Good morning dearly beloved.
This is a message from the throne of Grace.
A faithful tither
Who is a faithful tither?
A faithful tither is not the person that pays his or her tithes regularly.
A faithful tither is not the person that spend all that comes into his or her hands and start waiting for another income before paying her tithes.
A faithful tither is not the person that decide to take certain amount out of what God has blessed him or her with and bring to God. ( Below ten percent ) That person is sowing seed and not a faithful tither.
A faithful tither is not the person that decide to take his or her tithes to the orphanage. Because it is unscriptural
A faithful tither is not the person that borrow out his or her tithes and pays back any time they give it back to him or her.
A faithful tither is not the person that is always in pains or always grumbling any time he or she pays her tithes
A faithful tither is not that person that always wishes to spend her tithes on something else
A faithful tither is not that person that always wondered how his or her tithes is spent.
A faithful tither is the person who is zealous in paying his or her tithes
A faithful tither is the person who brings his or her tithes joyfully to the house of God
A faithful tither is that person who strongly believe that no matter how big his or her income may be it is from God and the ten percent must be given to God
A faithful tither is that person that decide to pay her tithes even when they is no food at home for the family. Because God says bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. ( Malachi 3 : 10 )
Beloved are you a faithful tither?
Please make up your mind to be a faithful tither.
Be not
deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7 )