"The Thin Blue Line" is a groundbreaking film directed by Zayne Richard Simpson, released in 2023, as a Proof of concept and initially. The movie is an origin story of how the show begin to take place. It is a fictional TV show/movie starring Jared Noble, Zayne Richard Simpson, Jordan Bryant, and Carlee Jo Atkins. The film not only sheds light on the fictional crimes being solved, as most police shows do. It also sheds light on the fact that police officers are human. We are trying to show the humanity and humility behind the badge. We want to connect the police more with the community and show that there are many different circumstances that you go through and deal with on a regular basis that can affect your home life or your job. 
ZRS Productions, on the other hand, is a film production company that was founded by Zayne Richard Simpson himself. Known for their commitment to telling stories that challenge the conventional narrative, ZRS Productions has produced several critically acclaimed documentaries, including "The Direct Message " and "Game Night." Which will be released late next month. The company's distinct style of storytelling, characterized by its combination of interviews, reenactments, and meticulous research, has earned them numerous awards and accolades. ZRS Productions continues to push the boundaries of filmmaking, tackling complex subjects with a unique and thought-provoking approach.
All the people that are taking the time to be a part of what we are doing on and off screen have made this company in film what it is. All the people who stand behind what we have been doing from the beginning or the people that make what we do possible. If you haven’t had a chance to take a look at our Indiegogo, please do. We’re coming to an end of our run quickly. And we are looking to bring this film to life. We are also looking to create more film opportunities for people in a local film community, where they can showcase the hard work, they put in dedicating himself to the film industry. Making more jobs right here in our own backyard, rather than people having to travel across United States, or the other major cities just to make a film. 
We will be inviting you as the public as well as local, film communities, Cincinnati, city of commerce, police department, and many others to our community mixer. We will be showing our proof of concept 48 minute Thin blue line episode.  we will do a Q&A after, and after a brief intermission, we will show our two award, winning shorts, game night, and direct message.
So mark your calendars, Sunday, September 10, Esquire, theater in Cincinnati, Ohio. 3 PM to 5:30 PM. The 48 minute will start promptly at 3:30 PM
I will post a flyer and ticket information as well as a link to purchase tickets to the event as soon as the link is up. Tickets will be $8. All proceeds will be donated to the local film community.
The Thin Blue Line is a police drama based on true events about the life behind the badge | Check out 'The Thin Blue Line Feature Film' on Indiegogo.