Demented Omen of Masochism zine

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Demented Omen of Masochism zine Underground black/death metal label, distro and zine.

Rauta, powerlifting metalhead from Finland, reviewed few of our releases. Inhumanization - st/ EP -

Rauta, powerlifting metalhead from Finland, reviewed few of our releases.

Inhumanization - st/ EP -
Sturmtiger- Transcendent Warfare -
Special about Radon Trench, including "Trench Warfare" and RT/ :caostruppen: / Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle "Quantum Resurgence" reviews:

Plus a bonus, blast from the past, a video from 2019 about two Kreuziger demos, one of them been released by Demented Omen as well

Today is the day of the... Cursed Nazarene! Obscure death metal demo recordings from 1994 are now, after 30 years, offic...

Today is the day of the... Cursed Nazarene! Obscure death metal demo recordings from 1994 are now, after 30 years, officially resurrected on CD format by Northmoon Zephyr (Finland) and Demented Omen.

Raw, unholy rehearsal-room chaos, untouched by time or decay. No compromise - just pure madness resurrected after 30 years. Enter the void if you dare...

Trades, orders, reviews, more info [email protected] or [email protected]

Godcider "Leviathan" OUT NOW!New album of Hooligan Black Metal of Death from Serbia (formerly Russia). Recorded back in ...

Godcider "Leviathan" OUT NOW!

New album of Hooligan Black Metal of Death from Serbia (formerly Russia). Recorded back in 2023, now officially released on CD format. Comes with bonus, unreleased track "DehumaniZation".

Aggression. Fury. Darkness. War. Leviathan.

Listen to:
Contact us for and trades, wholesale and reviews: [email protected]

And this is not our last word in 2024...

""Wilderness" is a peculiar rarity, as it belongs to the wave of groups creating black metal oriented towards heavy, slo...

""Wilderness" is a peculiar rarity, as it belongs to the wave of groups creating black metal oriented towards heavy, slower compositions."

Welcome to the Morbid Blog about Sauron 1996 demo re-issue. Full review in Polish and English below.

Słuchowisko #352
Sauron - "Wilderness"

Dziś o grupie i materiale już praktycznie zapomnianym, a autentycznie zasługującym na odkopanie z czeluści polskiego undergroundu. Saurony mieliśmy/mamy trzy, ten jest z Łowicza i ma no swoim koncie tylko wspomniane tu demo, które dziś wam prezentuję. "Wilderness" jest swoistym rarytasem, bo należy do nurtu grup tworzących black metal ukierunkowany na ciężkie, wolniejsze kompozycje. Nie zabrakło odrobiny melodyjności, klawiszy, akustyków, a całość ocieka mistycznym, diabelskim klimatem. Jednym słowem dzieją się tu rzeczy zapoczątkowane już na debiucie szwajcarów z Samael. Sauron można stawiać obok innych polskich grup grających wtedy w podobnym stylu zaczynając od Xantotol, poprzez Christ Agony i Taranis, na Gehennie kończąc. Byłem autentycznie zaskoczony, jak dobrze ten materiał brzmi, mimo swojej surowości i jak broni się po tylu latach od nagrania (1996 rok). Ma pewien charakterystyczny pogłos, jakby grany był na setkę w jakieś hali. Niemniej robi to fajną atmosferę i nadaje właśnie takiego wrażenia słuchania go na żywo. Mamy tu cztery numery plus intro, ale już na tym etapie kompozycje są ciekawe, całość z pomysłem na siebie i aż dziw, że Sauron trochę więcej nie powojował z jakimiś materiałami po "Wilderness". Niestety, sporo autentycznie dobrych zespołów podzieliło podobny los i zniknęło w mrokach historii. Zetknąłem się z info, że Sauron reaktywował się jakoś koło 2020 roku, ale zdaje się, że nic konkretnego za tym nie poszło. Niemniej zachęcam bardzo mocno do sprawdzenia tego materiału. Trzeba wspierać takie inicjatywy wydawnicze!
Wydawca: Demented Omen of Masochism zine

Press play #352
Sauron - "Wilderness"

Today I'm presenting a group and material that has been practically forgotten, but genuinely deserves to be unearthed from the depths of the Polish underground. We had/have three Saurons, this one is from Łowicz and has only the demo mentioned here, which I'm talking about today. "Wilderness" is a peculiar rarity, as it belongs to the wave of groups creating black metal oriented towards heavy, slower compositions. There is no shortage of melodicism, keyboards, acoustics, and the whole thing drips with a mystical, devilish atmosphere. In a word, things are happening here that were already initiated on the debut of the Swiss band Samael. Sauron can be placed next to other Polish groups playing in a similar style, starting with Xantotol, through Christ Agony and Taranis, ending with Gehenna. I was genuinely surprised how good this material sounds, despite its rawness, and how it stands up for itself after so many years since it was recorded (1996). It has a certain characteristic reverb, as if played at a hundred in some hall. Nevertheless, it makes for a cool atmosphere and gives just that feeling of listening to it live. There are four tracks here plus an intro, but already at this stage the compositions are interesting, all with an idea of their own, and it's a pity that Sauron didn't fight a bit more with some material after "Wilderness". Unfortunately, quite a few really good bands have shared a similar fate and disappeared into the darkness of history. I came across info that Sauron reactivated sometime around 2020, but nothing concrete seems to have followed. Nevertheless, I strongly encourage you to check it out. Publishing initiatives like this need to be supported!
Label: Demented Omen of Masochism zine

Suomi Finland Perkele!On Finnish Independence Day (6th of December), we are proud to announce our collaboration with Nor...

Suomi Finland Perkele!

On Finnish Independence Day (6th of December), we are proud to announce our collaboration with Northmoon Zephyr Productions, an underground label from the Suomen tasavalta! Together, we have worked on a reissue of an ancient and forgotten demo of obscure death metal, unearthed from the grave by Antti himself. The album has already been pressed and will be officially announced next week, with availability expected by the end of the year. At there is a reason why this had to be released in 2024... Beware!

Godcider is playing live in Serbia 20/12/2024 together with Kolac. A truly WITCHING NIGHT of black metal darkness over B...

Godcider is playing live in Serbia 20/12/2024 together with Kolac. A truly WITCHING NIGHT of black metal darkness over Balkans.

More Godcider news soon to be announced...

"The compositions, the sound - everything here is according to the recipe for excellent oldschool devil metal."Welcome t...

"The compositions, the sound - everything here is according to the recipe for excellent oldschool devil metal."

Welcome to the Morbid Blog about Deep Desolation recent album released by Demented Omen. Full review in Polish and English below.

Słuchowisko #351
Deep Desolation - "Dwunaste Wrota"

Dawno nie było oldschoolowo, to dziś napoję spragnionych i doleję oliwy do ognia. Bohaterami dzisiejszego słuchowisko będzie Deep Desolation i ich ostania płyta o jakże majestatycznym tytule - "Dwunaste Wrota".
Na dzień dobry muszę powiedzieć, że to moje pierwsze zetknięcie z muzyką tej łódzkiej ekipy, ale na pewno nie będzie ostatnim. Oj nie! Panowie parają się brudną, intensywną odmianą thrashu doprawioną sporą ilością oldschoolowego black metalu, którą jeszcze posypano na wierzchu szczyptą death i doom metalu. Danie wykwintne, nieprawdaż? Pełna gama metalowych smaków! Już od pierwszych dźwięków wiadomo, że jeńców nie będzie. Panowie ruszają z czarciego kopyta, otwierają przed nami "Dwunaste Wrota", a za nimi już tylko ogień i pożoga! Wokale niczym z Witchmaster i podobnych, riffy tnące, agresywne, ale również chwytliwe. Napędzane garami tratują nas niczym stado rozjuszonej rogacizny! Konstrukcja kompozycji, brzmienie - wszystko jest tutaj wg. przepisu na znakomity diabelski metal starej szkoły. Ni mniej ni więcej. Sama esencja! No i polskie teksty na dokładkę!
Są momenty, kiedy mam cholerną ochotę na takie właśnie granie i Piotras z DOOM zine trafił dokładnie w tę chwilę z ową płytą. Deep Desolation pozamiatało i zapewniło, że bardzo chętnie nadrobię sobie ich poprzednie krążki. Jeśli lubicie wspomniany już wcześniej Witchmaster, czy też Hate Them All, Hellf**k lub Voidhanger, to ta płyta jest musowo dla was do sprawdzenia!
Wydawca: Demented Omen of Masochism zine / Lower Silesian Stronghold / Werewolf Promotion

Press play #351
Deep Desolation - "Dwunaste Wrota"

It's been a long time since I've posting some oldschool stuffl, so today I'm going to quench the thirst and add fuel to the fire. The heroes of today's press play will be Deep Desolation and their latest album with the majestic title "DWunaste Wrota" ("The Twelfth Gate").
To begin with, I have to say that this is my first contact with the music of this Łódź-based band, but it certainly won't be the last. Oh no! These guys play a dirty, intensive variety of thrash spiced with a fair amount of oldschool black metal, topped off with a pinch of death and doom metal. An exquisite dish, isn't it? The full range of metal flavours! From the very first sounds, it is clear that there will be no prisoners. The band kick off with the devil's hoof, open the "The Twelfth Gate" and there is only fire and conflagration behind them! Vocals like from Witchmaster and the like, riffs cutting, aggressive but also catchy. Driven by pots, they trample us like a herd of furious horned goats! The construction of the compositions, the sound - everything here is according to the recipe for excellent oldschool devil metal. No more and no less. The very essence! And Polish lyrics to top it off!
There are moments when I feel like listening to this kind of stuff and Piotras from the DOOM zine hit the spot with this album. Deep Desolation has swept me away and ensured that I am eager to catch up with their previous releases. If you like the aforementioned Witchmaster, or Hate Them All, Hellf**k or Voidhanger, then this album is a must-check for you!
Label: Demented Omen of Masochism zine / Lower Silesian Stronghold / Werewolf Promotion


Some reviews coming soon at Northazerate channel...

Small CD update.Avenger - Godless CD czech black/death metalBlackthru - Iš tamsos... CD Lithuania black metalBethlehem -...

Small CD update.

Avenger - Godless CD czech black/death metal
Blackthru - Iš tamsos... CD Lithuania black metal
Bethlehem - A Sacrificial Offering to the Kingdom of Heaven in a Cracked Dog's Ear CD
Crimson Massacre - The Luster of Pandemonium CD technical BM/DM USA
Dimentianon - Dreaming Yuggoth CD black/death/doom USAc
Dimentianon - Chapter VI: Burning Rebirth CD black/death/doom USA
Grave Desecrator - Insult CD Brazil black/death
Grave Desecrator - Sign of Doom CD Brazil black/death
Goat - s/t MCD Greek black metal
King - Forged by Satan's Doctrine CD satanic black/death metal Colombia
Forest of Impaled - Forward the Spears CD black/death metal USA
Storm Death - Ancient Premonitions of the Gods CD Chile death metal

CDs 7.5GBP, MCD 6.5GBP

Codziennik Metalowy  #624 about Inhumanization:"The core of this music is death metal, not black metal tar. Also in term...

Codziennik Metalowy #624 about Inhumanization:

"The core of this music is death metal, not black metal tar. Also in terms of sound, it is somewhere in the middle. The instruments are not torn off, the samples build a "war" mood, but they do not invite you to a basement that stinks of rats and mustiness.

Inhumanization is available from us and other good distros.

Sauron didn’t appear too often in zines, and usually, it was just small mentions. However, there were occasions when the...

Sauron didn’t appear too often in zines, and usually, it was just small mentions. However, there were occasions when they were mentioned in connection with Xantotol, as not only did Nastar (founder of Sauron) join Xantotol, but Venom (RIP, founder of Xantotol) also joined Sauron.

The mentions below come from the first and second issues of Dark Blaze, all four issues of which were recently reissued in book form by New Era Productions / Darker Than Black Records. Dark Blaze was one of the most important and best Polish zines of the ‘90s.

Our release of Sauron’s 'Wilderness' demo from 1996 is still available at good distros...

Sauron nie pojawiał się zbyt często w zinach, a zazwyczaj były to małe wzmianki. Zdarzyło się jednak że był wspominany przy okazji Xantotol, ponieważ nie tylko Nastar (założyciel Sauron) dołączył do Xantotol ale i Venom (RIP, założyciel Xantotol) dołączył do Sauron.

Poniższe wzmianki pochodzą z pierwszego i drugiego numery Dark Blaze, którego wszystkie cztery numery zostały niedawno wznowione w formie książki przez New Era / Darker Than Black. Dark Blaze był jednym z najważniejszych i najlepszych polskich zinów z lat 90.

Wydane przez nas Sauron "Wilderness" demo 1996 ciągle dostępne w dobrych distrach...

Inhumanization review by Vladmir for: MetalBite"If you want some cruel firepower of Polish blackened death metal, the de...

Inhumanization review by Vladmir for: MetalBite

"If you want some cruel firepower of Polish blackened death metal, the debut EP of Inhumanization is exactly what you are looking for"

"Inhumanization is a real monster of a band that just doesn’t mess around while constantly unleashing all hell with its maniacal tremolo riffs and blast beats, nicely backed up with the guttural screaming vocals of PanzerSpekktr. If you can imagine something that combines elements of bands like Vader, Infernal War, Marduk, Infest, Bolt Thrower, and Cannibal Co**se, you pretty much get a relatively close description of this monstrosity, but it’s really something you should see for yourself to get the best impression possible"


RT/CS/RMC split, Inhumanization, Suaron and North CDs are now available in Germany from legendary Iron Bonehead Producti...

RT/CS/RMC split, Inhumanization, Suaron and North CDs are now available in Germany from legendary Iron Bonehead Productions. Its one of few very last places where you can find first two albums of North, 90's Crushing Pagan War Metal from Poland.

RT/CS/RMC and INHUMANIZATION out on 1st SeptemberRadon Trench / Caostruppen / Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle - "Qunatum ...

RT/CS/RMC and INHUMANIZATION out on 1st September

Radon Trench / Caostruppen / Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle - "Qunatum Resurgence" (DOOM CD016)
3 way split black metal warnoise
For fans of MZ.412, Beherit, Revenge, Sarcofago

Inhumanization - s/t (DOOM CD017)
war black metal debut mini album
For fans of Goatpen*s, Impiety, Angel Co**se

:caostruppen: Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle
Inhumanization Total Death Art

Orders and traders welcomed. Zines/webzines keep in touch.

Two new Demented Omen releases to be unleashed on 1st September.Titles and samples to be announced soon. Beware!

Two new Demented Omen releases to be unleashed on 1st September.
Titles and samples to be announced soon. Beware!

The past is still alive....Sauron - Wilderness

The past is still alive....
Sauron - Wilderness

Tolkienowski władca ciemności SAURON jest wśród metalowych zespołów popularny. W samej Polsce mieliśmy trzy noszące jego imię. Ten konkretny był z Łowicza, wydał tylko jedno demo, kilka lat temu pięknie wznowione. Niebawem więcej na ten temat na kanale.

Several releases from legendary Cyclopean Eye Productions available now. Black/death/noise/electronics.No more than two ...

Several releases from legendary Cyclopean Eye Productions available now. Black/death/noise/electronics.
No more than two copies of each.

細菌戰 [Bacterial Warfare] –盜殺.復讐.虐殺 / 新寄生生物たちの時代
සතර අස්ථික [Four Bones] – Swasthisiddham
Serpents Athirst – Heralding Ceremonial Mass Obliteration
Obscene Evisceration – Despotism Of Lust And Death
Jyotiṣavedāṅga – Cannibal Coronal Mass Ejections
Formless Devotion – Sparks Of Separation
CUT – Vanquish the Weak
Bell – Secrets From A Distant Star
Bell – Enigma Calling
Beelzebud – Beelzebud
Aempyrean – Fireborn
Abraxxum – The Steel Jaws of Choronzom
Abominablood – Abomination Continues



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