Team Cleaverland Haunted House Reviews

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Team Cleaverland Haunted House Reviews Team Cleaverland is a haunted house review team for covering haunts mostly in northern Ohio

Tremendous job on the holiday show here! Excellent seasonally themed actors, super festive decorations, and they leaned ...

Tremendous job on the holiday show here! Excellent seasonally themed actors, super festive decorations, and they leaned hard into the holiday-ness with props like giant nutcrackers, effects like lights simulating a snowfall, and homages to the Rudolph cartoon (Bumble!), A Christmas Story (yeah Ralphie shot his eye out and there it was dangling on his face), and Krampus. The two bars had fabulous drinks and were set up as the Griswolds' house complete with fried cat silhouette staffed by Cousin Eddie and an ice cave inhabited by a Jack frost barkeep. One of the best Christmas haunts we've been to. Fantastic job!!


Visiting Fright Nights WV tonight for their The Fright Before Christmas show. Also been enjoying all the other fabulous things they have here at the site, Resort at Glade Springs. Pool and hot tub, massage spa, yummy meals, holiday movie screenings, trail of lights, very nice!!

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for Trail of Terror goes to Mike McFarland as the Power Plant Worker. The utility ...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for Trail of Terror goes to Mike McFarland as the Power Plant Worker. The utility laborer covered a lot of ground in one of the largest rooms in the power plant set, a multi-floor deal with stairways and metal catwalks. Power Worker addressed us from afar when we first entered the room, didn’t like what we replied, and ran up to us threatening us and making hilariously rude comments and off-color jokes. It delivered a great blast of energy right near the end of a very long walkthrough that had us smiling and chuckling on the way out!

And, we give our 2024 Most Intense Walkthrough Award to Trail of Terror on behalf of The Scare Factor. Superior actors, heart-stopping scares, and a sfx tour de force of sets, props, lighting, and audio formed the basis of a stunningly designed, laid out, and executed trail. We are still thinking about scenes from our visit, from a twisted cartoon village of monstrous Smurfs and a realistically industrial power plant to an impressively novel pumpkin distillery and picture-perfect recreations of scenes from Halloween and Terrifier movies.

From our review: “Between the awe-inspiring sets and the intricate design of the walkthrough, we never knew what would be coming around the next corner; and there were lots of corners in this crazy quilt labyrinth of a walkthrough, as well as actors doing their thang. We were not prepared for the scope, quality, and sheer volume of scenes, props, and effects. The nonstop parade of sensational sets had us stunned, staggered, and stupefied. Masterful positioning, elaborate detailing, and a highly skilled use of space led to an extraordinary presentation. Reviewing the comment card for choosing your favorite area, we counted no less than 27 scenes! It’s difficult to express in words the amazing sets and effects work that must have taken an immense amount of effort, and truly displayed an ingenious creative spark and dedication to design and ex*****on. We hope The Scare Factor can capture video here in the future. For now, we would direct you to YouTube recordings of past years to get an idea of the walkthrough, although we have to say it doesn’t even do justice to being there in person, and only scratches the surface of what’s on display. Seriously, Trail of Terror was simply incredible in the SFX department. We’d have to go back and look at all our other reviews to know for sure, but it’s likely this is the highest effects score we’ve ever given. Trail of Terror is a must-see for any true haunt fan.”

We would also like to mention the immense value Trail of Terror delivers, with a mere $25 providing nearly 50 minutes of top-flight entertainment. And, it’s a charity haunt that has donated millions in its 30-year history and somehow recruits up to 200 volunteer actors who do a great job. Truly incredible!

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for The Trail of Nightmares go to Travis Young as the Crematory BBQ Cook and Cade...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for The Trail of Nightmares go to Travis Young as the Crematory BBQ Cook and Caden Stewart as the Cannibal Clown. Crematory Cook started off with a great jump scare by materializing out of a blast of smoky fog, then commanded us to climb up on the platform to slide into the furnace saying “it only hurts a lot!” and then signed off by thanking us for visiting the family barbecue where everybody gets cooked, followed by lunatic laughter. Cannibal Clown followed us through the funhouse making funky noises and stating their ravenous hunger, desire to eat us, and loneliness (due to their eating everyone else who had ever showed up…makes sense). Great stuff from both of these actors!

And, we give our 2024 Best Scares Award to The Trail of Nightmares on behalf of The Scare Factor. This is one of our favorite, and in our opinion one of the very best, haunted trails in Ohio. The high scariness level is a big reason why. This attraction had the highest rated Scare Factor score for our team's entire season by a wide margin.

From our review: “The actors are committed and talented, the sets are fabulous, the effects are absolutely dialed in, the scares are there and they are many and honestly nerve-jangling. This place really knows how to establish mood, create tension, and manage space, light, and shadow to pay off in terrific scares. Props, sets, effects, and actors all worked together to bring off fright after fright. It was a concerted group effort from a team focused on engineering scares out of expertly executed haunt elements. These folks understand how to set up, stage, and deliver genuine sparks of unease and panic. In fact, some of their scare scenes have been in place for all three of our review visits and they’ve managed to make little tweaks that still have us jumping and skittish. Hats off for keeping those scares coming!”

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for The Haunted Hydro goes to Chace Heath as Loogie. This was the very first chara...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for The Haunted Hydro goes to Chace Heath as Loogie. This was the very first character we met on our Extreme Pass visit and we spent nearly 5 minutes getting worked over by Loogie! That’s a long time to be around any one actor, but it did not get old. Loogie kept the intro fresh, involving, varied, and moving along at a good pace. We got thrown up against a wall, smeared with blood, and subjected to manic machine-gun commentary on ourselves and what we were about to experience. It was a fantastic sustained interaction that seemed all the more impressive when we considered Loogie must have been doing that all night long with everyone who came in!

And, we give our 2024 Most Fun Experience Award to The Haunted Hydro for their Extreme Pass on behalf of The Scare Factor. This add-on was an absolute riot and we’re glad it’s the only thing we did that night because we had an intense, filthy time there, and probably nothing else would have stacked up after that.

From our review: “We took on the Extreme experience. The new bright white shirts they gave us to mark us as targets stayed in that condition for about the two minutes that we waited in line. We got drizzled and smeared with blood, pelted with soil, separated, touched, and subjected to extended interactions with gonzo actors. No doubt we got to spend more time with, and received more attention from, the Hydro denizens because of our Extreme pass. Each new creep piled on the enjoyable weirdness …to an Extreme extent. Our personal space was compromised as soon as we stepped in the door. The Extreme Pass certainly greased the fear gears. We were fair game and didn’t know who would do what to us, when or where. Plentiful hiding spots, effective distraction set-ups, and actors toeing the over-the-top line fed an unpredictable and fun atmosphere.We can’t stress enough how fun this place was. We laughed and screamed the entire way through. Seriously, this was the most fun we’ve had at a haunt in a good long while.”

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for The Hidden Haunted Attraction go to Chloe R. as Crazy Dolly and Ray Hooper as...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for The Hidden Haunted Attraction go to Chloe R. as Crazy Dolly and Ray Hooper as Killbilly. Crazy Dolly was a riot. The aggressive, loud character ran up to us after we entered the attraction and asked why we were dumb enough to wear nice white sneaks on a trail and kept up a chattering commentary throughout our first minute or so of the walkthrough. She even had us holding hands with her and skipping along the path! Killbilly was forceful and intimidating, roaring about the fabulousness of the cannibal lifestyle and welcoming us to the clan by handing us chunks of meat to eat that he took right off the sizzling grill. We have to say, that meat tasted pretty great!

And, we give our 2024 Best Fun/Value Combo Award to The Hidden Haunted Attraction for Monsters & Mini-golf on behalf of The Scare Factor. If paying $15 for a very fun 30-minute trail is a super value, the $25 combo ticket for the haunted trail plus a round of golf is almost outrageous.

From our review: “Besides being a looong trail, the defining mark of this haunt is the Halloween-themed mini-golf course available for a separate charge. It’s crawling with spooky props, scenery, and animatronics. The trail and the putting both provided tons of fun. Paying $15 for a full half-hour is an insanely low price to pay for the loads of fun we had on the trail, so we think this attraction offered a massive amount of value for the buck. We also loved the golf course! They keep the grounds well cared for and the greens in nice shape, and their golf balls glow in the dark. It’s a full 18-hole course overloaded with skeleton knights, potion-quaffing mad scientists, a carnival full of clowns, animatronic zombies, toxic barrels that have infected a pond, the big bad wolf waving a big bad blade, and much more.” Totally killer value for your haunt entertainment dollar!

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for The Dead Woods goes to Coby Blanchard as COBY! COBY! first posed as a victim, ...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for The Dead Woods goes to Coby Blanchard as COBY! COBY! first posed as a victim, whimpering and asking for help. Then, COBY! got up close to us to make the reveal as an assailant. COBY! approached, withdrew, and approached again, showing off a great hysterical scream and laugh, as well as a creepy face mask. We got a second delightful helping of COBY! when the trail wound back around to COBY!’s area. If you haven’t caught on yet, we love typing out COBY! Super job, COBY! We dug your personality, energy, and freakiness. One more time: COBY!

And, we give our 2024 Best Old-school Atmosphere Award to The Dead Woods on behalf of The Scare Factor. This delightfully retro-cool attraction brims with a welcoming vibe, substantial family ties within the cast and crew, and loads of DIY charm.

From our review: “Their presentation is actor-intensive, interspersed with neat effects, and punctuated by several dark mazes. We took in a nice haunt-y atmosphere outside the attraction. Lit tiki torches, tents, and the ticket trailer area suggested a creepy little pop-up village. It’s good value for your haunt dollar, based on the fun time we had on this trail where an old-school approach comes accented with some neat modern effects. The Dead Woods reminds us of fun home-brewed trails we visited growing up in the 70s and 80s. The sense of nostalgia for older generations of hauntgoers will be strong. That’s why we call it charming. Compared to some bigger or more well-known attractions, it’s like the difference between shopping at a big box store and being welcomed in by a warm and homey mom-and-pop shop.”

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for The Forsaken Lands Outdoor Haunted Attraction go to Devin Samuelson as Lenny ...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for The Forsaken Lands Outdoor Haunted Attraction go to Devin Samuelson as Lenny and Tony Sitro as Kiwi the Clown. We ran into these two all over the damn place – by the entrance, inside the attraction, at the internal mid-queue, and upon exiting. They really got around! And they both played off each beautifully and presented strong characters individually. Lenny seemed to be a call-out to the character from Of Mice and Men, a hulking simpleton with speech patterns similar to the “I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George” yeti from the Bugs Bunny cartoon. Kiwi would invade our space for conversation ranging from violent asides to amusing jokes and shove a giant poison-berry ice cream cone at us to lick. This pair was pure nutty, freaky fun!

And, we give our 2024 Fabulous Foggy Frights Award to The Forsaken Lands on behalf of The Scare Factor. The scares kept coming at a torrid pace when we visited on their Xtreme Night – owing to a combo of effective set design and construction, wild actors, and great effects work that mixed moodily dim lighting with everything from thin wisps to blankets of fog providing ideal cover for concealed crazies and creatures.

From our review: “The actors were all amped up for Xtreme Night. These degenerate and depraved backwoods freaks, clowns, and beasts were ready. Supercharged, confrontational, and aggressive from the jump. Every actor had something to offer. So much fun! We got scared plenty, coming and going and in between! They deployed a devious design enabling actors to hit us multiple times in a room and then pop up again one or two areas later. The fog and faint lighting scheme helped out actors who already had a ghastly grab bag of hiding spots from which to choose.” Definitely one of our scariest and funnest nights of the season!

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for Phobia Haunted Trail goes to Dravin Morgan as The Butcher. It felt like we wer...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for Phobia Haunted Trail goes to Dravin Morgan as The Butcher. It felt like we were in the room with three or four actors instead of just one, the way this mad meat cutter kept switching up tactics. First making fun of our bald head and glasses-wearing team members (“gimme an eye, four-eyes!"), then sniffed us and remarked casually how easy it would be to make leather out of our hides, next giggling over some innuendo jokes, and finally screaming and raving about how tasty our flesh would be once we got the cleaver taken to us, the minute we spent with this carnivorous crazy kept us off-balance and gave us performance whiplash!

And, we give our 2024 Party-est People Award to Phobia Haunted Trail on behalf of The Scare Factor. The people in question include the actors on the trail, who are clearly having a fabulous time scaring people, as well as the queue actors who are always looking to provide outstanding entertainment for guests. The scene outside the attraction is a real party-fest. You will hear the blasting dance music from when you enter the driveway. The queue actors, especially the notorious dancing nun, get down with their bad selves in a large open area next to the queue that might as well be a nightclub floor. We’ve witnessed them pull in patrons to dance with them and boogie with kids wandering back over from the exit, eager to continue the fun and games.

From our review: “There’s a party going on right here! A pervasive aura of fun permeates the place. Blasting dance music fills the air. Crazy queue actors rush around, delighting patrons eager for entertainment. And the trail itself is a screaming good time. Beats-a-poppin’ music poured out of the speakers. The queue entertainers included that dynamic dervish, the Dancing Nun, throwing down moves in front of a cheering crowd, while devilishly amusing Skitzo the Clown, silently menacing Babyface, and others got up close to line-waiters and patrolled the areas around the attraction exit. They kept the crowd in a great mood.” The happening, fun-tastic atmosphere is doubly cool because it’s occurring in an out of the way site in the middle of farm fields. If you are looking for a good time, this is the place to make it happen!

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for Nightmare at Stagecoach Hollow goes to Megan Mackey as Scarlet. Coming at the ...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for Nightmare at Stagecoach Hollow goes to Megan Mackey as Scarlet. Coming at the end of a series of cells where all the inhabitants rattled their cages and yelled at us from behind their bars, Scarlet gave us a good startle by coming out of the holding pen and following us. We expected a standard scare opportunity, but Scarlet talked to us about mourning a dead pet while holding a sad little cat skeleton. This surprising interaction really gave us the feels!

And, we give our 2024 Best Next-gen Training Ground Award to Nightmare at Stagecoach Hollow on behalf of This was our second visit and from the first time we set foot here, it was obvious how much of a family affair this place is. Generations build sets and act beside each other. They are literally growing the next wave of haunt designers and actors here from the ground up, and that is very cool …even shall we say, a noble effort?

From our review: “Now in its fourth year, Nightmare at Stagecoach Hollow got started to supply a Halloween event for local youths to call their own. That’s a worthy calling and our hats are off to the creators for giving the next generation a place to start getting their haunt on. Kids of widely varying ages form the backbone of the cast. Some of the smallest/youngest are the creepiest!” Readers, you are officially on notice: these youngsters are the people who will be scaring you for the rest of your life!

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for Mohican Haunted Schoolhouse go to Grace Wingeier as Ember and Reuben Corwin a...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for Mohican Haunted Schoolhouse go to Grace Wingeier as Ember and Reuben Corwin as Earl the Janitor. Ember was a little kid character who told us that mommy tried to make her share her toys and that’s why mommy had to take an electrifying bath – excellent accessorizing by carrying a toaster! And the scene ended with lots of self-satisfied high-pitched giggling by Ember. Earl swung his mop around while accosting us in a vortex tunnel, welcoming us as replacement help and requesting aid in cleaning up a bathroom full of ‘brown water and poopies’ after a student flushed Barbie heads down the commode. Both of these characters were great fun and fleshed out their appearances with unusual dialog.

And, we give our 2024 Best Artwork & Propwork Award to Mohican Haunted Schoolhouse on behalf of The Scare Factor. One of the things setting this haunt apart is the stylish and gorgeous murals by local artists, some of them schoolkids. Whether richly colored paintings or line drawings on black, they impress on every visit. By artwork we also mean great art design and direction. The place is meticulously curated and delightfully detailed. The propwork part of the award goes to the stunning volume and variety of props throughout, much too much to mention or even comprehend in a single walkthrough.

From our review: “Created by former home haunters, the schoolhouse is beyond filled up with all manner of lovingly handcrafted sets and effects, superbly integrated with outstanding lighting and sound choices. Grim and gory, mostly homemade props and set dressings gave so much eye candy, our optic nerves nearly exploded from sugar shock. This is always one of the most overstuffed FX-travaganzas we have the pleasure of seeing. If the schoolhouse had a trophy case, no doubt some sfx awards would be proudly displayed there. No matter where we turned, there was something horribly awesome to look at. Mannequins, animal, and beast props, signs, elaborate sets, and more paraded before our peepers in a mad march of mayhem.”

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for Legends of Fear go to Kathie Vrlik as Morgan LeFear (a great play on the name...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for Legends of Fear go to Kathie Vrlik as Morgan LeFear (a great play on the name of the legendary sorceress Morgan Le Fay!) and Gary Levy as Boss. We encountered Morgan early on in the trail, rising up slowly from behind a counter in the coven hut. The ‘mother witch’ greeted us with a neat rhyming couplet about who was creeping around her house …could it be a little mouse? …then imposingly called down the forces of darkness upon us, and finished the scene by trying to convince one of us to have the other one stay behind in a cage because "they'll only slow you down in the forest." Boss appeared on the hayride, managing the staff in a meat processing plant with highly questionable sourcing practices. Boss told us they’d grind up every last one of us even though we looked like roadkill, exhorting the workers to get the equipment up to speed since we had a full wagonload. The whole cast was super theatrical, but Morgan LeFear and Boss really played it up to great effect!

And, we give our 2024 Most Mind-blowing Sets Award to Legends of Fear on behalf of The Scare Factor. This New England mega-haunt blew us away with great actors and jaw-dropping scenes. We can only give a brief mention of each one here, so please see our review for the full discussion. The hayride featured five or six enormous facades, a towering Poltergeist TV set, and a full-scale custom-built pirate brig afloat on a sea of fog. The trail boasted a maniacal funhouse, an asylum not for the faint of heart, a super spooky cemetery with a bonkers vampire section, and what appeared to be a genuine New England white clapboard church totally infested by nightmarish nuns. Not content with just presenting a summer camp that had suffered a historical slaughter, it led off with a museum documenting the massacre! Lots of great ideas brought to thrilling life by fantastic ex*****on.

From our review: “Stupendous sets, gasp-inducing hi-tech effects, immense and realistic facades, and painstakingly detailed scenes highlighted the magnificent mastery of effects here. We came away mighty impressed by the overall quality and many individual jaw-dropping moments. The super-sized sets looked incredible and invested us in the action. Legends of Fear put on an effects clinic of the highest order.” We could say the same about the entire production – from the two attractions to the engaging hub and even the super-clean port-a-potties on the post-Halloween final night of the season no less, everything here at our top-rated review of the whole season was top-notch.

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for Hudson Haunted House goes to Andrew Powell as the Chainsaw Creep. The activity...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for Hudson Haunted House goes to Andrew Powell as the Chainsaw Creep. The activity level and face time of Chainsaw Creep was very high indeed. We saw this maniac chasing down patrons in the queue and pre-haunt areas, inside the house, and waiting for us at the exit. Where did we find Chainsaw Creep? Anywhere and everywhere at this place!

And, we give our 2024 Golden Ticket: 50+ Years! Award to Hudson Haunted House on behalf of The Scare Factor. Haunts hitting their golden anniversary are few and far between. Hudson Haunted House is justly proud of their long history and their legacy in the Cleveland area. They’ve been in their current location for decades and perhaps best of all, you can still experience remnants from their 1970s Jaycees era as you go through.

From our review: “Any discussion of Hudson Haunted House must make mention of its incredible longevity. Generations of Clevelanders have had their first helping of hauntdom here. Many of the sets still operated in the traditional Jaycees style, presented up on a raised platform surrounded by railing or other such barriers to make some separation from the audience. This attraction is a valued part of their community and a historic member of the haunt industry. Generations of families have worked there, acted there, and attended the show there. Congratulations to Hudson Haunted House once again for passing that unbelievable 50-year mark!”

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for Fright Haven Haunted Attraction go to Kerry Cotto and Kim Rybczak as The Twin...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for Fright Haven Haunted Attraction go to Kerry Cotto and Kim Rybczak as The Twins. These two came as a matched set, frighteningly so. They took the concept of twin interconnection to uncanny levels. This diabolical duo talked, moved, and screamed in perfect unison. Very freaky and well done!

And, we give our 2024 Best Queue Actors Award to Fright Haven on behalf of The Scare Factor. The cast inside the attraction were really good, but the actors outside were extra special. We interacted with them outside at the entryway, inside by ticketing, photo ops, and the attraction queue, and by the exit. Maybe they’re like this all the time or maybe they got an additional boost from it being Halloween when we visited, but they were super energetic and a lot of fun. By quantity and quality, they got the job done.

From our review: “The queue actors we met with, both before and after the attraction itself, provided lots of entertainment. They shoveled our hoodie pouches full of the candies they were giving away on this Halloween night, and made a game of trying to toss the candy pieces into guests’ mouths in a game of human cornhole.” We also want to honor Fright Haven for holding the line on prices. We found that the ticket cost had not changed in 8 years. Amazing anti-inflationary action!

Visit Fright Haven for their Christmas show on Friday the 13th and Saturday the 21st of December.

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for Forest Of Screams Haunted Hayride go to Ronell Grimes as the Dark Nurse and J...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for Forest Of Screams Haunted Hayride go to Ronell Grimes as the Dark Nurse and John Cosma as the Crematory Creep. Dark Nurse gave us the scare of the night, appearing out of nowhere and pursuing us across multiple rooms in the house portion of the attraction with a nasty-looking blade and using the spastic motion from the Silent Hill movies and games. Ronell had the cinematic look down cold for the costume, too. Crematory Creep appeared on the hayride looking slick in a sharp black & white outfit accented with long curly horns and a tipped cane. The Creep theatrically spun and jabbed the cane while delivering a long speaking part and showing off various features of the set, like pyro blasts and roasting carcasses. Fine performances by these two.

And, we give our 2024 Best Hub/Midway & Extras Award to Forest of Screams on behalf of The Scare Factor. Some places don’t have much to make you want to stick around and enjoy the atmosphere, and then there are attractions like Forest of Screams that practically beg you to spend some extra time chilling ...or warming up by the fire.

From our review: “This year, the hub has a fry shack and concession stand, a merch cabin that is absolutely loaded with high-quality and diverse goods, and a number of props and photo ops. Log benches surround a roaring bonfire near a small lake/pond. It is a really nice set-up. Special mention to the queue zombie who seemed to get around to all parts of the common areas, harassing guests with a whole grab bag of snuffling, sniffing, croaking, and other bizarre noises.”

We didn’t mention that the little lake has some props and set dressing to make it look like Camp Crystal Lake. There’s also a coffin ride simulator and escape rooms. We always try to save some time at the end to hang out after enjoying the very enjoyable haunt itself, which is a triple treat of hayride, trail, and house.

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for Bloodview Haunted House goes to Glen Gilmore aka Uther Toth. The cool ghoul, d...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-out for Bloodview Haunted House goes to Glen Gilmore aka Uther Toth. The cool ghoul, dressed up in a spiffy red suit jacket perfect for a date night, dragged around on the ground half a torso referred to as the girlfriend who talked too much. We could hear the actor still letting out yips and shrieks, and carrying on a hilarious patter about the girlfriend and her various qualities, long after we left the area. Very nice!

And, we give our 2024 Best Improv Cast Award to Bloodview Haunted House on behalf of The Scare Factor. The gifted, all-volunteer troupe known as the Legion of Terror is schooled in many aspects of haunt acting, including the art of improvisation so they can riff with guests on the fly. We’ve been going here most of our lives and have rarely caught a creature flat-footed on a response or at a loss for words.

From our review: “Bloodview’s main claim to fame is its notorious acting ensemble, known as the Legion of Terror. These fine folks are extensively trained in improv performance, character design, makeup techniques, and the many other factors that go into making an effective haunt actor that will scare, entertain, amuse, and/or gross out patrons. We can count on, well, probably one finger, the number of times out of the dozens we’ve been there that the cast was a letdown. The Bloodview cast proved a chaotic, personable, and entertaining cast of characters. They really are the main reason for a visit.”

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for Blood Prison go to Amelia Hadsell as Acuar and Chase Curtis as Prophet of Sat...

It’s awards time! Our actor shout-outs for Blood Prison go to Amelia Hadsell as Acuar and Chase Curtis as Prophet of Satan. This evil-nun-and-priest duo presided over a fantastic defiled church set. Their looks were great, with upside-down crosses and pentagrams on their faces, and their demeanors fit the dark scene. The sister rushed up to us and pulled/pushed us along (we had a touch pass, so very worth it) while fixing a baleful glare on us for pretty much the entire length of the church. Then the prophet got right up in our face to pass judgment, dismissing one of us into eternal hellfire and the other into an intensely lit, heaven-like corridor where “you will face the light, bald one – it will reflect nicely off of your dome!” Awesome job, you two!

And, we give our 2023 Scariest & Realest Setting Award to Blood Prison on behalf of The Scare Factor. We can’t rave enough about the site of Blood Prison: the Ohio State Reformatory. Probably no amount of verbiage could convey its intensely frightening aspects to those who haven’t been there. It must be experienced! For optimal results, read up beforehand on the history of this former max-security institution and its hair-raising paranormal reputation.

From our review: “The historic, storied, famous, infamous, Ohio State Reformatory is the awe-inspiring setting for Blood Prison. It has a stunning exterior and the inside is full of remarkable, in many places beautifully deteriorated, surroundings. It retains a reputation as one of the most haunted places in America. The reformatory’s exterior is endlessly impressive. What a terrific table-setter to get your appetite up and running for a satisfying haunt visit! It’s huge, it’s beautiful, it looks like you’re about to go meet the mad doctor at his baronial estate in a Frankenstein movie. The authentic location, with its characteristics both physical (rusted/decrepit furnishings) and immaterial (its cruel history and reports of real haunting activity), plays a huge part in any visit.” We should also note that the immense dimensions of the place allow the designers to go hog wild in creating gigantic scenes and set pieces that make the wow factor hit the (very high!) roof.

Visit Blood Prison for their Christmas Incarceration show on Dec. 13-14; tickets are available at a 20% discount through 11/24.



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Team Cleaverland Haunted House Reviews

Team Members: Steve Drazdik (Team Leader) & Stephanie Drazdik

Normal Coverage Area: Ohio

Steve and Stephanie are lifelong residents of Cleveland, Ohio, and longtime horror hounds.

Stephanie, ever a precocious reader, devoured Stephen King’s It in 3rd grade and never looked back. Steve cut his teeth on Hammer, Godzilla and other scary flicks presented by the many Cleveland-area TV horror movie hosts of his childhood. He also caught an early glimpse into the haunt industry by virtue of his brother being involved in the creation of a long-lived Cleveland haunt.