Almost thirty years ago the governments of the world banded together to enact a secret plan. To study and catalog the mightiest creatures in the galaxy and pit them against one another in a test of strength. The goal was to discover their powerful secrets for the purpose of total world domination. Gary Goldsteiniski, was born. They soon realized that none of the scientists of the era possessed the
massive levels of bravery and intellect required for the study. Having no other option the government leaders turned to their only possible course of action. Dark science and even darker sorcery. Five male children were chosen and developed in secret throughout their lives. Using an array of scientific, philosophical, mystical, and some say, evil methods, the scientists achieved a remarkable result. The five men were gifted with powers of comprehension and wisdom heretofore unseen since the days of the Egyptian priests. Together, they became the five members of the Beast Duels Radio Hour,
Nick Fulton, dashing ER physicist, adventurer and fearless host
is joined by
Kyle Fulton, his brother, gifted with creative powers unseen since a young Gene Roddenberry walked the Earth,
Michael Truax, a young captain of industry known as "The Most Critical Man In the World",
Themos Politis: Half mad scientist, half champion of the people, and half Adonis,
Cir L'Bert II, an urban mystery man whose steely gaze can turn even the stoniest hearts to pure molten gold. Upon discovering the sinister purpose of their lives the four rebelled against their creators. After stealing the powerful cosmic technology of the Beast Duels Studio, they escaped into the wilderness. Now they have returned with a new found purpose. To use the knowledge and powers gained through the Beast Duel to free mankind from fear and ignorance forever.