Surgery Update!
Hey everyone. Thank you for all your lovely well wishes and messages etc regarding my recent surgery. I thought I’d just come on and say Hi and that all is well so far and I’m doing good !
I’m documenting my recovery over on my TikTok which I link in my story but it is also directly linked in my bio.
I may, if people want me to also do a longer YouTube video documenting the journey so far, perhaps in a couple more weeks as I’ll have had some dressing changes then too and a bit more to talk about.
For those newer here, I had a Breast Reduction surgery.
I’ve debated and researched this for well over 15years+ and finally did it! I can’t actually believe I have, I’d say the last 2yrs I really ramped up my research and prepared mentally and physically. Then the back of the year, whittled down surgeons before deciding very comfortably and confidently with my surgeon & his team who so far have been incredible, both leading up to and throughout my process to date.
I’m only day 6 since the op so 5 days post op but I’m feeling generally really well. I’m taking minimal pain meds (I didn’t use up my presided ones), the most discomfort is from the lipo but very manageable so far, and if it isn’t, I’ll take the meds (I had little under armpit Lipo for side b**b and a little of that fat transferred to the ‘upper pole’ (top of breasts)).
I’m resting well with lots of fluids - so lots of p*e breaks 😂 but that’s good as it keeps me moving little and often.
We leave Lithuania tomorrow and fly back to the UK, so I’ll be off work a bit longer - I am not rushing this one!
welstead 💞 you are beyond more than I could wish for, you have been incredibly supportive in me having this surgery and calming when I’ve had little panics pre-op and the best nurse EVER during recovery. I know this is soppy but I bloody love you and am so grateful to you!
I’ll keep sharing my journey for those interested so head over to TikTok and I’m happy to answer any questions as I know how much it helps seeing others experiences.
For now, I’m going to continue to try and enjoy resting!
Have a good day ✌🏻