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No Shelf Control I have no self control when it comes to reading books! Let me share some of my recent reads with you!

Gooood morning, bookworms!!I am back and ready to jump right into a new book rec! This one is going to be a little diffe...

Gooood morning, bookworms!!

I am back and ready to jump right into a new book rec! This one is going to be a little different, as I will be reviewing./rating a series. I will start by talking about each book individually, and then talking about the series as a whole. This will be separated into several posts over the course of the next few days. Let's get into it!

Flock-Kate Stewart (Ravenhood Series #1)


I don't even know where to begin with this book. My sister recommended this to me last year, and I was hesitant. This book does start off kind of slow, and the female main character is 18/19when the book begins. There are some immature moments as she's still essentially a child. However, this book has one of the greatest love stories and my personal favorite book boyfriend. In this book there are some spicy scenes. This book is my least favorite of the 3 main books, but I still love it.

I don't want to give too much away, so this will be super short and not much of a summary. I will say that this is my favorite series. These books mean so incredibly much to me. But be warned the entire series will rock your world, make you cry, and break your heart.

I highly recommend giving this book and series a chance.


Hey bookworm besties! I’ve taken the last couple of days off from posting because I’ve been so busy and I was catching up on some reading! I’ll be back tomorrow with you’re regularly scheduled book recs! 💜

Hey y'all! Have you been eyeing a book but you're just not sold yet? Is there a book you've been dying to read but you w...

Hey y'all! Have you been eyeing a book but you're just not sold yet? Is there a book you've been dying to read but you want to see a review from someone you know? Have you read a book so good that you want to share it with the world? Let me know in the comments what book you're wanting to see me review and I will add it to my TBR if it's not already there so I can read it and make an honest review!

Let’s play a game!!! Take the second picture, and highlight your choices that you prefer! Here’s mine!

Let’s play a game!!! Take the second picture, and highlight your choices that you prefer! Here’s mine!

Howdy, bookworms! It's Tuesday! It's time to find your next read. Let's get into it!If You See Her by Ania Ahlborn⭐️⭐️⭐️...

Howdy, bookworms! It's Tuesday! It's time to find your next read. Let's get into it!

If You See Her by Ania Ahlborn


This story follows Jesse, a young man who experienced a terrible tragedy when he was in his teens. His friend took his own life while they were exploring the old house on Mill Road. Now, 20 years later his other best friend, one who experienced that fateful night with him, is asking him to relive that tragedy. Another tragedy soon finds Jesse and he is forced to try and process his grief and trauma alone and discover what exactly it was that makes him terrified of this house.

This book....gah. I had to force myself to take breaks while reading this. I could feel myself slipping into madness, much like the main character. Ania Ahlborn has a way with words. The only reason this was not a 5 star read for me, was because it felt unfinished. It definitely feels like there could be more for a second book.

Hey there, bookworms! Here's another little book-tracking app that you can download! This is StoryGraph and it breaks do...

Hey there, bookworms! Here's another little book-tracking app that you can download! This is StoryGraph and it breaks down the different genres of books you read, the speed in which you read, the length of books, etc. I love this app so much. The best part is, you can import your goodreads right to the app! Here is my stats on a few graphs for this month only. This has been a pretty slow month for me, as you can see I have only read 9 books. I read 30 something books in january (read a couple of books in less than 1 day), so this is by far my slowest month. If you already have StoryGraph, show me your stats!

Happy Sunday, bookworms! I’m only going to do a quick, shortened book rec today. Let’s get into the next book! The Outsi...

Happy Sunday, bookworms! I’m only going to do a quick, shortened book rec today. Let’s get into the next book!

The Outsider by Stephen King


Let me start by saying, I’m a HUGE Stephen King fan. I love his books. I read Pet Sematary at age 11 or 12, and I’ve been hooked ever since. This book was hard for me to read at times, solely because it was repetitive. HOWEVER, I did enjoy it, and the spook factor was definitely there. It’s not my favorite (that’s Pet Sematary and IT), but I’d say it’s close to the top. If you’re looking for a spooky read, please give this book a try!

Good morning, bookworms! Now that everyone has had their coffee/caffeine to get their day started, let's jump right into...

Good morning, bookworms! Now that everyone has had their coffee/caffeine to get their day started, let's jump right into this book rec/rating.

You Shouldn't Have Come Here by Jeneva Rose


I'll be honest, this book was not one of my personal favorites. I forced myself to read this book and while I started to enjoy it at the end, it just wasn't for me. I love Jeneva's writing style, and love her other books. This one was just not enough for me. I figured out the twists very early on, and i just got bored. However, if you have never read a Jeneva Rose book, I will say that this would be the one to start with. (all of her other books get way better)

This books follows Grace, a New York based woman, who just needs to escape the city. Once a year she throws a dart on a map and that decides where she is going to take her vacation. This time, she ends up in the middle of rural Wyoming at an AirBnb owned by Calvin Wells. Instantly, Grace notices that there is no cell service, no internet, and there is also the threat of a missing woman, and the local police who keep showing up to question Calvin. Grace also has an odd feeling about the town in general. As her check out date nears, Grace becomes suspicious of Calvin. Calvin gets the feeling that Grace is keeping her own secrets. All of this is told through different POVs in each chapter.

While I do think some of you will enjoy this book, I think other's will question why I rec'd it if i personally didn't give it higher than a 3 star rating. I love Jeneva Rose and think she's a fantastic writer. I do wish more people read her books and give her the props she deserves. This book was not terrible, just wasn't my personal favorite of hers.

I do recommend this book to those who are open to at least trying it out

Okay, okay…you caught me. 😅

Okay, okay…you caught me. 😅

Hey hey, bookworms!!! Guess what time it is? That's right, it's time for another book rec/rating. Let's get into it!Arch...

Hey hey, bookworms!!! Guess what time it is? That's right, it's time for another book rec/rating. Let's get into it!

Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan


Archer's voice follows Bree, a newbie in the small town of Pelion, Maine. Bree has just recently moved to Pelion, in hopes of finding peace. When she crosses paths (collides is a better term, quite literally) with Archer Hale, a man who doesn't speak, her world is turned every which way. No one notices Archer, no one knows who he truly is, except that he's the town loaner who is mute. Archer and Bree soon begin hanging out, and Bree manages to open up to Archer, and he opens up to her. Can Archer helped Bree to overcome her trauma? Better yet, can Bree help Archer to overcome his?

This is such a feel good story. There are some minor "twists" if you want to call it that, and they are definitely ones you can see coming, but they bring story together beautifully. This is really just about how with the power of love, you can overcome anything. Should this book be a 4 star book? Eh, I'll let y'all decide that one. I gave it 4 stars because it had me feeling the characters' feelings, their emotions, and ultimately, their love for one another.

I highly recommend this book if you're just looking for a sweet love story with almost no "spice".

Hey bookworms! Bet ya thought y'all were spared from reading another book rec/rating, weren't ya? Guess again! I am back...

Hey bookworms! Bet ya thought y'all were spared from reading another book rec/rating, weren't ya? Guess again! I am back with another rec for you!

All Your Firsts Without Me by L.M. Terry


This book follows a man who is dying. He plans his funeral while also planning for his wife to fall in love again after his death. He even goes as far as picking the man she will fall in love with. He writes her letters for her to read on the day she experiences her first experience (Christmas, birthdays, falling in love ) without her husband. This book absolutely broke me. I cried so hard throughout this entire story.

Yes, if this plot sounds familiar, this is a very similar take on P.S. I Love You. I do think that if you read this, you will be shocked, pleased, and broken just like I was!

highly recommend!


Doing something a little different today.

I am currently reading The Outsider by Stephen King. What are you currently reading?

Good morning and Happy Monday, bookworms! It's your favorite time of day! ( Okay maybe not your favorite but definitely ...

Good morning and Happy Monday, bookworms! It's your favorite time of day! ( Okay maybe not your favorite but definitely my favorite). It's book rec/rating time!

Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak


Hidden Pictures follows the story of Mallory, a young woman fresh out of rehab who takes on a job as a nanny for the Maxwells. She is tasked with caring for their 5 year old son, Teddy. Mallory instantly bonds with Teddy, and his loving for drawing in his sketch pad. The pictures that are drawn are your normal, everyday pictures from a child-animals, trees, family, balloons, etc. Soon, he begins to draw pictures of a man dragging a woman through the woods. Each day, the artwork becomes shockingly brutal. Soon, it seems as if the artwork was done by someone who was a skilled artist, not a 5 year old. Mallory begins to think that someone, or something, other than Teddy is drawing these for her so she can help solve a murder. She battles with Caroline Maxwell, Teddy's mom, who seems to brush off her concerns, claiming Mallory was simply using again. When it seems that no one is going to help her, she decides to confront the person, or thing, who is doing this in order to save Teddy.

There is a supernatural element to this book. There are also pictures throughout the book of what Teddy draws in his sketch pad. It really adds to the creep-factor in this book. I gave this 4 stars because of the way this book surprised me in the end. I was shocked, but not by the obvious. I had figured out pretty quickly what was happening, but never would've fully guessed the ending.

I do recommend reading this is you're looking for a mildly creepy book to read! Jason Rekulak does a great job!

Exactly 🤭

Exactly 🤭

Good evening, fellow bookworms! I couldn’t let the day go by without doing another book rec/rating. Let’s get into it! J...

Good evening, fellow bookworms! I couldn’t let the day go by without doing another book rec/rating. Let’s get into it!

Just a reminder, I will review every book I’ve read this year, even those that seem too dark and twisty for most to read. Just a forewarning-some of these books contain subject matter that is difficult to read about. Some go into detail, others give barely any. I do not read these books because I enjoy the pain and suffering, I read them as they’re recommended to me and to help others decide if they eventually want to read them as well. My ratings do not go towards the topic that these books may touch on, it is solely based on the contents of these books-the character development, the writing, and overall enjoyment (or lack thereof).

Saving Noah by Lucinda Berry

(Mentions of child SA, not in detail)


This book follows the story of Noah, a teen who is seemingly perfect. Straight A’s, star swimmer who seems to be destined for greatness. That is until he reveals an admission of guilt…for touching underage girls that he gave swim lessons to. This story is told mainly through his mothers POV as she navigates his admission, his conviction, and the part that no one ever talks about-how to keep living when he comes home. Let me be quite honest, there’s one twist in this book, towards the end. But that’s it. No more, no less.

I never expected to feel the feelings I felt while reading this, in fact I was quite appalled that I allowed myself to read this, until I made it through the first chapter. This was one of those books that just grabbed me and instantly had me hooked. I finished in one sitting.

This book had me in tears. I cried for the little girls, I cried for Adrianne, Noah’s mother. And one thing that surprised me the most, in the end, I cried for Noah.

If you have made it this far, please give this book a chance. I understand it might not be for some.

I highly recommend reading this book.

SURPRISE. I’m back for a second review today! Hello fellow bookworms! I know it’s late but it’s a Friday night and I jus...

SURPRISE. I’m back for a second review today!

Hello fellow bookworms! I know it’s late but it’s a Friday night and I just finished a book that I couldn’t wait to review. Let’s get into it!

The Best of Friends by Lucinda Berry

⭐️ ⭐️⭐️

The Best of Friends introduces us to three long-time besties: Dani, Kendra, and Lindsey. They’ve been friends since they were little and are now all married with children, 3 of those children being boys who turn out to be best friends as well. One night, a terrible accident leaves one of their sons dead, one in a coma, and the other refusing to speak.

Let me start by saying this was not the psychological thriller that I was expecting from Lucinda Berry. In fact, I don’t think it’s a psych thriller at all. This book gave me vibes that reminded me of Jodi Picoult’s The Pact and Nineteen Minutes. There were a couple of twists, but it was mainly just 3 mothers trying to navigate their grief and figure out what happened between their sons that fateful night. That being said, this was still an good book. I was slightly disappointed with how it ended, until the very last page. It almost leaves it open for a second book (hopefully).

This was a very quick read at only 276 pages. (Took me about 3 hours total to read)

Overall, I enjoyed this book. Was I almost hoping for something more sinister? Maybe a little, and I still have questions as to what happens with some of the side characters, but I would read this again in a heartbeat.

I would give this a 7/10 for y’all to read.

Have a great weekend!

I mean seriously though!!!

I mean seriously though!!!

Good afternoon, bookworms! Happy Friday!! I am back, yet again with another book rec!!Never Lie by Freida McFadden⭐️⭐️⭐️...

Good afternoon, bookworms! Happy Friday!! I am back, yet again with another book rec!!

Never Lie by
Freida McFadden


If you're looking for a book with twists that really throw you for a doozy, this is the book for you. Never Lie follows a newlywed couple who end up trapped in a manor owned by a once renowned psychiatrist who vanished without a trace some years before. The female main character stumbles across some tapes of the psychiatrists sessions and she starts to listen. The tapes share the events that took place before and leading up to the disappearance of the psychiatrist.

The amount of twists and tuns in this book was INSANE. One thing about Freida McFadden is that they don't call her the "Queen of Twists" for no reason. Just when you think you have it figured out, she hits you with another roller coaster of mind-blowing revelations that cause you to question your own sanity. I can honestly say there has been not one time where I have successfully guessed the correct plot twist or ending of her books.

Now, I understand that this might not be a 5 star read for some of you, and I can totally understand why. This was only a 5 star read for me because of how absolutely shocked I was at the end. The writing style is decent, the plot is pretty good. The book would've been about a 3.5 or 4 star but I felt like I owed it to Freida to give this a 5 star rating for how twisted up I was in the end!

10/10 recommend this as a read if you're wanting to get into psychological thrillers!

This perfectly describes how books make me feel! I’ve seen and done it all…because I read. 💜

This perfectly describes how books make me feel! I’ve seen and done it all…because I read. 💜

Good morning to all my fellow bookworms! I'm back with another book rec/rating! The Roots Run Deep-Chris Strong⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐...

Good morning to all my fellow bookworms! I'm back with another book rec/rating!

The Roots Run Deep-Chris Strong


The Roots Run Deep follows a group of childhood best friends that gather together in their twenties after a member of their group attempted to end his life. The group tries to show their loved one that his life is still worth living and end up taking a trip to a place they promised they'd go to as kids. Shown from a different POV each chapter, you will delve into the mind and struggles of each person of his friend group.

I read this book to help me navigate some difficult emotions I was experiencing a few months ago. When I tell you that this book BROKE me, I truly mean it. But it broke me in such a way that was cathartic for my soul. It helped me heal. This book is so eloquently written. Chris strong packs SO MUCH emotion into just 230 pages. You will laugh, you will cry, but most of all you feel...EVERYTHING. I'm not sure how packing this much emotion into a short read was possible, but it was.

A slight trigger warning. There are talks of self harm. Not fully into detail, but there are mentions of it. This is an emotional read. If you are not sure that you can mentally handle the complex emotions that are touched on in this book, then this book is not for you. However, I do think everyone should read this at one point or another.


10/10 recommend this book.

I find myself fully consumed by the characters in the books I read. Is it healthy? Probably not, but it happens every si...

I find myself fully consumed by the characters in the books I read. Is it healthy? Probably not, but it happens every single time.

Those of you who have Goodreads, share your reading challenge for 2024 in the comments! Here is mine! I do take a few da...

Those of you who have Goodreads, share your reading challenge for 2024 in the comments!

Here is mine! I do take a few days off every couple of weeks, just to give me time to process the several books that I have read. Most of the time I can finish a book in one day, depending on how much time I allow myself to read.

Happy reading, bookworms!

Hi, my name is Jessica and I have a problem 😅

Hi, my name is Jessica and I have a problem 😅

Good morning y'all! It's time for another book rec/rating! This one is from about a week ago, but I just couldn't not sh...

Good morning y'all! It's time for another book rec/rating!

This one is from about a week ago, but I just couldn't not share this book

A Love Letter to Whiskey-Kandi Steiner


This book is about two people who meet in high school. It's a love story that some would consider a slow-burn, friends to lovers trope that is so incredibly well written. There is a lot of heartbreak, miscommunication, and plenty of chemistry between the two main characters.

Kandi Steiner does a phenomenal job of putting the emotions into words that cause you to feel exactly what the characters feel at various points in the book. I was yelling at the characters, crying with them, loving with them, all in the first 4 chapters. I was drawn in from the get go, and instantly sucked into this story. The way Steiner describes the love that the female main character has for the male main character is so powerful.

I will ALWAYS recommend this book to anyone who is in a reading slump. My only warning is that it will most likely put you right back into a slump, because you will think about these characters and this plot EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

1000/10 recommend.

(also, if you purchase or download the 5th anniversary edition, there is an added bonus of reading the response from Whiskey)

I disappear into books all the time. Ask my husband 🤣

I disappear into books all the time. Ask my husband 🤣

That's right, time for a book rec/rating  that you didn't want! HOME IS WHERE THE BODIES ARE⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️This is a story of g...

That's right, time for a book rec/rating that you didn't want!



This is a story of grief, a mother's love, addiction, and most of all-secrets. Every family has them, but what would your family do to keep those secrets hidden?

If you're looking for a quick thriller/mystery read, this one is for you! The characters are extremely relatable and you can feel their emotions from the start.

From the first page, I was instantly intrigued. I didn't know who I could trust and there's even a slight twist towards the end.

The book is told by a different perspective each chapter, so you get to experience what each character is thinking and feeling throughout the entire book. The only slight critique I have of the book is that the ending did feel a bit rushed, which is why this was not a 5 star read for me.

I love Jeneva Rose's books and was looking forward to reading this since it came out!

I say this is a definite "yes" as for recommending to read!




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