Pittsburgh Post-Gazette journalists walked off the job in an unfair labor practice strike in October 2022. It’s now the longest ongoing strike in the country, according to the International Communications Workers of America..
But enough employees kept working to keep the paper publishing. The strike has created — and in some ways deepened — bitter divisions among the Post-Gazette’s journalists, many of whom have worked alongside each other for years. It also laid bare years of turmoil within the union itself, that included the ouster of its longtime leader over sexual misconduct allegations.
So trust in the union leadership was already low when the strike vote occurred, and a successful resolution was far from certain. Now, with a new administration in the White House come January, the strike’s future has become even more uncertain. https://penncapital-star.com/labor/the-strike-at-the-pittsburgh-post-gazette-is-now-the-longest-in-the-nation-and-its-not-over/