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Zambia has REPORTED Zimbabwe to
& escalating a BILATERAL dispute emanating from President Mnangagwa's PUBLIC statements in RUSSIA which was interpreted as threatening to Zambia.
Let's look into the implications in detail



This is the level of incompetence that we have to put up with in Zimbabwe. For a Parliamentarian who is supposed to debate policy, it is expected that one would do their research to acquaint with certain topics before opening their mouth.
Please meet Honourable Tendai Nyabani, member of Parliament for Rushinga Constituency.

Michael Reza sworn in against public protestPresident Emmerson Mnangagwa defied public uproar and proceeded to swear in ...

Michael Reza sworn in against public protest

President Emmerson Mnangagwa defied public uproar and proceeded to swear in Deputy Prosecutor-General, Michael Reza, as new Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (Zacc) chair, to replace Justice Loice Matanda-Moyo, now Prosecutor-General, despite that his move is unconstitutional.

This left ZACC stuck with a compromised leader and enveloped in an aura of illegality, while the constitution lies brazenly violated.

Mnangagwa appointed Reza in terms of Subsection 1 (a) of section 254 of the constitution.
His appointment yesterday to replace Matanda-Moyo does not meet the required seven years experience in legal practice to take that position.
Any Zacc commissioner who is a lawyer must have seven years legal practice or be eligible to be appointed a judge or has been a High Court or Supreme Court judge.

Reza applied to join the Law Society of Zimbabwe to practice law in 2020 and registered the same year or in 2021 to become a lawyer.
This means he only has three or four years experience, which is not enough for him to become a Zacc commissioner, worse still its chairperson.

Reza holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the University of South Africa and a Master of Laws (LLM) degree from the Midlands State University, but does not qualify to be a commissioner, let alone chairperson.

Even Mnangagwa appointed Reza on the basis that one can be a commissioner if they have 10 years experience in investigating crime, the problem is that after the removal of Matanda-Moyo, and Jessie Majome, there is no lawyer in the commission, moreso with the constitutionally required seven years experience.

Majome has been appointed chairperson of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission.

While some lawyers say Reza does not necessarily need to have seven years experience if there is already another qualified lawyer in the commission, others say he is technically out because he does not meet basic requirements to be a commissioner through the legal route, his own profession.

Reza’s sympathisers and allies say that he came in through the requirement that he has at least 10 years experience in investigating crime.

However, analysts say Reza is neither qualified nor suitable to be a Zacc commissioner, moreso chairperson.

Besides, Reza is entangled in several controversies on cases of ,persecution by prosecution of opposition activists and leaders, and some corruption cases.


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Thabo Matlhare, Mallam Baba

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Thabo Matlhare, Mallam Baba

Zimbabwe not the worst in terms of human rights violation – says new ZHRC Jessie MajomeTHE newly sworn-in Zimbabwe Human...

Zimbabwe not the worst in terms of human rights violation – says new ZHRC Jessie Majome

THE newly sworn-in Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission chairperson Fungayi Jessie Majome has said the country is not the worst in terms of human rights violations but her office will interrogate such allegations.

Majome was speaking to the media after being sworn in by President Emmerson Mnangagwa at State House on Wednesday that almost every nation globally had its problems regarding human rights.

The former opposition MP and former cabinet deputy minister said it was important to shun the“artificial politicisation” of human rights and focus on the respect and promotion of human dignity.

“As citizens, we also have the duty to respect and promote and fulfil the rights of others.

“Let us move away from the very destructive North, South divide because the Western countries have their own human rights problems but we focus on our problems and solve them.

“What is important is that we need to delink the global politicisation of human rights because human rights are about the dignity, quality and freedom for every one of us.

“l do not think Zimbabwe is the worst in terms of human rights violation in the world but of course, l will work with the Commission, be objective, be evidence-based in our mode of operation, to investigate honestly and openly all allegations of human rights abuses as alleged,” Majome said.

She added that in the Zimbabwean context, it was important to investigate and see how the nation can improve the human rights situation.

“Our Constitution has a bill of Rights which are broad and as a country, we have a connection with that which gives a duty bearer on the state to uphold and promote human rights.

“I am hoping that we can do the culture of human rights which is not an alien introduced by the British or the colonisers.

“I believe that the Liberation Struggle for this country was a culmination of human rights struggles that we should remember, hoping that one day, we reach a point where all of us enjoy them.”

Majome stated that human rights were a fulfilment of the country’s national aspirations and her priority would be to get the support of the citizenry and the state in delivering her mandate.

“I am very excited about being given the privilege to be able to serve my country at this level.

“My philosophy is that human rights are like happiness. There is never anyone who can be totally in a delirious or 100 percent total state of happiness.

“Human rights are a noble aspiration that we aspire to, so it is not correct to say we are perfectly alright and there are no human rights violations in Zimbabwe and that there is no need for improvement.”

Added Majome: “We want to work in a wholesome manner because there is no country without human rights.

“We need to speak about it in our concepts, in terms of our cultural contest because it is something that we are receiving.

“We are about the dignity of the human being, freedom and quality. Let us get into those helpful conversations and avoid artificial politicisation.”

Zimbabwe is a party to international conventions such as the Convention of Civil and Political Rights and the Convention of Economic, Social and Cultural Human Rights as well as the African Charter for Human Rights and its Protocol.

“I don’t believe we are in a competition or contest to be won to say which ones are important, but we can interrogate ourselves by ourselves and measure because we know what is good.

“Our concept of Ubuntu, the right to life is so protected in our culture such that we did not have the death penalty in culture.

“I hope that we speak from our perspective as Zimbabweans or Africans about human rights and remember that we are not in a contest hence, no one needs to tell us that it is bad to kill someone because we know it,” she said.


Thomas mapfumo is a cross-generational hero of Zimbabwe.Mapfumo cannot be bribed by young and childish Wicknell Chivhayo...

Thomas mapfumo is a cross-generational hero of Zimbabwe.

Mapfumo cannot be bribed by young and childish Wicknell Chivhayo with an offer of a Car and a House, just so that Mukanya renounces his long-held criticism of corruption, economic mismanagement, and extravagance of current and past government officials.

If you honestly thought the living legend Thomas Mapfumo who was arrested by Ian Smith's regime and imprisoned for six months without trial at Chikurubi Maximum Prison for singing "Hokoyo", "Nyoka Musango’’, "Pamuromo Chete’’, ‘‘Chiruzevha Chapera’’, "Nhamo Yamakandiwa’’, ‘‘Zevezeve’’, and ‘‘Kuyaura Kwevasina Musha’’ where he sang; "VaChitepo varipi vatitungamirire? Chembere dzekuno dziripi dzitipe makona, kutipa makona tiwane kuuraya mhandu . . . N’anga dzekuno driripi dzitipe makona tiwane kuraya mhanu yanesta . . . Kuyaura kwevasina musha iwe . . .” They banned his music on Rhodesian radio.

The same Tafirenyika who sang ZANU PF into power during the liberation struggle and after Independence, he is the same Muchadura who as early as 1989 was calling out Robert Mugabe's government for corruption and did a song for them .

The same Mukanya who openly challenged the feared dictator Mugabe and told him "Nyika yamaichemera hona yaita Mamvemve", and sang "Munyika medu muno muneDisaster, helele mama helele nama, tapare nematsotsi"

The same lion of Zimbabwe who when Mugabe took this country to a war we could not afford to be part of in the DRC, told him, "Garotumira vana kuhondo, hooo haaa haha hona muchadura, kugarotumira vana kuhondo"

The same guy who also sang when Mugabe took the farms and parceled them to his cronies, Mapfumo told him, "kutaura muchinyanya marima nzara, kutaura muchinyanya baba makaura". He also sang "Kwapera makore mangani vakuru woye hona takamirira zvamakavimbisa. Maiti kurima hakunetsi, muchiti kurima inyore".

If you thought the same man who was persecuted by the Mugabe regime and sang "Chamunorwa, Chamunorwa weee, kunyangwe mukandituka, hooo munonditya imi..... Kunyange mukandizonda, hona munonditya imi..... Mapepa kudondinyora, hoo inga munondiziva. Vese vakandiverenga, inga vanondiziva"

The same man whose music is banned on national radio today, the very reason why you do not know that he sang and told ZANU PF ; "Hamunyare here varume vakuru? musadaro kani wo musadaro, musadaro kutamba nenyika".

This man, He is the same Hurricane Hugo, the very guy who sang "Hatidi Politics" a song you will NEVER hear on Zimbabwean radio. Hanzi "mitauro chete, kutukana chete, pasina zvafamba, vanhu vachingochema...... Vanoda rufaro, vanoda rugare, Hupenyu hwakanaka havadi politics. Vanoda zvikoro, vanoda dzimba. Vanoda zvipatara havadi politics. Vanoda kupfeka, vanoda kudya, vanoda dzimota havadi politics.// Matadza here varume, mapererwa chose, mavengwa nevanhu, mavengerweiko? Hapana rufaro, hapana rugare, hapana chakanaka, dzingori politics"

If you thought the same man who sang and told Zimbabwe in 2006 that "hameno zvenyu muchakarara, hamutaure vakomana, munongonyarara vasikana. Zvichingowoma vakomana. Inofa kwenyu ana amai. Munongo Kuvarira mukati" he also sang in 2018 and said "kwemakore mangani? Kwemakore mangani tichiSuffer isu? Kwemakore mangani muchitonga imi?"

If you really in your right mind thought the same man who sang;

"Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

Vanhu ngavakudzwe, Mitemo ngaityiwe, Vanhu ngavakudzwe, Mitemo ngaityiwe

Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

Vanhu havamanikwe, Vanhu havamanikidzwe, Musavafose Musavafoseredze, Vanhu havade

Vanhu ngavakudzwe, Mitemo ngaityiwe
Vanhu ngavakudzwe, Mitemo ngaityiwe

Musavarove, Nekuvatyisidzira
Hazvimbobatsira, Kana vasingade,
Ndivo vazhinji, Motovateerera"

If you honestly thought a person like Mukanya would fall for such school boy tomfoolery, and if you thought he can be bought with trinkets, then you My friend, you're either dull in the mind, uninformed or just plain ignorant.

If you thought he would respond any other way because of money, then you have no clue who this man is.

This man in legendary, the most consistent Zimbabwean artist who has sang for and stood with the people. One man who has freely and fearlessly spoken truth to power and held whole despotic governments to account.

He has a very rich and deep freedom fighter history, the creater of the sound that he called Chimurenga music. And to imagine that someone has the audacity to think that such an illustrious legacy can be sacrificed on the altar of political expediency is totally madness! I guess having lots of money is not a measure of one's wisdom after all. You think you can buy the great revolutionary? No, you're small boys!

When people thought all was going on well for Zimbabwe, and this was less than a decade after Independence, Mapfumo had already caught on to what these purported liberators were all about.

In an interview with News24 back in 2021 Mapfumo said; "I wrote that song Corruption (1989) against them. I supported them yesterday and I found out that I was supporting the wrong cause. So you can’t change me, I’m a man of the people. And if you do something wrong to the people, we’ll sing about it.”

If people understood and knew better they would never insult this man, for this man has stood with and for the people of Zimbabwe at every turn longer than most of us have lived on planet earth. If you really listened to his music and message you would not embarrass yourselves by thinking he would fall for such an offer.

The reaction by a lot of you who thought Gandanga would take this bait goes on to show the kind of people you are. You are very corrupt people and part of the cancer that is troubling our nation. You people are part of the problem, the whole lot of you! You just do not have the opportunity otherwise you too would be fighting to be included, fighting for your turn at the feeding trough.

If you knew that in the same interview he said; “But I’m a man of the people. And I stand with the poor people. That’s where I belong. Money is nothing to me. The poor people are the ones who put me where I am today. So, why should I abandon them? Just for the sake of money? I won’t do that.”

If you knew this and that his message has been consistent for almost 50 years now, you would know it was stupidity first to offer him a house and a car and secondly, absurdity to even think he could ever fall for such nonsense.

You people and your shallow minded artists are the ones that can be bought so easily and so cheaply.

This incident should save as a reminder that whilst the whole lot of you is corrupt and will gladly receive these trinkets there is still a remnant that is upright and has no price tag. This should let you know that not every man has a price, some are principled and beyond reproach!

"I am not that type to be bribed like that," Thomas Mapfumo

What is 'Akwa' to such a legacy?

Pen 🖊 capped!

Copied as received.

https://zimbo24news.blogspot.com/2022/09/james-makambas-son-zororo-immortalised.htmlZororo Makamba immortalisedHosia Mvi...

Zororo Makamba immortalised

Hosia Mviringi

Zororo Rufaro Makamba, the last born son to business mogul Dr James Makamba, who succumbed to the then novel Corona Virus on March 23 , 2020 at a tender age of 30, has been honoured posthumously by his former school St John’s College. The college has erected a memorial gate dedicated to and named after the late prolific academic, broadcaster, sportsman and philanthropist.

The story of Zororo Makamba invokes sad, yet very important memories not only for the Makamba family but for the entire Zimbabwean society as he is recorded in history as the very first victim of the deadly Covid-19 virus. His sad passing as a result of this shameless disease can be credited for being the clarion call that raised the all-important alarm that awakened national conscience towards the disease which at first was misconstrued as a Whiteman’s disease. Zororo’s death demystified the deadly disease and strengthened Zimbabwe’s responses to the pandemic.

It is Zororo's demise that brought home the reality of Covid-19 and coaxed both government and citizens alike into an elevated precautionary mode which then translated into heightened preventive and management of the disease.

Zororo Makamba, the last born to Irene and business mogul Dr James Makamba, has been immortalised by his former school through the er****on of a special Memorial Gate in honour of his achievements during his time with the school. St John's College, a prestigious Harare School where children of the 'who is who' of the elite class enrol, has bestowed on Zororo Rufaro Makamba one of the greatest honour ever to be accorded to a former non-white student.

In an invitation to relatives, friends, former schoolmates, and the generality of the Zimbabwean society, the school has revealed that a Memorial Gate for the late academic and sporting genius had been erected.

"Join us for the unveiling of Zororo Rufaro Makamba Memorial Gate on Saturday September 10, 2022 at St John's College Sixth Form car park," said the school in an invite.

Zororo was not just an ordinary student at St John's. He was such an outstanding academic performer, sportsman, philanthropist and an intellectual genius who broke all barriers and shuttered records to become the very first non-white head boy at the prestigious school.

Speaking to this publication in response to the invitation, Zororo’s father, Dr James Makamba, a successful media entrepreneur, former broadcaster and philanthropist, could only affirm his firm belief in education as the ultimate empowerment tool that a father can bequeath to his children. Dr Makamba revealed that in his endeavour to secure the best possible future for his children, he spared neither effort nor resources to ensure that all his kids had the best chance in life to become their best selves in their chosen disciplines.

"I am a firm believer in the virtues of education. It is a basic necessity which doubles up as an indispensable empowerment tool without which one can do very little in life, and Zororo's life is a shining example of how one can find their own space, shape and dominate it in this vast universe through education. Education opens all doors, thus my commitment at facilitating the best education for our children,” said Dr Makamba.

Zoro, as he was fondly known by family and close friends, as the last born child in the family, was very close to his mother, earning himself the title of 'mama's boy’, and as such the devastation that his death brought on his mother can never be imagined. However, speaking to this publication, Zororo's mother expressed satisfaction and gratitude to St Johns School for the honour bestowed upon her late son.

“Zororo was my last born child, thus he was very close to me. He was a very bright and gifted young man. He excelled in both academic and sporting fields. After St John’s College he studied Communication with Sales Specialisation at Michigan State University. Thereafter he worked briefly for Telecel Zimbabwe in the Marketing Department during which time he presented the Chit Chat Show at ZiFM which earned him two more slots at the Radio Station. He was such a fine young man who was loved by many children from underprivileged schools which he assisted,” said Mrs Makamba.

At the time of his passing, Zororo was engaged to a young lovely girl, Nyaradzo Mutezo.



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