Huge News!! #permanentjewelrybusiness #permanentjewelrytraining #permanentjewelryexperience #jewelswithjess
The Holidays are on the way! Let’s book a Friendsgiving Pop Up! #permanentjewelryexperience #foreverbracelet #bestfriendbracelets #jewelswithjess #luxelinx
Now booking Fall Pop Ups… Linx & Drinks, Birthday Celebrations, Breakroom Bling! The options are endless! #permalinxbyjbloom #jewelwithjess #linxbyjess #permanentjewelryexperience #foreverbracelet #anklet #necklace #getlinxd
FREE PERMANENT JEWELRY TRAINING! Our simple & secure system is taking the world by storm! Trust me… I spent of $2500 to start my PJ business 2 years ago & have found this system to be so much more affordable, portable & profitable! I love helping women find their confidence & financial security & I love that this system is so affordable! Take a look for yourself. #permanentjewelrybusiness #foreverbracelet #foreverjewelry #businesswomen #opportunityzones #jewelswithjess #permanentjewelrytraining
Hello Gorgeous… this is the ring of fire! Hottest Seller, available@in stainless silver or stainless gold! Drop 🔥 for the link!
#splashproofjewelry #stainlessring #summervibes #ringoffire #catrin #jewelswithjess
Drop ME in the comments for the 4-1-1!!
#permalinx #permanentjewelry #foreverbracelet #forevernecklace #foreveranklet #foreverjewelry #jewelswithjess
Drop ME in the comments for all the details on starting your own Permanent Jewelry Business! #foreverjewelry #foreverbracelet #foreveranklet
It’s our 10th Birthday & we’re celebrating 🎉 with
H U G E 💕 S A V I N G S!!
Bonus ➡️ get a 🆓 Bracelet 🎁 valued at 2️⃣6️⃣💲 with your first online order🎉
A•N•D 🆓 Shipping 📦 on orders of 4️⃣0️⃣➕
What are you waiting for❓
Pop into the comments to 👀 our Birthday Bargain Bundles 🔽
Baseball ⚾️ & Softball 🥎 Season are here!! Pick out your favs & drop them ⬇️
Pre order is open thru 5PM CT tomorrow!
#baseballmom #softballmom #baseballlife #homerunhitter #batterup
Because… I just can’t keep this secret to myself!