"Yuh Hear Bout Dat" is a marketing company that deals with a new and upcoming form of digital marketing. Social Media Management is the spreading of information though Social Media like Facebook and Twitter. But why use Social Media Management? The new age is upon us, one of digital superority where the Internet reigns supreme. The Internet started off as a vast expanse of knowledge and informatio
n that the entire planet could access. However, it has turned into something much more. Television programs can now be watched online at any time, place and Advertisement-Free. There are now thousands of Radio stations that broadcast though the Internet, with a rising number using the Internet as their sole broadcasting medium. Newspapers and News companies have also gone digital, with Newspapers, News Videos and even Live News and Sports Coverage being available on the Internet. Search Engines like Google have replaced the Yellow Pages and almost every sort of information searching. Internet has also increased our capacity for communication. With the invention of E-mail and Instant Messaging, we can now hold many different conversations, with many different people, in many different places simutaneously. Not only that but these conversations can be carried over extended periods of time extremely easily. The creation of Social Media has enhanced our communication even more. Now we can share our likes, interests and even our mood with everybody, almost in real-time. Social Media has granted us ability to share our lives with the world, and the world is hooked. However, the Internet is not without its problems. Internet Advertising usually takes the form of pop-ups, videos on websites or mass e-mails. The problem is that 99% of this Advertising is unfocused and does not target its specified consumer base efficiently. I am sure that you have experienced this at least once, and I am sure that, like the rest of the world, you promptly ignored it. Social Media allows for more focused targetting for Internet Advertising. This means that Advertising can efficiently reach their target market, thus reducing the risk of being ignored and increasing the probability of a positive response from the consumer. The fact is the world is changing and there is no stopping it. It's not just a fad or a trend and its not going to just blow over, this is the direction that whole world is heading. Social Media is everywhere on our computers and even in our phones. In order to perform EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT Advertising, we need to keep up with the change. We NEED to adapt, or get left in the dust of the digital age. Social Media Management is the future of Advertising, will your business adapt or get left in the dust?