Society is structured in a way that often favours women over men. Laws and societal norms tend to provide women with more opportunities and rights compared to men. In some cases, men dedicate their entire lives to caring for their families, only to be abandoned by their children later on.
Many men today hardly take care of themselves, often prioritizing their families' needs over their own. In contrast, my experiences and interactions with people have revealed that women spend a significant amount of time subtly manipulating their children to gain their affection and loyalty.
From a young age, women may plant seeds of resentment in their children's hearts against their fathers, making it difficult for men to establish a meaningful connection with their children later in life.
To counteract this, men should take an active role in their children's lives. This includes being involved in their education, spending quality time with them, and building trust. It's important to take care of your physical health, eat well, rest in a clean environment, and avoid unnecessary stress. Additionally, maintaining strong relationships with family, friends, and community, and seeking guidance through prayer can also be beneficial.
Also, try to live one day at a time, forgive often, and don't struggle with any relationship that is bound to fail.