Hello everyone! We appreciate you sticking around for this long, means the world to us and to me in particular. This is to inform you that this page will only be used for business inquiries only, moving forward.
We've partnered with the biggest and most influential companies in the industry, in Europe, United States and China.
We've hundreds of high quality releases lined up for your entertainment and we'll be doing a lot of giveaway, touching lives financially, emotionally and spiritually.
To get updates about the music and music video releases, kindly follow the links below on your favorite social media platforms:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/codeprym
Twitter: https://twitter.com/codeprym
YouTube: https://youtube.com/
Tiktok: https://tiktok.com/
Facebook: https://facebook.com/codeprym.co
Thanks for your time, much love and appreciation! — Code Prym
Bringing music back with creativity and original sounds never heard before.