New Album! - AND - Black Angel needs your help!
We have too much vinyl! (Is that possible I hear you say!)
On every release we make we get asked to press a vinyl version too - more than happy to do that as any profit we make from the sale of the CD’s will offset the loss we will make on the vinyl pressing - which always happens - as vinyl is very expensive to make and we sell it at a low price just so you guys get the best deal. All we are looking to do is to keep making music and hopefully break even at the end of the day.
So - right now we have too many vinyl copies of Prince of Darkness and The Black Rose (Matt’s favorite album to date) and we need to sell more in order to start planning for the recording and pressing of our next album ‘Elektra’ which we are planning to release late Spring/early summer.
Yes! We have a new album!!!! ‘ELEKTRA’ - Very excited to share this news but we need to take care of the business side too.
So - not asking for any charity but suffice to say that on these two lovely vinyl records we will be keeping at free worldwide shipping for the foreseeable future - did I say worldwide? Yup, that is nuts! - and at $20 each that seems a pretty fair amount for vinyl. So, if you like our music and you don’t have these vinyls yet then we really hope you’ll add them to your collection. We need to sell at least 100 of each, more if possible so we can clear the decks for the next release.
You guys have been fantastic over the last four years and we can’t do this without you - Bandcamp is so important for artists and helps us go up against the pressure of the big streaming platforms where artists like us don’t stand a chance to get heard - just too much music out there these days.
So thank you for listening to this message and thank you so much for listening to our music - we love creating dark music and have so much more to share.
Thanks for listening.