly get you visible and get your name out there!


Your focus shouldn't be on going big, it should be on curating, nurturing, and leaning into and serving small circles of community.

⚡️ That's where the power of connection lies.

Networking is value-based. When you approach "meeting" (adding) people to your network think about how this can be mutually beneficial.

No one likes to pitch-slapped and we're all tired of the same old let-me-pretend-I'm-interested-so-I-can-sell-to-you-five-messages-later conversations. (We all know how those conversations start😏).

When you take on LinkedIn on a small level you'll experience what can happen when you focus on intentionality and authenticity instead of taking on the influencer mindset.

✍️ Need help getting those messages started? Grab the LinkedIn Message Templates - link in bio!

🗣 Need help continuing the conversation once you're connected? Get the "Keep the Convo Going" resource - Link in bio!

👉 Want to know what this can look like specifically for YOU and your business/professional goals? Book a Strategy or Consulting call. Links in bio.


Social media can be exhausting... Especially when you feel like you need to continually be showing up on video to build ...

Social media can be exhausting...

Especially when you feel like you need to continually be showing up on video to build trust, let people see how you sound, and get a sense of your vibe.

Video is of course an important part of your content marketing strategy.

But the good news about LinkedIn is that you do NOT need to create any video content just to help your reach and increase engagement.

The basis of LinkedIn is to create economic opportunity for its users- and that happens through meaningful networking and relationship-building.

Some of the greatest content creators on LinkedIn have never published a video and rarely publish graphics.

You can be wildly successful with text-only posts.

This can be a huge weight off your shoulders as a business owner if you're thinking of adding on LinkedIn to your visibility suite but the thought of having to create something new, different, and just adding more to your plate is out of the question.

Looking to learn how to repurpose and leverage your content specifically for LinkedIn?

Let's chat!
👉Book a discovery call
👉Book a strategy call
Links in bio ✨

LinkedIn is known as the professional network for a reason👇It IS more professional. Having a consistent curated presence...

LinkedIn is known as the professional network for a reason👇

It IS more professional.

Having a consistent curated presence on LinkedIn helps build your own authority, expertise, and thought leadership while also growing a professional network that you can lean into at any time. (Your network is your net worth 😉)

But it's not only about networking and lead generation (although that's certainly important to a business owner!)

Brands that share on LinkedIn are seen as “higher quality” by 50% of users.

🔹 While 92% of brands are seen as “more professional”,
🔹 74% are “more intelligent,”
🔹 59% are “more respectable!

You can be all these things on other social media platforms as well, but there is also a lot of noise from all the other fun content being put out by users for personal reasons.

When it comes to doing business, as a professional, you should be on the professional networking platform.

There is a whole pool of incredible people who exclusively use LinkedIn.

If you're looking to tap into a new network, get new and different eyes on your content, and establish yourself as a thought leader within your industry NOW is the time to get on LinkedIn. 👏

👉 But it's not the same as Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok - so if you're looking for some direction book a strategy call and set yourself up for success.

Link bio ✨

Catch up on the latest LinkedIn Lounge Discussions! 🎧I've received lots of great feedback on this Summer Series. People ...

Catch up on the latest LinkedIn Lounge Discussions! 🎧

I've received lots of great feedback on this Summer Series.

People expressing gratitude for hearing just encouraging real-life, down-to-earth conversations with people who are simply trying to live out their faith wherever the Lord has currently called them to be.

Everyone's story is a little different and that's the beauty of it.

The latest episodes 7, 8, 9, and 10 recepped here:

💛 discussed what it looks like to t looks like to reframe common beliefs and stereotypes around money and work especially as a Christian woman.

💛 shared how she navigates each step of her business through prayer and responds in faithfulness even if it looks like going against everything we online out in the world today.

💛 Edoardo Bernardi speaks of his experience working in a Catholic High School and how he uses each opportunity to have meaningful conversations with students and with colleagues on what it looks like to practically live out your faith.

💛 shared her journey of being called to completely give up her 6 figure coaching business as she was graciously brought to the realization of new age practices she had incorporated into her business and how it isn't aligned with what Christ desires for us and His kingdom.

I'm so grateful for having such gracious and wonderful guests who are willing to share some insight into their own personal faith journey and what it looks while also working and running a business.

Go listen to their stories and connect with them to support and follow along with the work they're doing.

It's easy to hit 'connect' on LinkedIn but then you have absolutely no idea what to say in that first message. You don't...

It's easy to hit 'connect' on LinkedIn but then you have absolutely no idea what to say in that first message.

You don't want to sound salesy.
You don't want to come off as desperate.
You don't want to appear like you're starting a conversation just to later pitch them.

We sniff out those DM statics from a mile away. 😏

Never lost again when it comes to sending a connection request message on LinkedIn or getting the conversation started.

When you come from a place of genuine interest and desire to get to know someone it becomes easier to send those messages.

Get started with these templates that you can make your own!

Get it here 👇

🥁 Introducing a special Summer Series and Season 3 of the LinkedIn Lounge Podcast 🥁I've spent the last couple of months ...

🥁 Introducing a special Summer Series and Season 3 of the LinkedIn Lounge Podcast 🥁

I've spent the last couple of months gathering very personal stories from some incredibly amazing people who have been intentionally and carefully weaving their faith into their work.

One of the beautiful aspects of faith is that doesn't fit into a one-size-fits-all box.

Everyone will live out their faith differently because of their unique gifts, strengths, and personality. ✨

You don't need to be bold, extraverted, and loud to share your faith or make a lasting impact. 👏

You don't need to *only* work with Christians or *only* work with non-Christians in order to serve the Lord or make a difference.

I've spoken with:

🔹 Authors
🔹 Coaches
🔹 Teachers
🔹 Unemployed
🔹 6-Figure Entrepreneurs
🔹 People juggling a 9-5 and a side hustle
🔹 And some who have given it all up because they were called to lay it down and let it go.

No two conversations are alike and no two stories are the same.

My hope and prayer is that conversations encourage every listener and leads them to take action they have been afraid to.

Can't wait to release the first episode next Thursday, June 1st!

** If you know someone who has a powerful faith story to share, I'd love to chat with them. Tag them here or introduce us in the DMs.

Your job 𝙘𝙖𝙣 be poetry. A job can be life-altering. A job is so much more than what the description is or how HR defines...

Your job 𝙘𝙖𝙣 be poetry.

A job can be life-altering.

A job is so much more than what the description is or how HR defines your role.

Simply offering a job to have a job is no longer the workplace caliber that people care about.

We want to write our own magical poetry from the career journey we're creating for ourselves.

So "the stories that will get you to buy an offer are different from how people think about their own job."

Ellis joins me on The LinkedIn Lounge Podcast to talk all things Employer Branding - starting with the big idea that employer branding is for everybody!

When you raise the standard of transparency, you raise the standard of how you show up and do your job.

On this episode James and I discuss:

🔹 You have an employer brand whether you're aware of it or not.
🔹 It's not as simple as a good or bad employer brand
🔹 How and why has the perception around "having a job."
🔹 Why we are sharing more about employee experience
🔹 Talking about the negative proves the positive.

James is a wealth of knowledge about employer branding - if you're not already following him go do it now!

His excitement around employer branding is contagious and his willingness to help is a gift to this community and space.

👉 James also has the best resources on employer branding:


🎧 Listen to the latest episode here: #

So you built the thing… and they didn’t come running?I get it. And that’s all too common. Some ‘guru’ somewhere told you...

So you built the thing… and they didn’t come running?

I get it. And that’s all too common. Some ‘guru’ somewhere told you to just believe and just put your course out into the world and the people that need it would come.

Didn’t exactly happen that way, did it?

The truth is, no matter how great your course is, or how much potential it has to really help people, if you don’t have the right kind of marketing strategy in place then it won’t go anywhere. Plus, even with a well-thought-out marketing plan in place, there’s still no guarantee that people will come running.

But that doesn’t mean you should give up. You just need to tweak your approach and find a way to connect with the right people and build an audience who is truly interested in what you have to offer.

That’s exactly why my friend put together the Lucrative Leads Summit for you.

Over the 4-days, we’ve got 30 amazing speakers teaching you their best actionable strategies for generating leads for your business. That means growing your impact, busting through that revenue plateau, and making more sales.

Click the link in my bio to get all the details and get your FREE ticket.

Can't wait to see you there!

Leverage LinkedIn in 2023.⚡️Having a profile is just step zero. 👉 Having an optimized profile, knowing what kind of cont...

Leverage LinkedIn in 2023.⚡️

Having a profile is just step zero.

👉 Having an optimized profile, knowing what kind of content connects on LinkedIn, and knowing how to search for the right people to bring into your network is what's going to create and open opportunities for you and your business.

Get LinkedIn support with:

- A Strategy Call
- Profile Optimization
- LinkedIn Team training
- Content strategy

✨Increase your visibility.
✨Grow your network.
✨Increase revenue.
✨Become a thought leader.

What you put into the platform is what you're going to get out of it.

Just because it's the professional platform doesn't mean people will buy your offer at first glance. BUT people ARE there to do business.

Start showing up and actively participating in the greatest live ongoing global networking event. 👏💫

Links in bio or shoot me a DM and let's get the convo started!

(Don't believe LinkedIn creates doors of opportunity for you? Season 1 of the LinkedIn Lounge Podcast is all chock full of first-hand testimonials of people who decided to invest in LinkedIn and got massive life-changing results!⚡️🎧)

I know what you’re thinking another summit. But trust me, this one is different.Summits and online events that tackle th...

I know what you’re thinking another summit. But trust me, this one is different.

Summits and online events that tackle the entire scope of running a wedding business can only scratch the surface of every topic. This can leave you feeling like you’re leaving with more “to do’s” and “to learn’s” than actual new skills.

That’s why the focuses on ONE TOPIC at a time.

We go deep to ensure that you leave having MASTERED the topic area and are ready to implement right away!

Over the past year, over 10K+ wedding pros joined the first two years of Wedding
Summit Series. I’m so excited to join this time because we’re talking about Marketing and Advertising for wedding pros: Make more $$ with a winning marketing strategy, content that speaks to your ideal client, and advertising you actually see a return on.

Join us February 20-22 – grab your FREE ticket at the link in my bio!

"In these uncertain times, it’s even more critical to call ourselves and those around us to greatness"This is just one o...

"In these uncertain times, it’s even more critical to call ourselves and those around us to greatness"

This is just one of the great quotable moments from my conversation with Rosie Ward, Ph.D. on this episode of The LinkedIn Lounge Podcast.

There is so much value packed into this conversation.💥

Rosie shares her expertise on creating a thriving workplace culture in a world that is becoming increasingly more complex and facing continual disruptions.

We cover so many different aspects of navigating the workplace we discuss:

🔹People pleasing
🔹Dehumanization of the workplace
🔹Navigating a VUCA world
🔹Company purpose
🔹Giving feedback

Rosie discusses all of these deep topics on her podcast, Show Up as a Leader which you can listen to here:

Listen to the latest episode of The LinkedIn Lounge Podcast here:



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