أرشيف: القرياني يدعم ترشيح معز إلياس و شوكت شيخ للجنة تقسيم المناطق.
التواصل النزيه قد يسهل طرق النجاح!
عزيزي الوافد الجديد 👋🏼 حنا هنا باش نساعدوك وتخوض رحلتك الجديدة على أكمل وجه.
حنا عارفين ان التكيف مع بيئة جديدة مشي ساهل. وهدفنا من هذه المبادرة هو تزويدك بالمعرفة والأفكار القيمة💡لي غادي تسهل انتقالك وتساعدك على النجاح.
انضم إلينا واجعل رحلتك الجديدة إلى الولايات المتحدة أكثر سهولة! www.sanadinitiative.com
كتعرف شي شخص لي يمكن ليه يستافد من هذه الفيديوهات التعليمية؟ طاكيه في التعليق ولا شارك معه هذا المنشور 🇲🇦🇺🇸
التواصل النزيه قد يسهل طرق النجاح!
عزيزي الوافد الجديد 👋🏼 حنا هنا باش نساعدوك وتخوض رحلتك الجديدة على أكمل وجه.
حنا عارفين ان التكيف مع بيئة جديدة مشي ساهل. وهدفنا من هذه المبادرة هو تزويدك بالمعرفة والأفكار القيمة💡لي غادي تسهل انتقالك وتساعدك على النجاح.
انضم إلينا واجعل رحلتك الجديدة إلى الولايات المتحدة أكثر سهولة! www.sanadinitiative.com
كتعرف شي شخص لي يمكن ليه يستافد من هذه الفيديوهات التعليمية؟ طاكيه في التعليق ولا شارك معه هذا المنشور 🇲🇦🇺🇸
الاستعداد النفسي للقادم الجديد لامريكا!
🌟Sanad community! 👋🏼 Are you ready to embark on a journey of learning and growth? www.Sanadinitiative.com
💡 Why this matters:
We understand that adapting to a new environment can be both exciting and challenging. Our goal with this initiative is to provide you with valuable knowledge and insights that will ease your transition and help you thrive.
👥 Spread the word:
Know someone who would benefit from these educational videos? Tag them in the comments below or share this post – let's help our newcomers succeed together!
At Sanad, our main mission is helping our fellow Moroccan newcomers to navigate their new journey in the US.
We believe that knowledge is power, and that's why we're here.www.sanadinitiative.com
Join us and make your new journey to the US smoother!
ارشيف: تشجيع المواطنين على حضور اجتماعات مجلس المستشارين
ارشيف: تشجيع المواطنين على حضور اجتماعات مجلس المستشارين
لا يعذر احد بجهله للقانون!
🌟Sanad community! 👋🏼 Are you ready to embark on a journey of learning and growth? www.Sanadinitiative.com
💡 Why this matters:
We understand that adapting to a new environment can be both exciting and challenging. Our goal with this initiative is to provide you with valuable knowledge and insights that will ease your transition and help you thrive.
👥 Spread the word:
Know someone who would benefit from these educational videos? Tag them in the comments below or share this post – let's help our newcomers succeed together!
At Sanad, our main mission is helping our fellow Moroccan newcomers to navigate their new journey in the US.
We believe that knowledge is power, and that's why we're here.www.sanadinitiative.com
Join us and make your new journey to the US smoother!
غزة... أين وصلنا؟ الدعاوى القضائية
تنمية المهارات الذاتية لتسهيل مرحلة الحلول بامريكا!
🌟Sanad community! 👋🏼 Are you ready to embark on a journey of learning and growth? www.Sanadinitiative.com
💡 Why this matters:
We understand that adapting to a new environment can be both exciting and challenging. Our goal with this initiative is to provide you with valuable knowledge and insights that will ease your transition and help you thrive.
👥 Spread the word:
Know someone who would benefit from these educational videos? Tag them in the comments below or share this post – let's help our newcomers succeed together!
At Sanad, our main mission is helping our fellow Moroccan newcomers to navigate their new journey in the US.
We believe that knowledge is power, and that's why we're here.www.sanadinitiative.com
Join us and make your new journey to the US smoother!
من يستقبلني عند الوصول الى امريكا؟
🌟Sanad community! 👋🏼 Are you ready to embark on a journey of learning and growth? www.Sanadinitiative.com
💡 Why this matters:
We understand that adapting to a new environment can be both exciting and challenging. Our goal with this initiative is to provide you with valuable knowledge and insights that will ease your transition and help you thrive.
👥 Spread the word:
Know someone who would benefit from these educational videos? Tag them in the comments below or share this post – let's help our newcomers succeed together!
At Sanad, our main mission is helping our fellow Moroccan newcomers to navigate their new journey in the US.
We believe that knowledge is power, and that's why we're here. www.sanadinitiative.com
Join us and make your new journey to the US smoother!
الولاية المناسبة لبداية هجرتي الى امريكا
🌟Sanad community! 👋🏼 Are you ready to embark on a journey of learning and growth? www.Sanadinitiative.com
💡 Why this matters:
We understand that adapting to a new environment can be both exciting and challenging. Our goal with this initiative is to provide you with valuable knowledge and insights that will ease your transition and help you thrive.
👥 Spread the word:
Know someone who would benefit from these educational videos? Tag them in the comments below or share this post – let's help our newcomers succeed together!
At Sanad, our main mission is helping our fellow Moroccan newcomers to navigate their new journey in the US.
We believe that knowledge is power, and that's why we're here.www.sanadinitiative.com
Join us and make your new journey to the US smoother!
الواجبات في القضايا المهمات
الاستقالة، الحكومة، غزة، و إسرائيل
بدلا من أن تجلسونا على المائدة، وضعتمونا في قائمة الطعام.
للقادمين الجدد، ارشادات عامة بخصوص ملىء استمارة DS-260
للقادمين الجدد، ارشادات عامة بخصوص ملىء استمارة
🌟Sanad community! 👋🏼 Are you ready to embark on a journey of learning and growth? www.Sanadinitiative.com
💡 Why this matters:
We understand that adapting to a new environment can be both exciting and challenging. Our goal with this initiative is to provide you with valuable knowledge and insights that will ease your transition and help you thrive.
👥 Spread the word:
Know someone who would benefit from these educational videos? Tag them in the comments below or share this post – let's help our newcomers succeed together!
At Sanad, our main mission is helping our fellow Moroccan newcomers to navigate their new journey in the US.
We believe that knowledge is power, and that's why we're here.www.sanadinitiative.com
Join us and make your new journey to the US smoother!
عشاء خيري لفائدة ايتام زلزال المغرب
عشاء خيري لفائدة ايتام زلزال المغرب
القرارات السليمة
القرارات السليمة
اليتامى و الزلزال
اليتامى و الزلزال
تنبأ العالم الهولندي بلا شيء
Fundraising event held in Kearny for victims of Moroccan earthquake
فوضى جمع التبرعات من العوام في أمريكا
Zakat Foundation
هي فقط القادرة على ارسال المال للمغرب من امريكا الان.