This is a community wherein we can share our ideas and outlook in life, our interest and passion, our anger and frustrations along with the sense of humor and tears over the lessons in life we have gathered in every failure. These may vary from yours and we might have different perspective about anything but we are here to stand up for one thing, that LIFE is still a beautiful gift from GOD! It is
an idiomatic phrase or figurative speech pertaining to KARMA. KARMA LANG YAN connotes that karma is at work! Whichever it is, it is worth noting that in life we move from phase to phase. We are not stuck on one spot! Our lives evolve. There are ups and downs, every corners has left and right, goals has failure and success, there's happiness and sadness, laughter and weeping, and a positive and negative reaction in every action. We always strive for the good. We therefore explore for good options in life and welcome positivity to produce good Karma for the betterment of our remaining days from this moment onwards. Just remember and follow the Golden Rule and you'll never go wrong! It is your choice everyday. Read the golden rule by heart. To welcome GOOD KARMA:
"DO unto others WHAT YOU WANT others DO UNTO YOU". To prevent or ward off BAD KARMA:
"DON'T DO unto others WHAT YOU DON'T WANT others DO UNTO YOU". BAMKLY will do its best to share and post anything under the sun to remind and share informations/laughters to challenge & inspire us of who we are and what we could become. If you are down today, stand up! Rise like phoenix and soar like eagle! It's never too late to start all over again if you need to. Doing something good is prayer in action! Don't wait to be pushed to the edge!! Click LIKE and SHARE the page. Thank you