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Note self. Something I'm consistently working on. Happy Friday 🥰

Note self. Something I'm consistently working on. Happy Friday 🥰

Here's my non sponsored review of KIala.I know some of you probably seen this all over the clock app. Probably wanted to...

Here's my non sponsored review of KIala.
I know some of you probably seen this all over the clock app. Probably wanted to try it but hesitate because of all the commission reviews. We all know people will hype anything up if it makes them a quick buck.

I wanted to try it but I was extremely hesitant to spend $49 on something I knew that was being hyped up for commission. I waited to go on sale and used my new to shop customer coupon and scored it for $10 plus free shipping.

Here's the review. To me it tastes disgusting. It didn't taste good like everyone said it did. I actually couldn't drink it on day 4 because the thought of it hitting inside my mouth made want to vomit. The next day I tried it again and I adjusted to the taste and its been easier to drink since.

I struggle with adult acne and my face has definitely cleared up .

I don't get the energy from it like everyone has claimed but that's neither here or there for me.

Bloating has gone down a lot. I don't wake up bloated and go to bed bloated like I use too. Added plus My stomach doesn't hurt constantly like it use too.
It really does help with your digestive system too like it claims. Bathroom time isn't a issue for me anymore.

Overall I give it a 8 out of 10. I will never pay full price for it but I can see myself using it for ther foreseeable future.


Happy new years everyone.

2023 has taught me and showed me so much and taught me more. Healing is necessary and people who you thought would be there are no longer there. And that's ok. Doors open as doors close . Heres to 2024


Happy Thanksgiving everyone 💓


So I know it's been a ridiculously long time since I've posted on here.

I've gotten caught up with posting to my main page and forgetting this page exists too. I'm going to try and stay more consistent over here as well with at least two posts a week, hopefully more🤞I'll be posting a update later. Talk soon💜

If something is no longer working for you go another route! For better part of my journey I said I would never join a gy...

If something is no longer working for you go another route!
For better part of my journey I said I would never join a gym I didn't need a gym. But when excise became boring and I no longer was interested doing workouts I knew something had to change. I've been going to the gym for almost a month and it was the best decision for Me and this part of my journey. Fred is even going to the gym with me and enjoying it. Change is good Change is necessary.

I never thought this man would be my workout let alone my gym partner! But here we are and I'm so proud of him for choos...

I never thought this man would be my workout let alone my gym partner! But here we are and I'm so proud of him for choosing him and himself

I'm so damn proud of her!I think where I mentally left 2021 and where I'm mentally ending 2022 at. It surly is a night a...

I'm so damn proud of her!

I think where I mentally left 2021 and where I'm mentally ending 2022 at. It surly is a night and day difference. I got through the year that I thought had broke me. I found strength in the darkness and swam through the trenches!

I have so much to say but I will save that for another day. But I'll leave you with this. You are stronger then you know. You can get through whatever you're going through . Repeat after me I am worthy I am strong i am going to get through this. I have so much fight left in me. I am beautiful. I am important. I am enough. I am loveable. I am going to make it through this!


Inspire the person that inspires you!

For the last 13 years I've learned more from this man. Then I have ever at school. He has taught me so much and has been a inspiration to me. If you don't know him personally you don't know his background or where he came from. Or how far he's truly came in life. I've always been inspired his determination and his desire to keep pushing even though everything that stands in his way.

I've been on my journey since 2019, and it has came up a few times in the past if he would join me or not. He has watched and supported me. Even though all the times I've fallen off or failed. I never thought he would actually be on the floor with me. Not as my cheer leader or my supporter but doing the workout with me. He's doing things his body isn't used to. The last few days have been great and I don't think he realizes how proud I am of him.

Unless I do another workout after he goes to work I won't be recording our workouts together. Mostly out of respect he doesn't want to be recorded. Also because of time wise. We have a short window yo get it done and stopping and setting up the camera takes a lot of time.

I've been MIA for awhile! I went on vacation for almost 2 weeks. Went to Mackinaw,and then we went to the UP.It was a gr...

I've been MIA for awhile! I went on vacation for almost 2 weeks. Went to Mackinaw,and then we went to the UP.
It was a great trip even if it ended suddenly and unexpectedly but life happens and you just have to flow with it.

Fred decided he was going to commit to a program with me while we were on vacation. I'm so proud of him for taking this step. We have a very small window to complete a workout each day before he leaves for work. Yet I know he got it. I can't wait for the end of the 13 weeks and he sees all the hard work paid off. It's different having someone working out with me. But I'm enjoying it tomorrow is day 3 of week 1 and im exited!

If you've been around awhile, you know 2021 was mentally hard for me and I completely lost who I was. I tried so many ti...

If you've been around awhile, you know 2021 was mentally hard for me and I completely lost who I was. I tried so many times to get into a routine. Every time I tried something would set me back 100 miles and I would once again find myself in another depressive mindset that I couldn't shake.

I spent the first 6 months being scared and always waiting for the other shoe to drop and the last 6 months fighting myself trying to find me again through all the noise I had no control over. Sadly I let myself become a victim of my situation and that was a hard pill to swallow. I swallowed it and learned to move on.

Thank God for mindset shifts, because if I didn't have one I honestly don't know where I would be right now! Definitely not coaching and definitely not back into a routine.

I found my way again, I picked myself back up and i kept moving. Even on the hard days that I struggle getting out of bed, and the desire to brush my hair isn't there. I still show up even if my energy is caused by pre workout im still pushing all the way through. I'm stronger for it. I'm strong because I was weak! If you're feeling weak to just know on the other side you're a strong ass person and you got this!!

On social media we are in competition with everyone, or so we think. The truth is nobody really thinks they are in compe...

On social media we are in competition with everyone, or so we think. The truth is nobody really thinks they are in competition or very few and in between really believe they are. Our mind loves playing games and it's easy to start believing what's not true about ourselves. On IG where so many people are sharing their weightloss journey or fitness routine. It's easy to start comparing ourselves to others. We tell ourselves we are doing everything right but bob and tiffany who's only been doing it for 3 months lost 100 pounds, but I've been on it a year and only lost 50 pounds what is wrong with me? Nothing! we are all individuals and our journies might look similar but are not the same. It took me a long time to realize that my journey is my journey. I might not be dropping 100 pounds in the last 3 years but what I've gained is so much more then what the scale has shown.

Learn to love yourself in the skin that you're in. Stop worrying so much about everyone else and what thier journey looks like. You'll be happier trust in that

Let's talk confidence !I know the statement fake it until you make it, way to we'll. That use to be me. I use to act lik...

Let's talk confidence !

I know the statement fake it until you make it, way to we'll. That use to be me. I use to act like I had tons when I really didn't. I actually hated every thing about the way I looked, and who I was. I body checked In every mirror that I came across, so much that Fred took away all of our mirrors expect the one in the bathroom. But if you seen me out in public or was around me you'd had no idea. I always smiled and I put on a act.

This is where fake until you make it came into play. In 2019 a few months into my journey, I really started to love myself and find confidence. It wasn't an act anymore and I was loving who the I was in my current body. I remember telling my husband man I'm glad I didn't have confidence in high school, because that wouldn't of ended well for me. Because I thought so poorly of myself I thought I was going to get carried white and I turned down every guy that asked me out. Even the one's that asked me out everyday in English, and sang she's playing hard to get. True story. Before my husband I with verbally abusive guys that I met in Yahoo chat rooms yall remember those? Because I thought I was nothing and that was the only love I thought I was worthy of. OK I'm getting way off track there's a point I promise.

I've learned to love and appreciate, every stage my body is in. My size or the number on the scale doesn't determine if I'm loveable, worthy, enough or important. It also doesn't determine if I'm worthy of having confidence or not. I DO! I choose to have confidence I choose to be confident in every stage that I am in. Because why not?

If you're in the stage of faking it until you make it, I promise you it'll gets better. You'll find a way to love that beautiful body that you're in and you will find a way to love who you are. Having bad days is normal nobody is confident every single day. I know I'm not and that's OK. If nobody has told you today I'm proud of you and you're enough

Life moves fast, and it's up to us to move with  it. If we don't move along with it we will stay right where we currentl...

Life moves fast, and it's up to us to move with it. If we don't move along with it we will stay right where we currently are. I don't know about you don't want to be stuck.

I was stuck before and I was
❌ almost 400 LBS
❌ I couldn't breathe
❌ I was only existing and not living.
❌ I didn't have mobility
❌ knocking on deaths door at only 31

So I started living
✅ I got up and starting moving
✅ broke habits
✅ regained my strength
✅ I'm the strongest I've ever been
✅ I'm 34 busy living instead worrying about dying.

Change starts and ends with you! I wish there was a simple solution but there really isn't. Change take 's work alot of work. Change is something you have to be willing to do, because it can't be done for you!. I am living proof Change is possible if you want it bad enough! I'm doing things now I couldn't ever do before. Being stuck isn't the place to be!

It's almost 2am, rainy and I'm currently waiting for my Husband to get out of work and come home to me. I still have at ...

It's almost 2am, rainy and I'm currently waiting for my Husband to get out of work and come home to me. I still have at least another hour and half before he gets home. I would normally use this time to watch Tik Tok or scroll FB for the millionth time for tonight. Instead I'm preparing for tomorrow.

I was supposed to start Fire and Flow Monday but for the last week I haven't had a phone, and My phone is the only way I'm connected to the internet. Because we'll we live out in the middle of no where, we don't have any providers in out area. SO I'm going to do day 1 and 2 today.

This past week when I was disconnected I took the time to journal and reflect. My mental health hasn't been great for a couple of months and it has thrown me off of my routine. There's a lot going on that's completely out of my control that I refuse to keep letting control me. In a way I'm glad I had no phone because it forced me to just be. I had to think without distracting myself without comparing to what others have on social media. When it was quiet after I put my nephew to bed it was just me alone. I'm greatful for that because through it I found peace. Peace that I've been searching for but couldn't find. But I found it finally!

The devil is hard at work! He knows I found something I really enjoy doing. He knows I was led by God and he doesn't like that. So he has been giving me hell ..Everything that could've gone wrong has. So much that I actually questioned if coaching was the right decision for me. But give me hell and high water and I'll make my way through. I'm strong and I won't give up. The devil can't undo what God's already done remember that!

I have a serious question? How many of you want to workout? Make better habits, and healthier food choices? Then turn ar...

I have a serious question? How many of you want to workout? Make better habits, and healthier food choices? Then turn around and say you have no time? Now be honest how many of you scroll Facebook or get lost in watching Tik tok for at least 30 minutes a day?
Here's the truth time isn't the issue it's an excuse. An excuse to stay right where you are. It's easy to blame everything on not having time rather then just get up and try. Stop lying to yourself and get out of your head. If you want to start making healthier choices if you want to start exercising then just start. There won't be a perfect time or Monday. If you keep waiting before you know it a years worth of Monday's have passed and the progress you could've made is non existent. Life doesn't slow down or wait for us. Life keeps moving on even if our feet never leave the ground.
I'm here to help you! If you know my story then you know I was just like most people and had a lot of excuses. Until one day I was almost 400 pounds and could barely move. I was just existing because of my excuses . I got myself from nearly 400 pounds to number I haven't seen sense high school. I did it naturally with hard work, and determination. I can't do it for you but I can help you help yourself!
My test group starts on June 6th this is the perfect way to start. Deciding to start is the first and most important step. I believe this is the perfect program to start with because it's not just focusing on the physical part but the mental health part which to me is just as important as the physical part. DECIDE TODAY THAT YOU'RE GOING TO STOP MAKING EXCUSES AND START DOING!!!


Test Group time🔥 n flow
3 ☝️intensity days | 3 👇impact restorative days | Mental Health focus 🙏🏻. Looking for 5!

Am I still sick yep! I  worked out today and,   then i went for a 3 mile walk. Keep it moving even on the days you don't...

Am I still sick yep! I worked out today and, then i went for a 3 mile walk. Keep it moving even on the days you don't want too!!

It's 84 degrees,muggy  and, I'm still sick. This probably isn't a big deal to some but for me it speaks volumes.  If I g...

It's 84 degrees,muggy and, I'm still sick. This probably isn't a big deal to some but for me it speaks volumes. If I got sick and it ended up being in my lungs in 2017-2019 I wouldn't of been able to breathe, I would've been hospitalized. I would've never been able to go for a walk in 84 and muggy weather. Walking to the mailbox would've been the end of the day for me.

Fast forward to today I made almost 2 miles pushing my nephew. I still have my breath and I'm getting ready for a workout.

You won't move forward if you don't make the first step! Crawl if you have to just keep trying keep pushing forward and don't settle

I went two years without getting covid or really sick at all.. last Sunday I started to get a sore throat. I didn't thin...

I went two years without getting covid or really sick at all.. last Sunday I started to get a sore throat. I didn't think much of it I'm constantly having a sore throat. I got a small throat and big tonsils it happens😂😂 but I woke up extremely sick on Monday and it's has only gotten worse. Although it's not Covid it's living in my lungs. It' has hit my entire household and it it sucks. I got outside today to enjoy the sun but breathing has been an entire chore today. All I have to say is I'm glad I'm not where I was in 2019 she would've not doing good at all..

I do best when I meal prep dinners!  Other wise I'm not eating until about 8 ,and I'm grabbing whatever I can find .  I ...

I do best when I meal prep dinners! Other wise I'm not eating until about 8 ,and I'm grabbing whatever I can find . I try to meal prep but I've gotten out of routine. So as I'm finding my way back to my routine I'm finding simple, tasty, but healthy things to meal prep. Tonight I'm meal prepping Turkey meatloaf cupcakes , broccoli, and sweet potatoes. I'm focusing on low carb and nothing processed.

There isn't much to this recipe just about 2 pounds of Turkey burger, sweet peppers, breadcrumbs, and 2 eggs lightly beaten. Seasoning to taste. I used ms dash chipotle seasoning, rosted garlic seasoning and everything but the bagel seasoning not a lot just enough to say it's in there because I have no idea how it'll taste. I do love to experiment with food.

Some of us pray and pray of change, for something to happen but many of don't listen when God is showing us. I was talki...

Some of us pray and pray of change, for something to happen but many of don't listen when God is showing us. I was talking to Fred the other day who believes completely different than I do. About how I know God was leading me into being a coach, and when i was making the decision to be a coach it was God voice using my subconscious. He was opening the doors and it was my job to walk through them. One example was the day I reached out to my sponsor/coach I had this whole message typed out but I chickened out and started questioning myself even though I KNEW this was the path I wanted and was being lead to take. I kid you not God made sure I was going to go through with it. Within in not even a hour she messaged me happy belated birthday. I knew I couldn't not inquire about more information.
By late last week I became a coach.
Fred asked me how do I know it was his voice. My response was it's hard to explain because I know you have different beliefs but even though it was my subconscious telling me to do it I know it was God voice using my subconscious. He opened all the doors and it was my job to walk through them. So many of us pray but don't acutely listen, because we don't think we are either good enough or it's not something we initially wanted. So we miss out on something amazing because even though God answered when we prayed,we went in another direction.
When doors are being opened for us no matter how you believe. We may struggle but we won't fail, we may fall but we won't fail. If you believe in nothing else believe in yourself because if you don't who will?

In 2019 my only goal was to get healthy. I didn't want to end up in an early grave like my dad did. I shared journey in ...

In 2019 my only goal was to get healthy. I didn't want to end up in an early grave like my dad did. I shared journey in the beginning to help keep me motivated and accountable. I started from the ground up. I've lost 63 pounds naturally without diet pills, surgery or anything like that. I started out walking in place when mobility was an issue. I progressed to being able to do light exercises. I couldn't do situps or squats and forget jumping Jack's. Even on the days I was tired and my body was sore because it wasn't use to movement I kept pushing and quitting wasn't an option for me..

In July of 2020 I joined Just Strong as an ambassador. I met some really amazing and strong women through the group. Soon I had many,many people on IG wanting me to become a Beachbody coach. I thought about it and thought about it. Some wouldn't let up and begged me too become a coach even after I said no a few times. I wasn't sure if it was right for me I I was scared of the unknown. I knew if I was meant to be a coach God some how would lead me.

I believe in Gods timing and when you actually listen you will get clear answers. It's been in the back of mind ever since 2020 about coaching. I was silently watching someone I met through Just Strong. I was paying attention to everything she was posting. I started seriously thinking about becoming a coach a few months ago. I prayed If this was the right decision for me God would show me. When he showed me I listened and my mind was already made up when I went to Fred Fred about becoming one last week. I was just looking for his ok. Yesterday I became a coach and I couldn't be more excited!

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened - Matthew 7-8




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