is the brainchild of Diamond Trim J. Slim and some crazy Dutch guy from Amsterdam. We fu***ng love all styles of EDM and pride ourselves for being the biggest picky motherfu**ers out there when it comes to this s**t. That way, we save you from having to torture yourself going through a digital s**t pile of average loony tunes just to discover the few that actually fu***ng rock
. So brace yourself while we unload our heavenly floodgates of quality EDM to your set of precious ears. We wouldn’t want to disappoint you. Ever!! Crazy Dutch Guy
eMarketing & Artist Management
Mr Crazy Dutch Guy is some Dutch fu**er who happens to be the CEO of this venture. Crazy Dutch Guy has a fascination for bo***es and keeps a Unicorn pet at home. He is happily unmarried. Have money for us? Feel free to contact him! You don’t? Do us a favor and save yourself the time. After all, he is just some cocky as***le. Diamond Trim J. Slim
Chief Editor & Webmaster
Mr. Slim, currently an active virgin, is our Chief Technology Officer. That is fancy speak for the guy who makes sure the server doesn’t catch fire. Moreover, he loves gaming Google. Insiders call it SEO, but we call it fu***ng PIMP! Last but not least, he is a fan of Justin Bieber. If there is ever any technical issue, or if you are a fine chick who wants to help solve the virginity issue, feel free to contact him.