Any body knows which band this is?!?!?
Zoi!s at @eisenbremen last week!!
New Pre-Order up! Mercy Union- catnap EP.. 2 variants available silkscreen edition printed by fairtrademerch on green vinyl (100 handnumbered copes) and red vinyl ( 200 copies) .. US version on clear vinyl (200 copies) available through @mtcrushmorerecords..
Order link:
#preorder #mercyunion #mercyunionband #catnap #jerseyrock #alternativerock #indierock #punkrockmusic
Thank You OxFanzine! Here‘s an interview Dog Park Dissidents.. check it out in the new ox fanzine!
#dogparkdissidents #queerpunk #oxfanzine #newinterview #feature
1.12.2023 LOVEBREAKERS - dirt nap ! New song! new video! New Pre-Sale!
#lovebreakers #lovebreakersband #dirtnap #newsong #newvideo #newpresale #punkrock #indierock #alternativerock #rockmusic
Thank you OxFanzine! Here‘s a great interview and review for Neat Mentals.. also there is a song on the ox-cd! order link:
#oxmagazine #neatmentals #neatmentalsband #newinterview #newreview #punk #punkrock #stuttgartpunk
New testpress! Details soon! Release November 2023!! Surprise 🥳
New testpress! Release will be November!! Watch out for details!!
Thank you OxFanzine! Ox presents: wolves & wolves & wolves & wolves European tour 2023! Come by and watch them live n the town near you!
#wolves&wolves&wolves&wolves #wolvesx4 #oxfanzine #oxpresents #europeantour2023 #3xcurse
Thank you OxFanzine! Soundcheck and review for The High Times- feelings! Order link in bio!
#oxfanzine #thehightimes #thehightimesband #thehightimescool #oxsoundcheck #review #feelings #punkrock #femalefrontedpunk #zürichpunk
Best times with Mobina Galore! Catch them on one of their upcoming shows:
Düsseldorf, Munich, Zürich, Karlsruhe, Cologne, Essen, Manchester, Bristol, Exeter, London
#mobinagalore #eurotour
The High Times new testpress #thehightimes #testpress #femalefrontedband #femalefrontedpunk