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Sarasvati Productions Swamiji is one of the earliest Western disciples of Swami Muktananda Paramahansa. Swami Prakashananda was born in 1949 in a small Italian town.

Sarasvati Productions publishes books written by Swami Prakashananda, including the most recent, "Mahayoga: the Mystical Path of the Siddhas," his autobiography. At the age of seven he immigrated to America with his family. At the age of sixteen he left home in search of God. Four years later (in 1969), after a number of mystical experiences, he traveled to India in search of a spiritual master. A

fter wandering throughout northern India, meeting and living with different gurus and yogis, he was guided to the great Siddha, Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa of Ganeshpuri (affectionately called Babaji by his devotees). Muktananda initiated him into the ancient lineage of Siddha Yoga the moment he met him. Muktananda's initiation started a process of deep meditation and yogic experiences which resulted in a complete spiritual transformation. Swamiji lived with Muktananda from 1969 until his death in 1982, serving him in various ways, while performing his spiritual practices (sadhana). He also traveled with Muktananda to numerous pilgrimage centers in India, and when Muktananda left India on his last two world tours he asked Swamiji to accompany him. As Swamiji was also an excellent astrologer, having studied both the Western and Vedic systems of the science, he became the ashram's official astrologer. Muktananda not only sent people to him for consultation, but also had him teach astrology in the ashram. After Muktananda's death in 1982, Swamiji went to live in Muktananda's South Fallsburg, New York ashram, where he remained mostly in solitude and silence for the next three and a half years practicing intense sadhana. In 1986 Swamiji decided to leave the ashram to travel and share his experiences with others. Swamiji now lives in California and continues to teach and inspire others on the spiritual path.

Message from Swami Prakashananda on Baba's 115th lunar birthday:Happy 115th Birthday BABA!Jai Gurudev!My dear Guru Siste...

Message from Swami Prakashananda on Baba's 115th lunar birthday:

Happy 115th Birthday BABA!
Jai Gurudev!

My dear Guru Sisters, Brothers and Friends,:

With great respect and love I welcome you all with all my heart. One- hundred- and- fifteen years ago, at sunrise on the morning of May 16th, a child was born into a wealthy family near Mangalore, in the south Indian state of Karnataka. It was also a full moon day, which is considered to make the day very auspicious. This year Baba’s lunar birthday falls on May 5th.

The child’s mother had been praying for a son for some time, and had been visiting the famous Manjunath Shiva temple for some time to offer her prayers. Then one day, a mendicant went to her door begging for food. She welcomed the sadhu with great respect and love, and served him selflessly. When the sadhu finished his meal and got up to leave, he suddenly stopped, and looked intently at her and said, “Mother, don’t worry, you will soon be blessed by Lord Shiva with a son. Also, repeat the sacred mantra, “Om Namah Shivaya,” all your life. Without hesitation, she began repeating the mantra right then and there. And in due time she gave birth to a son just as the sadhu had predicted.

The parents named the boy Krishna, and from an early age Krishna showed a deep interest in spiritual matters. It is said that the mother is the child’s first Guru. So whenever she fed Krishna, she would have him repeat the mantra with each bite he took. And when his father read from the scriptures, Krishna would sit very close to him so he would be sure to hear every word

Krishna also had a premonition about his future. He would say that one day he would travel the world and would meet many people and do many things. These premonitions began to manifest when at the age of fifteen he met the wandering saint and ecstatic yogi, Bhagavan Nityananda. Nityananda was known as a supreme Avadhuta, indicating one who had attained the highest spiritual state. He wandered freely, wearing only a loincloth. He never asked for anything, but was always ready to give to those in need. And he had the power to awaken the dormant spiritual power residing in everyone. When young Krishna met Nityananda, the saint gently stroked his cheek in blessing. One day Krishna went to meet the saint, who at the time was staying in a cave located at a place called Kadri Hill. It was a popular place amongst sadhus. Another sadhu, who at the time was sitting with Nityananda, tells us what Nityananda said about the young boy after he had left. Nityananda told the sadhu, “Did you see that young boy who was just here? He is no ordinary boy. He will wander for some time, but when “this one” calls him, he will come to me. I will then send him all over the world, and he will bless hundreds of thousands of people.

And we all know the truth of this prophecy. By the grace of his Guru, Bhagavan Nityananda, young Krishna, who later became known as Swami Muktananda did indeed travel the world, awakening the inner divine power (Shakti) to all kinds of people. He welcomed everyone with love and respect. He did not discriminate between one person and another. He was a true Guru. He became known as a Siddha Purusha (a perfected being), and the “Guru’s Guru,” And although so much time has passed, and he is no longer in his physical body, people still receive his or his Guru’s grace. Death is no obstacle to them. People who have never met Baba physically are always telling me how they have received his blessings. Some say that he appeared to them in their dreams or meditation and gave them instructions, while others have received Shaktipat by simply reading about him, or seeing a photo of him. It actually does not feel that very much time has passed at all. It seems to me that it was only recently that we were sitting at his feet. And we are still sitting at his feet, receiving his blessings. May you all experience his presence in your lives. And may he awaken your true inner Self. That is my only wish.

Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jai!

With great respect and love,
Swami Prakashananda

From Baba’s talk on Guru Purnima, 1981

"O man, don't you remember that you belong to the family of the supreme Absolute?"

On the occasion of Guru Purnima, I welcome with all my heart the infinite souls who exist in the form of this universe. It is my firm conviction that in the form of a human being, God dwells.
Today is Guru Purnima. In India, Guru Purnima is considered to be a very significant day. In this world there is no analogy which can be used to describe the Guru. There is a jewel called the philosopher's stone. It existed in the ancient world, but I do not know if it has disappeared in the modern age. Anyhow, it is said that if a philosopher's stone comes into contact with iron, it turns that iron into gold. But although a philosopher's stone can turn iron into gold, it cannot transform it into a philosopher's stone. For this reason Tukaram Maharaj said, "Even the analogy of a philosopher's stone and iron is insufficient to describe a Guru, because a Guru turns a disciple into himself."

In Shaivism there is an aphorism which says, "The Guru is the means." The Guru is medicine. Why is the Guru medicine? We have so many different kinds of diseases - desires, anger, jealousy, greed, pride, and so on. Only the Guru has medicine for all these things. He cures all these diseases from within. For this reason, we need him very badly.

When the word Guru is used, it does not mean that the Guru is this body. The Guru is the grace bestowing power of God. The Guru is Shakti, divine power, and not vyakti, an individual being. The Guru has great power. He can take souls who are burning in the fire of agitation of this world to a place where there is only coolness and shade. By reaching that place, an individual soul loses his separate existence, and merges into God.

An ecstatic being put it so well. He said, "When I met the Pure One, I also became pure. When I met the Clear One, I was also erased."
He is called saffar who is all-pervasive, who pervades this entire world, who is that Consciousness. So the great being said, "When I met the saffar, I also came saffar. My ego was obliterated, and I became God."

A person wants to keep ego within himself. He thinks that his ego makes him powerful and strong. He wants to take such good care of his ego. He does not understand that if he lets go of his ego, he will become truly great; he will become God.

Today the condition of the world not so good. This world is filled with fear, violence, attachment, and aversion. This devil is making such great progress that everyone is frightened. The world is a mass of worries. Everybody is restless, agitated and afflicted. Because we have made the condition of this world like this, people's lives are becoming disoriented. Everybody is crazy over the idea "I am big," "I am important," and they do not know where this idea is taking them. Every person and every country wants to become great. Who is going to remain small? Who knows where this craziness to become great will take people.

The desire for authority is burning everyone in the fire of wickedness. It is burning people's peace and love, their affection for their friends and neighbors, and their awareness of universal brotherhood. This time is so bad. But, in the Bhagavad Gita the Lord prescribed a wonderful medicine for these things. He said, "O Pandava, only if a person remains free from the fire of envy, does he experience joy."

Today, at this time, it is very important that everybody follow self-control. All scriptures and all religions teach self-control; nobody teaches violence. Along with having self-control, it is also important for people to pray to God all the time. God does exist. He is the inner Self of all, and He dwells in everybody's heart. He is very compassionate, He is the dear friend of our lives. God is so close to us, but we create enmity with Him. We become friends with the ego, and so we suffer.

It is our foremost duty to spread the awareness of universal brotherhood everywhere. We should spread it in our neighborhood, in our country, and in every place we go. Today we do not need to worry about success and failure. We do not need to burn ourselves in the pride of superiority and inferiority. Instead, we need to experience the love that comes from having an awareness of universal brotherhood. We need to practice having affection for other people all the time.

When I begin my lecture, I always say, "With great respect and love, I welcome you all with all my heart." When I say this, I actually welcome the Lord who dwells in everybody's heart.
We have to have equal awareness, because everybody in this world is the child of God. This world does not have many fathers and many mothers. There is only that One. The flame of God Himself is shining everywhere in this world and in everyone's heart. Although there seems to be disparity in this world, God dwells in everybody, and there is only unity.

For this reason, we should all constantly remember universal brotherhood in our hearts. If we cannot have this attitude, then it is very difficult for us to become happy. Although we are the children of one God, we waste our time creating all these dualities and categories--different countries, different castes, and different religions. We should all get together to destroy dualities.
A great being in Maharashtra used to pray to God saying, "O Lord, may the awareness of universal brotherhood increase in this world. May differences of opinion be destroyed."

Our life is valuable, but we waste it because of our valueless ignorance. This happens because of our weak understanding, and we should try to erase this kind of understanding. When a person is intoxicated with pride and ego, he says, "This is mine, that is mine." He does not realize that when he leaves this world, he will be alone. When you were born in this world, you came with your fists closed, but when you leave this world, your palms are open.

Between coming and going, you do so many bad things. But every person should remember that just as your shadow always follows you, in the same way, your death is always following you, and one day you will have to be buried under the earth. When this is the case, isn't it a matter of wonder that a person is just letting his life go by due to his blindness?

Today, what we need to do is recognize our own inner Consciousness. We have to discover the effulgent and beautiful bliss within. A saint in Maharashtra said, "I experience the source of all joy in my own heart. Behind me and before me, I experience supreme bliss, the bliss of the Absolute."

A person should experience the inner Self and that effulgent bliss. You do not need to ask what you are and who you are. Instead, you need to know it. Having love for God is the death of ego. Where there is no ego, neither you nor I exist. When ego is destroyed, we experience God. We all merge into the same center of God, which is a real and definite place.

God has given birth to all of us with great love. He has given us this beautiful world, along with so many materials with which to experience joy. But what are we doing with everything that God has given to us? What are we doing in this world? A person should always remember that the divine Shakti is present within. This divine force is all-pervasive, and It is also called Chiti Shakti, the great Energy. If a person experiences that Shakti, then very naturally, he can go to God.

But although this invaluable jewel dwells within all of us, where are we taking ourselves? In a hellish direction. Think about it--where are you going? You should ask yourself all the time - hey, where am I going? You should reflect on this--where am I going? I repeat this again - where are you going? After attaining this human birth, what were you supposed to attain and what have you actually obtained? What were you supposed to take with you and what are you actually taking? You should contemplate this. O my dear friends, God exists within you as surely as the sun shines in the sky.
Guru Nanakdev used to say,

"Why do you search for Him from one place to another, from one forest to another?

He exists within and without. He is everywhere."

Therefore, it is said,

"Just as the sun exists in the sky whether it is morning or afternoon,
In the same way, God exists in everyone's heart."
It is not that just a small part of God is within all of us. God exists within us in His fullness, just as He exists within Himself. It is said, "As above, so below." Therefore, the sages tell us, "Through your intellect, remember who you are, remember who you are, remember who you are. Through your mind, remember who you are, remember who you are, remember who you are."
Once a sage asked another seer, "Who is that God who is worshipped by everybody?"

The seer immediately replied, "He is the Witness of your mind."
The Upanishads say that God exists in the mind, but is different from the mind. He is subtler than the mind, and the mind cannot know Him, because the mind is His body. However, it is He who makes the mind contemplate. He is the inner Self, He is nectarean, and He is worshipped by everybody in the world.

I read a Marathi poem by a great being, who said,

"O man, don't you remember that you belong to the family of the supreme Absolute?"

Knowing that this is the case, respect Him from within. You desire respect from others, yet you insult yourself all the time. Can this be right? You are always putting yourself down, you are always insulting yourself, yet you want others to honor you. Are you not going in the wrong direction? When the divinely effulgent Self is within, why do you go in the opposite direction? Don't do that. Instead, remember that supreme Consciousness which pervades everywhere, and meditate on that supreme Consciousness. Such meditation gives peace.

I am not saying that you should close your eyes and sit in a locked room and meditate. That is a mediocre meditation, a child's meditation, a kindergarten meditation. Shaivism says that Consciousness exists in everybody, and that to see that Consciousness in all people is to experience the bliss of +
Shakti pervades from head to toe, dwelling especially in the heart. Remember It. In other words, meditate on It. It has the power to cure all your diseases, and to increase the love between a husband and a wife. Recognize that.

Moreover, do not think that your world is useless. Do not destroy this world by setting fires, by breaking things and tearing them down. God has created this world with so much love, and you should try to live in this world and maintain it with the same amount of love. As long as you are filled with stupidity, this is a mere world. But once your foolishness and stupidity leave you, then this is not merely a world, but an abode of the Lord Himself.
Remember this: God has manifested Himself in the form of this world. So in this world that He has made, there is great bliss. Eknath Maharaj used to say this, and you have to understand that if a person has known the Truth, then what he says is the truth. Eknath said, "I'll lead my life in this world with so much bliss and ecstasy, that all the three worlds will be saturated with ecstasy and love."
You will experience the extraordinary ecstasy of this world when you change the prescription of your glasses. So on the occasion of Guru Purnima, I say this to everybody: Change the prescription of your glasses. Wear the prescription of the awareness that God fills this universe.

It is sheer foolishness to say that things go wrong because of another person, or because of the government. It is sheer foolishness to say, "My life is falling apart because of my husband or my wife." In the Mahabharata, a dialogue took place between Krishna and Duryodhana, in which it was said, "Nobody else is responsible for your pain and pleasure."

It is your wrong understanding to say that somebody else is giving you pain or pleasure. It is vain to have the pride of "I will do this, or I will do that." That is nothing but delusion. You reap the results of your own actions. Everything happens according to destiny.

I am going to tell you a final story. Once there was a sovereign who employed a great contractor. The king had this contractor build many, many buildings. Finally, he called the man and told him, "I want you to build one last house, which should be extremely beautiful. Then you can retire."

The contractor began to build the house. For many years, he had been doing his work lawfully, because he desired to get more work in the future. But now he knew that this was the last house. He built a mansion that appeared very beautiful, but was actually built with plastic. It was gorgeous and shiny like the Guru Purnima decorations you see in the hall. He used only cheap materials for the house, and kept all the money for himself.

Since this man had been working for him for so long, the king had already decided to give him a great gift. When the mansion was ready, the contractor gave the key to the king. The king went to see the place. He examined the house, and realized how it was made. There were a lot of people at the inauguration ceremony, and the king gave a long lecture. He said, "This man has done such a wonderful job. He has built this beautiful artistic house. So, with great joy, from my heart, I offer this mansion to this great contractor."

The man got the house. This is how a person eats the fruit of his own actions. So, do not think that somebody else is going to suffer for your actions. It is you who will suffer. For this reason, perform only good actions. Have a sublime heart. Have true love for God. God has so much to give. He always has leftovers, because nobody can take everything from Him.

I read a poem by Ram Tirth, who said, "O Lord, in Your vast universe, in Your vast court, what do You lack? But what can I do? The bag of my heart is so tiny! Even if You were to give me everything, where could I keep it all?"

Give up your limitations. Give up your thoughts and doubts. Give up your petty feelings and your wretched understanding about yourself. Become established in this truth--"Truly, God does dwell within me." To experience the Truth fully: Meditate on your own Self, worship your own Self, kneel to your own Self, understand your own Self. Your God dwells within you as you.

In the Mahabharata, a great being offered a prayer, and after saying this prayer, I will conclude my talk.

"May everyone in this world become happy.
May everybody become free from expectations,
but may everyone be filled with love.
May everybody see his own Self, which exists inside,
shining like a brilliant sun.
May nobody even dream of sorrow."

This prayer does not say, "May only my house remain steady; may the houses of my neighbors break down." This is the prayer of a person with a great and sublime heart. Once again with great respect and love, I welcome you all with all my heart. Remember one thing: Do not insult your own Self. If you do that, you cannot be happy.

Siddha Path, September, 1981

Jai Gurudev!My dear Guru brothers, sisters, and  friends. This year we celebrate Baba Muktananda’s 114th birth anniversa...

Jai Gurudev!

My dear Guru brothers, sisters, and friends. This year we celebrate Baba Muktananda’s 114th birth anniversary. On such an auspices occasion I send blessings, with great respect and love. Yesterday was Baba’s lunar birthday, the full moon of May., and today is his solar date.

It appears that a long time has passed since we sat at Baba’s feet, listening to his wisdom and absorbing his divine shakti. Yet his presence is still clearly felt today. How fortunate we are that we had the opportunity to spend a few moments with such an ecstatic soul. Such beings take birth to awaken the sleeping power of mother Kundalini.

Many of you have enquired about my health. With Baba’s and Bhagavan Nityananda’s grace my health continues to improve. I thank you all for your prayers, good wishes, and kind words

Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jai!
With great respect and love,
Swami Prakashananda

A Special Gift — Prasad of Free Books In Celebration of Baba Muktananda’s 114th Birth Anniversary, Sarasvati Productions...

A Special Gift — Prasad of Free Books

In Celebration of Baba Muktananda’s 114th Birth Anniversary, Sarasvati Productions is offering free copies of Swami Prakashananda’s books. This offer is for a limited time only. You must place your order between May 14th to the 16th. Baba’s solar birthday is on Monday, May, 16th, and this year the lunar date (full moon day) falls on the previous day.

The books are a gift, and Swami Ramananda and his Seva Foundation have generously offered to pay the shipping charges, thereby making the book completely free. Unfortunately, due to the high cost of shipping, we can only make this offer to those living in the Continental USA. We apologies to those living outside the US for not being able to make the same offer to them.

To place your order:

Simply email us at:
[email protected]
In the Subject line write: Free Book
Include your Name, address, telephone number, email address, and choose one of the books below that you would like to have.

Note: Please be patient. We normally send our books by Media Mail, which takes 7-8 days to arrive. Once they are sent. However, when we offer free books, naturally things go slower. But they will arrive. So Enjoy! And remember Baba with great love.

Note: do not order the books from our website, unless you wish to pay for them.

The books:

"Baba Muktananda — A Biography" - Swami Prakashananda’s
biography of Baba.

"Mahayoga: The Mystical Path of the Siddhas" - the autobiography
of Swami Prakashananda

"Ask the Horse!" - this is the second collection of stories that Baba used to tell. The first collection, "Don’t Think of a Monkey," is currently out of print.


Swami Prakashananda has been moved out of ICU, and his condition is improving.

Swamiji thanks everyone for sending so much love and blessings.

Jai Gurudev!

Swami Prakashanda suffered a serious fall, and is in the ICU recovering from severe internal bleeding. He is being well ...

Swami Prakashanda suffered a serious fall, and is in the ICU recovering from severe internal bleeding. He is being well cared for, and as always, he remains at the feet of Baba.

Please feel free to leave a message for Swamiji in the comments below, they will be promptly forwarded.

Jai Gurudev.


Excerpt from Baba’s talk on Mahashivratri, 1980 at the “Attaining the Self in the World" Intensive in Miami:

With great respect and love, because you are the image of Shiva, I welcome you all with all my heart. Shivaratri is a sacred night. It is very sacred and great because once it so happened that somebody chanted all night on this particular night and God revealed Himself to him. On Shivaratri, the night of Shiva, we chant the mantra that was composed by Him--Namah Shivaya. This is called the maha mantra, the great mantra. Other mantras were expounded by the great sages, however this is a self-born mantra. If you remain awake and repeat the mantra on this night, you attain the mantra.

Lord Shiva is also called Rudra. Rudrati means sadness or difficulties. So He is Rudra who destroys all your difficulties and weeping and gives you happiness.

The attendants of Rudra manipulate the sustenance, creation, and dissolution of the world of the seer and the seen. All the individuals which are created, sustained and dissolved arise from that supreme Principle and finally merge into that supreme Principle. That Principle is eternal and is the supreme Truth and that Principle is also called Shiva. We sing His name by saying, "Om Namah Shivaya." Many of you wonder what this "Om Namah Shivaya" means. It means that the entire universe is a throb of Paramashiva.

First when you receive initiation, you are given the mantra Om Namah Shivaya. In Karnataka there was a great being who said, "There are 70,000,000 mantras and Om Namah Shivaya is the Mother of them all." The great being said, "Repeat it, repeat it, repeat it. Repeat the five syllable mantra, Om Namah Shivaya." This is the divine mantra which makes you attain pure knowledge.

For everybody the highest place is the same. When you have complete love for God without holding yourself back, you lose yourself in that place. For everybody the space which is attained is free from thoughts. There, there is no pain, no pleasure, no ignorance. That space is completely void, that space is completely free from movement and that place is called Shiva. When we say Namah Shivaya, we are naming That.

Pushpadanta said, "Oh Lord of the world, Paramashiva, I am praising You but truly, Your greatness is beyond the reach of mind and speech. For this reason, how can I praise You? The Vedas, fearing that they cannot describe Your greatness adequately just say a few words in astonishment... `Neti, neti' not this. not this ... and then they become silent."

This is the greatness of Shiva. His greatness is beyond mind and speech. Pushpadanta said, "How can I praise You when even the Vedas become silent? Who can tell how many qualities You have? What sense can perceive You? Nonetheless, who is there in this world whose mind and speech do not become completely immersed in Your enchanting form. You are so divine and nectarean. Who does not desire to become lost in You?" Shiva is beyond the reach of the mind and speech yet the mind and speech want to lose themselves in Him.

Who is Shiva? Shiva is Shiva. There is no comparison, there is no analogy for Him. For example, you may ask me "Who is this person?" If there is another person just like him, I would say, "He is like this other person. But there is nobody like Shiva, so how can I say to you Shiva is like someone else? Shiva is Shiva as Shiva is.

People describe Shiva in many different ways, but their description doesn't come anywhere close to Him. Shiva is the doer of everything in this world. Shiva is the support of all. Shiva is the inner Self of all. Shaivism says, "He is the conscious Self." When Shiva opens His eyes, the entire cosmos comes into existence. When He closes His eyes, the entire cosmos dissolves, it ceases to exist. From Shiva the universe comes into existence, into Him the universe dissolves. Shiva is the source of all shaktis, of all powers, He is the Lord, and in the form of consciousness He pervades everything and makes everything function. He is the embodiment of bliss.

If you were to ask me again, "Who is Shiva?" I would say "I am Shiva." If you asked me, "Can you tell me more?" I would say, "You are Shiva."

Shiva is called the Jewel of Life. He is the Jewel of your life, the Jewel of the individual soul.

Shiva has many names. As Shiva He is the benefactor of all. As Shankar He brings good fortune to everyone. As Mahadeva, He is the Lord of all deities and we pray to Him. As Shambu He is the one who promotes our well-being. When I use the name Shiva all the people who believe in other deities such as Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Moses and Allah begin to wonder. Don't worry, Shiva is that God whom everybody calls by different names.

People say, "God is only formless." They speak like those blind people who saw an elephant. If God could become such huge mountains, such a vast ocean, and all these people, then why would it be so difficult for Him to manifest in a form for the sake of His beloved devotees.

The sages say, "When you assume a form, you don't wear a pearl necklace, you wear snakes all around your body as ornaments. You don't wear silk clothes, you wear a tiger's skin." You are the master of all individuals, You are the Lord of all creatures. The sun and the moon are your eyes, through them you perceive the entire world. You are very dear to Lord Hari. You grant all the desires of your devotees and you give them your support. You are one. You are the husband and the mother of this world, Uma. Because you are the root cause of this entire world, you can take a form and remain formless. I offer my salutations to you.

This universe is merely a playground, the stage for Shiva to play different roles.

The divine philosophy of Shaivism asks, "What state exists without Shiva, what place exists without Shiva, what object exists without Shiva?" He dwells in all beings. In the beginning when the Lord Shiva was alone, he wanted to create this universe, so he became Shakti to bring this world into manifestation. Therefore the Upanishads say, "Rudra, Shiva Himself, became man and His own Shakti, His Supreme Energy became woman."

We should all remember that we are the children of the same God, and we are all perfect just like Him. Therefore, we should remember that no matter to what country we belong, no matter what language we speak, no matter what color we are, no matter what religion we follow, no matter what actions we perform, we all belong to God's family.

This world is the embodiment of love. The world abides in love. When the love of a husband and wife is revealed it is expressed in the form of a child. In the same way, when the ocean of love between Shiva and Shakti, the Lord and His power, was expressed this entire world came into existence. So we are nothing but the consciousness of their ocean of love.

All beings as well as animate and inanimate objects and even dust are filled with Shiva. Therefore, no matter what work you do, you obtain Shiva Himself. All actions, all activities, all religions, all names belong to Him. No matter what you do, you are offering your service to Him.

Shiva is that Consciousness which is finer than the finest and greater than the greatest. He lives inside the cave of your heart. Always remember that you have already attained Shiva. We are pictures drawn on the screen of His consciousness.

Start doing your sadhana with the awareness that the doer of sadhana is Shiva and the sadhana is also Shiva. While becoming Shiva pursue Shiva's sadhana with the awareness that you are Shiva and that you are going to attain Shiva. Although everything appears to be different, understand that all the differences are nothing but Shiva. Shiva is the experiencer and Shiva is the experience. Shiva is the action and all the senses that perform the action. With this awareness, while becoming Shiva, pursue the sadhana of Shiva.

Liberation, the experience of the inner Self, becoming one with Shiva, and realizing Shiva, all exist in the word of the Guru.

Parashiva, the Supreme Shiva, the Supreme Lord is the Guru of all Gurus. When you trace back the lineage of the Gurus, at the end you will come across Shiva who is the primal Guru.

A great being said, "Hail to you, oh flawless Paramashiva. You shower fortune on your devotees in every way. Oh Shiva, you are so compassionate that you appear in the form of the Guru."

Oh compassionate Shiva, not only do you destroy ignorance, but you are also the elephant which ravages the garden of false knowledge. You destroy the arrogance of the serpent of lust. You are the support of all. Oh Lord.

Oh Supreme Shiva, you are the Lord of all. You are not only the Lord of devotees or men of knowledge or those people who give things away in charity. You are also the Lord of phantoms, ghosts, and thieves. Of course you are the Lord of a good person, but you are also the Lord of a bad person. You give the fruit of all actions.

Oh immoveable Shiva, you have become a sack for the fickleness of the minds of your devotees. You attract their minds towards you, then through your compassion you devour their fickleness. This is why your belly protrudes so much. Oh Paramashiva, when the unsteadiness of their minds merges into you, it is transformed into supreme Bliss.

The yogis meditate on the Self, and while meditating on the Self, they attain You, Oh Shiva. They reach the thousand-petaled lotus by stilling their mind and prana and there they see your divine form as the effulgent flame and become ecstatic.

Oh my dear friend who is very close to my soul, with your own lila, with your own game, you do everything. I feel that I am doing everything but no, you are doing everything. Because of you, because of your inspiration everything happens. Oh Shiva, who is of the form of Consciousness, who pervades within and without, I offer my salutations to you. Oh Paramashiva, oh my dear friend, I love you.



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