Please like, share, comment w/family and friends. Over the past 3 years, MCM students have created short factual stories in multimedia formats and genres for your enjoyment. As class projects they search, produce and edit stories about life and activities on the AUS campus and also in Sharjah, Dubai and the UAE. They write about how the AUS multiculural and international students, faculty, staff
and administration have come together to create a lively and dynamic ambience. This vitality shows through their conversations and interviews with our campus community. There are more stories to be told and upcoming classes to tell them. Our website houses students' videos. This year, our social media students created this page for enewsmcm. Their networking activities have turned enewsmcm into an interactive, communicative operation, that connects friends, families, alumns, media professionals and people from around the world They have globalzied enewsmcm. Original enewsmcm video now contains likes, comments and related links about AUS and the various UAE communities. That means the page is operating just as it should -- professional communication rather than the personal postings that we have come to expect of Facebook. We have just begun on this path showcasing our students' professional work to the world. More interesting videos and comments will be forthcoming.