天災日益增加, 有如地球正在發出求救的信號 !
您可否在生活習慣方面作出立刻的改變以減低地球的暖化以及其他環境的破壞嗎 ?
是的, 你能做到. 停止食用肉類 !
即便你是用穀類,蔬菜,豆類,水果以及其他植物性食物來代替一些肉類, 那已經是一個很大的改變了.
我們呼籲大眾全力支持以及實際參與" 每週五素食午餐" 運動, 並加強鼓勵他人於每個星期食用一餐無肉餐~ 踏出這第一步可綠化地球以及為善待大自然做出一分努力.
試想若我們能夠思想一致、一起行動的話, 這世界將會多美好!
請告訴每一個人. With the number of natural disasters growing high everyday, it is most as if our Mother Earth is crying out loud for o
ur help ! Could you make one immediate change in your life that would significantly decrease global warming and other damages to the environment ? Even replacing just some of the meat you eat with grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits, and other plant - based foods can make a big difference. We urge all Fellow Malaysians to respond with full support and take the lead by joining the “ Meatless - Lunch on Fridays ” movement which encourages people to eat no meat for one meal every week ~ a first step is better than nothing; and it could go a long way to keeping the earth green and being kind to our Mother Earth. Just think if we all come together as one with our thoughts in tune we can literally create the future. Together we join hands in this global mission on “ Saving our Mother Earth from Global Warming ”. Please tell EVERYONE you can.
“全球暖化”是本世紀人類所面臨最嚴重的威脅! 地球暖化的速度實在驚人.
肉類工業不僅引起氣候變遷. 他們發現"飼養動物作為食物是引起土地降解、空氣污染、水源短缺、水質污染(包括引起酸性雨的阿摩尼亞)、食物短缺以及品種滅絕等問題.
根據一項聯合國報告:無論在區域或全球方面, 單單飼養家畜工業就已經是“兩三項主要影響嚴重環境問題之一的因素”. The biggest challenge that mankind is facing in this century is “ Global Warming ” ! The Earth is warming at an alarming rate. The warning about meat and the environment is coming from people like the Head of the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, who has openly identified eating less meat as an important step in combating climate change. Climate change isn’t the only ill that the meat industry generates. It is noted that “ raising animals for food is a primary cause of land degradation, air pollution, water shortage, water pollution (including the ammonia that causes acid rain ), food shortage and loss of biodiversity. ”
According to the U.N.’s report : The livestock industry alone is “ one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global. ”