When I was a little kid my mom used to read to us stories of the Saints at bedtime and I remember sitting up in my bed just in wonder and in awe at how these real life people who were no different than myself walked this earth like me. They lived such amazing selfless heroic lives all with Gods grace for the Glory of God! I mean these are REAL life superhero’s! They were sinners before they were Saints and just like you and I they tried to navigate through this life the best they could always trying to reach the best version of themselves!!
Happy Feast of All Saints everyone I hope this video inspires you to get to know a new saint you may have never heard of before or heard much about! THE CHURCH IS RICH WITH THEM! They are like best friends that leave behind advice or happenings of great moments at which God grace shined through for the world to see!
#feastofallsaints #happyfeastday #catholic #catholiccreative #saints #halloween #feastofallsouls #soulsaretreasure
When mrs. P aka @izzypinsonault mom randomly texted you asking to come document a project she spent a month putting together and all your told is there’s gonna be a llama!! You don’t question it you just get in the car and drive to the great garden state of New Jersey!! So thankful to be apart of this day and to know this amazing family who always goes above and beyond when it comes to bringing glory to God! Merry Christmas everyone! This time of year always brings tears to my eyes! To think the savior of the world, my best friend that knows me better than anyone else was humbly born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger.... st. Joseph the savior of our savior. Pray for us! Our Blessed Mother, pray for us!
Ain’t no wedding like a @franciscanuniversity wedding!
Thank you @juliahostutler and @matthostutler for letting @vdatv and I be apart of your big day! We wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else! Also! @franciscanpresident it was so nice meeting you! Keep up the good work! You got some amazing souls coming out of that school! Hope to see you again sometime!