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The Religion of WitchcraftA Workshop with Brian CainHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New OrleansAugust 9 to 11...

The Religion of Witchcraft
A Workshop with Brian Cain
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Join Alexandrian Witch and High Priest Brian Cain as you explore Witchcraft as a religion, the subject of his book, The Religion of Witchcraft, which will be released just in time for HexFest!

Witchcraft is more than merely collecting crystals, lighting candles, and setting intentions. It isn’t just another avenue for expressing a new spiritual and personal identity. It is also not simply the creative invention of the pioneers of the revival of Witchcraft as is often asserted. At its core, Witchcraft embodies a contemporary priesthood devoted to the veneration of the great Goddess, qualifying it in every sense as a true religion. Its lineage can be traced to European folk practices and Western occult traditions, yet it is also the living reincarnation of Europe's enigmatic ancient mystery cults. In this compelling book, High Priest of Alexandrian Witchcraft Brian Cain delves into the resurgence of modern Witchcraft, charting its evolution over the last century, tracing back to its pre-Christian origins, and venerating its enduring and powerful Gods. Within these pages are unfolded the fabric of time, offering a glimpse behind the veil for the earnest seeker. It is an invitation to discover the inexhaustible cauldron of wisdom, an eternal wellspring for the ardent practitioner that never runs dry.

What to Do About the NeighborsA Workshop with Tess WhitehurstHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New OrleansAugus...

What to Do About the Neighbors
A Workshop with Tess Whitehurst
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

While it might be an exaggeration to say there's *nothing worse* than having rude, loud, or disrespectful neighbors when you have such a neighbor, it does tend to feel that way. The problem is that any effort to change your circumstance, whether magical or mundane, may end up boomeranging back to you or just plain making things worse. So it can be all but impossible to know what to do.

This workshop may not provide all the answers, but it will certainly give you some perspective, guidance, and magical tools to try. We'll honestly explore the treacherous energetic dynamics of a bad neighbor situation, and you'll learn some spells, rituals, and practical ideas to help you transform a stagnant or sticky situation into something a little more tolerable or possibly even much, much better.

You will learn:

* Why attempting to banish a bad neighbor might not be your best bet
* Feng shui tips for neighborly harmony,
* The dos and don'ts of neighbor magic
* A magical silver bullet that might just do the trick.

A longtime renter and current condo owner, Tess Whitehurst is no stranger to neighbor problems. Join her for this unique workshop and find out what she's learned (often the hard way) about what works and what doesn't when it comes to magically dealing with annoying and frightening neighbor issues.

Stepping onto the Royal Road of TarotA Workshop with Christian DayHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans...

Stepping onto the Royal Road of Tarot
A Workshop with Christian Day
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

The Tarot has long been referred to as the Royal Road as it is a journey of understanding into both the travels of mundane life and the hidden pathways of the soul. Warlock Christian Day first began his journey onto that road in 1987 and that led to his many years of reading and studying the cards. In this workshop, you will unlock the mysteries of the Tarot—a deck of 78 cards containing artistic imagery of many-layered archetypal symbols drawn from centuries of occult wisdom, and learn how to use them to unravel the secrets of your everyday life while divining the deeper meaning behind it.

While there are many fascinating theories about the origin of the Tarot cards, attributing their creation to everything from ancient Egypt to Atlantis, they more likely began as a game for Italian nobles. However, they also collected a treasure trove of universal imagery drawn from cultures around the world along the way and, in doing so, became a powerful tool of divination, meditation, and psychic development. In this class, you're not just going to learn the meanings of cards. You’ll also discover how to break down the esoteric symbols within them to understand why the cards mean what they do.

Whether you are taking your first steps upon the Royal Road of Tarot or are already walking along it and want to understand your journey better, this course will help you to master the symbols of the cards, expand your understanding of the concepts behind them, and empower you to deliver this wisdom to others!

The Magic Circle & The Buckland Romany TarotA Workshop with Tamara Von ForslunHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old...

The Magic Circle & The Buckland Romany Tarot
A Workshop with Tamara Von Forslun
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

It will take people back to the beginning of Egypt and the Mystries of Thoth Tehuti and the Mysteries of the Tarot with the transformation of the Romany Gypsies and the caretakers of this ancient sacred Wisdom and how it is used to form and work within the 360 degrees of the Magic Circle of the Witches. This is the essence of the original meaning and use of the Tarot, of which Tamara will take you on a journey within the ancient symbolism of each Tarot card, its uses, and divinatory meanings physically, mentally, astrally, emotionally, psychically, and spiritually. This has not been taught to the world outside of the Ammonite Foundation of ancient Egypt.

The Magic Circle and Ritual Dance and MusicA Workshop with Tamara Von ForslunHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old ...

The Magic Circle and Ritual Dance and Music
A Workshop with Tamara Von Forslun
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Learn about Circle Dancing and evoking and invoking deities and spirits through ritual dance and song. Everything magical is through vibrational sound and we use it to heighten our connection to the world emotionally. In this workshop, you will sing and dance the way of the Witches. Follow a tradition that is over 80,000 years old and enter the Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime through ritual dance and song. Using the didgeridoo and tapping sticks.

The Dark Gods: Getting Good Results from The Bad BoysA Workshop with Christine StephensHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witche...

The Dark Gods: Getting Good Results from The Bad Boys
A Workshop with Christine Stephens
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Prepare to explore the enigmatic realm of the divine dark, delving into the rich mythology and misunderstood power of the shadowy deities. In this thought-provoking course, we will shed light on the oft-overlooked pantheon of dark gods from various mythologies across the world. These deities, often labeled as "bad boys," possess immense power and wisdom that can be harnessed for personal growth and manifestation. Unravel the fascinating stories and archetypes associated with these dark gods, from the fierce and formidable figures of the underworld to the tricksters and rebels, we will explore their roles in the cosmic balance and their relevance to our own lives. Throughout the workshop, you will learn practical techniques and rituals to establish a connection with the dark gods and discover how to tap into their transformative energies to bring about positive change and personal empowerment. Join me and unlock the hidden wisdom and strength that lies within the shadows. Embrace the transformative power of these often misunderstood deities and learn how to harness their energy to manifest your desires. You will also receive your own Dark God mojo bag filled with items designed to help you work with these Gods as a lasting memento of your experience.

Hoodoo Spells to Break Up Bad Relationships & Send Away SpellsA Workshop with Miss AidaHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witche...

Hoodoo Spells to Break Up Bad Relationships & Send Away Spells
A Workshop with Miss Aida
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Are you getting harassed by bad neighbors or a group of them? What about work relationships? Has the work environment changed since someone new joined the team or a bully has decided that you are the next victim and the group tags along? Your best bet is to break up their relationships! Other types of relationships can be justifiably broken up, such as personal relationships in which: 1-Your permanent partner has a secret lover; 2-An interloper covets your permanent partner; 3-A relationship established through entrapment such as pregnancy or witchcraft; 4-A relationship that was established through deception; and 5-Your very own souring relationship that you desire to end. What about an interloper who wishes to steal your job and establish a stellar relationship with your boss? The above are all examples of relationships that ought to be terminated. You will learn not only how to identify when break-up spells are warranted but also how to perform these spells in a calculated manner. When a relationship entails a physical abuser, one does not utilize break-up spells as they might incite anger and further harm the victim. Instead, we employ send-away spells to send the abuser away. Send-away spells are also useful to move others far away from you, from a loved one, or a friend. Also when one believes that a cursing and crossing spell is not justified, sending an enemy away is a perfect spell to perform! Furthermore, send-away spells are not categorized as negative magic thus, they are considered a "Safe practice" for those who fear lingering negative energies.

Earth Magick: Combining Crystals and Herbs to Empower Your PracticeA Workshop with Judy Ann NockHexFest 2024, A Weekend ...

Earth Magick: Combining Crystals and Herbs to Empower Your Practice
A Workshop with Judy Ann Nock
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Witches revere the earth and for good reason: the earth brings forth all, nurtures all, sustains all, and contains all. So much mythology and lore is born from the natural processes of the earth as people have attempted to explain explore and harness this mighty power. From crystals that form below the earth’s surface to the flowering herbs above, the concept of “as it is above so it is below” will be explored by combining specific crystals and companion herbs to affect specific outcomes. Attendees will leave with a small charm bag with a custom blend of crystals and herbs of their design to aid in manifesting their desired outcome.

Hekate: From Cosmic Soul to Crowley's CroneA Workshop with Mulysa MayhemHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New O...

Hekate: From Cosmic Soul to Crowley's Crone
A Workshop with Mulysa Mayhem
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Most people when they initially meet Hekate in magick and Witchcraft, they do so through the lens of Wicca and the famous poem, "The White Goddess" by Robert Graves where She is presented as the third aspect of the Goddess - the darkening waning moon and the figure of the Crone. But when one further explores the dark realms of Hekate one cannot help but see the mysterious light that surrounds Her.

In this class, attendees will learn about some of the many epithets of Hekate and Her changing face throughout history from Ancient Greece to modern times, from being revered as a Goddess of light and life to feared as a Goddess of shadows and death, and everything in between!

Post-presentation will be a ritual to honor the light and dark faces of the All-encompassing Great Goddess, Hekate. Attendees are encouraged to bring a piece of black onyx, smoky quartz, black moonstone, or black tourmaline to "charge" and be blessed during the ritual.

Quite a Violent Mother: The Great Goddess as Destroyer and LiberatorA Workshop with Levi RowlandHexFest 2024, A Weekend ...

Quite a Violent Mother: The Great Goddess as Destroyer and Liberator
A Workshop with Levi Rowland
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

The Great Goddess has been worshipped in many incarnations and across many cultures. Within these myriad incarnations there is a face of the Goddess that liberates and instructs through methods that continue to shock and awe us into enlightenment, revelation, and growth. From the blood-soaked weapons of Kali Ma, to the intoxicated rage of Sekhmet, the Lioness, the Great Goddess is more than an Earth Mother who comes to heal and tend. She also comes to ruin and rend. From that ruin, something new and wondrous may sprout.

In this workshop, we will examine the incarnations of the Great Goddess that teach through methods of ecstatic worship, violent imagery, and paradigm-shattering stories. We will focus on:

*Approaching incarnations of the Great Mother that come with lessons of survival, renewal after destruction, and deep healing.
*The intricate theology behind the shocking face of Kali Ma.
*Rituals and methods of worship to connect with the Goddess as Liberator.

Come dive into the ritual and teachings of a face of the Goddess that goes beyond Light versus Dark, and instead rests in that liminal space where fear, dread, and release can free us from our chains.

Old Gods, New Gods, Your Gods, My Gods:  A True Story by Elie BarnesA Workshop with Elie BarnesHexFest 2024, A Weekend o...

Old Gods, New Gods, Your Gods, My Gods: A True Story by Elie Barnes
A Workshop with Elie Barnes
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

In the modern Western world, there are four major gods, Yahweh, Allah, Jesus, and scientific materialism. There is pressure from these groups to choose only one God and to form an eternal allegiance to that God and its philosophic or religious system. I remember being oh so offended when, at a very early age, Christianity was introduced to me by my maternal grandparents. I had an immediate and visceral reaction to the idea that God was masculine, Jesus was his human son, and that humans needed to be saved by Jesus by accepting him and studying the New Testament, being baptized, and living only according to the laws of Jesus. I still remember the day, sitting in the backseat of my grandfather’s 1967 giant two-door Lincoln Continental. I said, “No I don’t think that story is correct, it does not make any sense; especially the Garden of Eden story and its b***y trap setup”!

In that very early conversation, I set myself on the path of becoming a philosopher and figuring out the TRUTH of the Universe. Today at age 59, I am still as passionate and eager to study metaphysical ideas as ever. MANY gods and goddesses, and other conscious beings have crossed my path; I have formed deep relationships with some over many years. Joseph Campbell opened my eyes to the beauty of studies in Mythology and Anthropology. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle exposed me to the many ideas of mankind. Rosicrucian studies and praxis opened my mind and heart to my Holy Guardian Angel and my Inner Plane teachers. This is the story about how I learned to interact with various god forms. More importantly, how to find and realize the gods that are meant for YOU in this lifetime.

Thoughts and Ants MagicA Workshop with Priestess MiriamHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New OrleansAugust 9 to...

Thoughts and Ants Magic
A Workshop with Priestess Miriam
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Magic is a science that has many depths, that enhance one’s destiny in whatever direction he takes. Not only do thoughts work through humans, but every plant and animal - to the smallest of creatures. So in this workshop, we will focus on bringing to light the magical energy from thoughts and the Ants, and how if put in proper reflection and purpose, it can award one with great success in health, business, love, and much more. Also using thoughts in a proper context to be confidence over deception.

The workshop will share the magical working art of the Ants and how to create an Ants talisman for business, health, love, and happiness! So come on over! Don’t miss the magical science of a lifetime!

Runes & Fire: Candle Magick Using BindrunesA Workshop with Judy Ann NockHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New O...

Runes & Fire: Candle Magick Using Bindrunes
A Workshop with Judy Ann Nock
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

In this hands-on interactive workshop, HexFest attendees will learn about the history and symbolism of the Elder Futhark rune row and how bindrunes can be used in candle magick. Materials such as chime candles and candle scribes will be provided. Attendees will awaken the runes using a galdr chant and then select two to three Norse runes to work with. Corresponding colors that align with intention will be explored as attendees select a chime candle to carve. Basic tenets of candle magick such as scribing, dressing, and anointing will be taught and each participant will leave with a carved bindrune spell candle to use in their magick.

The Magick of the Muses & the Priestess PathA Workshop with Judy Ann NockHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New ...

The Magick of the Muses & the Priestess Path
A Workshop with Judy Ann Nock
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Calling all coven leaders, adepts, and solitary practitioners! Cycle through a participatory ritual that honors the Goddess of Ten Thousand Names as expressed through the gifts of the nine muses. From casting the circle and calling the quarters to raising a cone of power, directing, and grounding energy, this high-energy experience is a wonderful place for priestesses to learn new techniques for facilitating coven rituals or for solitaries who would love to experience group dynamics. Part direct instruction and part ecstatic ritual, participants will chant sing dance and explore the core elements of ritual that make group work expansive and fulfilling.

Feel It In My Bones: The Use of Bones in Magic and DivinationA Workshop with Mystic DylanHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witc...

Feel It In My Bones: The Use of Bones in Magic and Divination
A Workshop with Mystic Dylan
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

What is macabre to some is truly magic to others. Bones have been used in magic and sorcery for many millennia by civilizations throughout the world. In this class we will learn the importance of bones in magic, their uses in spell work, and how to properly utilize them in our craft. We will also learn how to cast bones for divinatory purposes and how to build your bone-throwing kit.

Lilith's Cave: Journey to the Magical Realm of the Dark GoddessA Workshop with Michael HerkesHexFest 2024, A Weekend of ...

Lilith's Cave: Journey to the Magical Realm of the Dark Goddess
A Workshop with Michael Herkes
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Both feared and revered, Lilith, is one of the oldest known female spirits of the world. Her roots come from ancient Mesopotamia, where she was considered a wind spirit and a sacred pr******te of s*x cults. She was later adopted by the Hebrews as Adam’s first wife, who tried to oppress her. Instead of giving in to his demands, she fled the Garden of Eden and became demonized through history as the deadly serpent, child-killing night hag, witch, demonic succubus, first vampire, Bride of Satan, Queen of Sheba, and even an astrological body.

Join Michael Herkes as he shares experiences from his magical journey and how Lilith’s embrace has paved his path to the Great Lilithian Arcane Mysteries (GLAM). We are living in dark times and increasingly having to combat threats against equality. Who better to call than an ancient goddess who challenges the patriarchy and calls upon us to exude independence through personal power?

In this class you will learn:

*How Lilith’s ancient origins have expanded into society today.
*How honoring Lilith promotes self-care during our troubled times.
*How to overcome daily challenges through introspection and personal rebirth.
*How surrendering to Lilith's embrace brings comfort and elevation from personal darkness.

The workshop will close with a guided meditation that takes attendees into Lilith’s landscape of enchantment. This is for those seeking self-empowerment, self-love, and a knowledge of ancient and modern magical practices centered on the often misunderstood power of Lilith. Journey into the realm of the Dark Goddess, and surrender to the potent, healing power of her magic!

Queen: Hail and WelcomeA Workshop with Tess WhitehurstHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New OrleansAugust 9 to ...

Queen: Hail and Welcome
A Workshop with Tess Whitehurst
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

The Divine Feminine famously contains a triplicity of archetypes: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. In this workshop, we will learn about, invoke, and embody a fourth archetype—the QUEEN—which transcends the limitations of the conventional trinity.

While it's empowering to have the feminine stages of life named and characterized by a facet of the Goddess, many feminine folk tire of being classified by our fertility or lack thereof. Some of us have wombs and some don't, some have children and some don't, and some are just not crazy about our age or reproductive status being a marker of our identity.

Enter the Queen.

While you might say the Queen archetype is particularly present for a woman in midlife, falling somewhere between the Mother and the Crone, it's perhaps more accurate to place the Queen archetype above and beyond chronological human life stages. Whether human or divine, Maidens can be Queens, Mothers can be Queens, and Crones can be Queens. So can people and divinities of all genders who may or may not be easily categorized as Maiden, Mother, or Crone. The Queen refuses to be limited by conventional labels and classifications.

In this workshop, you will learn:

*Identifying traits of the Queen archetype, such as elegance, style, directness, and practical mastery,
*The Queen in world mythology,
*How working with the Queen can help you feel more confident in life and comfortable in your skin,
*How to invoke the Queen, and
*How to begin to embody the Queen today.

Join in a long overdue exploration of this vital aspect of our beloved Goddess. Invite the Queen into your own psyche, live a life of regal mastery, and magnify the Queen's majesty in the world.

Mary: the Goddess in Plain SightA Workshop with Mimi CurryHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New OrleansAugust 9...

Mary: the Goddess in Plain Sight
A Workshop with Mimi Curry
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

As we all know, the goddess has many names and forms she takes in this world. However, most take a look at Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus, and see her just as a historical figure in Christianity. This class will be diving into the esoteric qualities of Mary and how to use her in your practice. We will start by looking at the comparative myths in different cultures of the Virgin Mother and a brief history of who Mary was in early Christianity and how She developed into who she is today. We then will go into detail about how she is still worshiped as a different “goddess” in several cultures across the globe in modern society. We then will end the class with a guided meditation using one of her forms and leave room for questions and comments.

Hex Appeal: Jinxes, Curses and Offensive MagicA Workshop with Mystic DylanHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New...

Hex Appeal: Jinxes, Curses and Offensive Magic
A Workshop with Mystic Dylan
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

What’s the difference between a curse and a hex? When is it appropriate to hex? Offensive Magic has alluded many magical practitioners, especially in this modern age. In this class, you will learn the historical significance of hexes and curses, how to establish the difference, and a hands-on guide to offensive magic. You will also be introduced to some of the most potent botanicals, curios, and common household items to help establish your wicked arsenal for offensive witchery.

Astral Travel to Empower Your PracticeA Workshop with Asia Babb StrongHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orl...

Astral Travel to Empower Your Practice
A Workshop with Asia Babb Strong
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Learn how integrating an Astral Travel practice into your craft can improve your magick, clairvoyance, energy work, and mediumship, as well as strengthen your relationship with your guides, deities, and higher self. Connecting with ancestors, communing with etheric or deceased beings, and viewing the Akashic records are just a fraction of the things you can do when you’re comfortable navigating the astral planes.

Through this workshop you will gain an understanding of Astral Travel, how it is scientifically possible and proven as well as a brief history of its multi-cultural use and significance across worldly religions.

You’ll learn how to establish your own astral travel practice including what to expect, various methods for inducing the out-of-body states, techniques on how to safely navigate environments beyond the body, and how to maintain the astral state for extended periods.

Strengthen your craft and embrace your power by mastering the art of Astral Projection.

Divination WorkshopA Workshop with Patti NegriHexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New OrleansAugust 9 to 11, 2024...

Divination Workshop
A Workshop with Patti Negri
HexFest 2024, A Weekend of Witchery in Old New Orleans
August 9 to 11, 2024!

Whether tarot cards, dowsing rods, a pendulum, ouija board... or the simple dance of a candle flame - divination is the art or practice of foreseeing future events or discovering hidden knowledge with the aid of spirit, magick, or supernatural powers. Patti will teach you fun, simple techniques that will help add clarity and confidence to your divination and help open and deepen your awareness and your sight.



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