I admit sometimes I tend to compare myself to others—close friends, acquaintances, or random people on social media of my age—and see the huge difference between us in terms of how much we accomplished in life. Some of them have stable businesses, have traveled the world, have huge houses and flashy cars, have enjoyed their own family lives for years, and seem to have a very satisfying lifestyle.
Looking back, I have finally realized that there’s really no point of comparison. Maybe I could’ve achieved what they have if we had the same circumstances. Maybe I could've accomplished what they have if we had the same life's experiences. But the truth is, we don't. So why compare? There are younger people who’ve reached more than I did. There are older people who've never had anything that I have. I accomplished things based on my own efforts, situations, and timeline.
So if you’re told that you should’ve accomplished more at this age, don’t be shaken. Tell them, “I have won many times at my own pace and will achieve more still in my own strides. So, no pressure.”