Faith Like Jasmine

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Faith Like Jasmine Have you ever smelled blooming jasmine? It is enticing and unmistakable just as our faith should be.

We've had several storms around lately. It's that time of year. Heat, humidity, pressures...and God has been renewing th...

We've had several storms around lately. It's that time of year. Heat, humidity, pressures...and God has been renewing the image in my mind that the storm isn't all there is. The storm has an edge.

A storm system is finite. It has limits. Every once in a while, you'll find yourself directly on the edge so that the front of your house is dry and the backyard is getting drenched. But most days, when we find ourselves in the storm, we can't see anything else.

So any time I see the edge - driving home from work, standing on a beach - I try to pause and capture the moment. I want the reminder. The sun didn't cease to shine in those moments, it was just behind my sight.

But the storm has an edge. It has limits.

Whether your storm is natural or not.

I pray vibrant colors, creativity, and boldness into my children's dreams at bedtime.  Because I see God's goodness show...

I pray vibrant colors, creativity, and boldness into my children's dreams at bedtime.

Because I see God's goodness showing up there.

I discover Him in the endless types of flowers - petal shapes and sizes, solid colors or stripes, hundreds of shades of green leaves and stems. Their presence is gentle and bold all in one delicate piece of creation. They are a manifest miracle in every season because we cannot make it come to pass. All our striving with soil, water, sunlight.....and only He can bring the life.

Matthew 6:30 says, "And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?"

I pray that my children live with the same vibrance and creativity that we see in His wildflowers, and I pray I will have faith enough to trust them to Him completely. Trust that He will bring their miracles, their hopes, their good works, and their God-stories at all the right times.

"Self-control.  That's the one, Lord, I could use more of that one."Some days, that's how it feels. I know I need to con...

"Self-control. That's the one, Lord, I could use more of that one."

Some days, that's how it feels. I know I need to control my reactions better, have a better handle on my emotions. But I've learned over the years of reading His Word and walking with Him....increasing that muscle strength isn't something I can muster up myself. In Galatians, we are reminded that self-control is fruit in our lives OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Not my mighty will power to evolve. My willingness to reach for and accept the Holy Spirit in me and lean into it daily.

And then, somehow, find a way to teach my son that he will have grumpy days. Days his fuse is short. But he, too, will need to learn self-control. He will have to trust me to help him learn it until he reaches for that same Holy Spirit.

So, Lord, help us both with our self-control. May Holy Spirit teach and equip us so that our mess doesn't end up on everyone around us. Help me walk in a way that let's my son see both the struggle and the victory.

‭Galatians 5:22-23 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

As behind the scenes things have been full of questions this year, I've quietly been asking myself the same questions on...

As behind the scenes things have been full of questions this year, I've quietly been asking myself the same questions on repeat. But not sitting very long to listen for an answer. Answers can be hard to hear.

Why did I stop?
What is holding me back?

What now?

The uncomfortable truth: me.

I bound myself more and more tightly up into the belief that I needed to succeed. And succeeding meant gaining popularity, followers, attention, credibility and crafting myself after so many other 'successful' women in the Christian sphere of writing & speaking.

And so I lived with a lens of, 'what do they want to see? what do they want to hear? how do I need to change so they'll accept me?'

And, of course, God gently allowed it all to collapse and implode.

1 Thessalonians 2:4 says, "But just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts."

I had become convinced that merely sharing the ways He spoke to me, the things He showed me, was insufficient. The way I packaged it was insufficient.

The way "I" was packaged was insufficient.

But in Colossians I am reminded to, "walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.." and so the challenge God puts in front of me has nothing to do with anyone else. It has nothing to do with 'likes', positions, accolades, people pleasing, organization, others' success or needs, or outside perceptions of me.

Each day I can simply ask myself, with a deep breath in and out, 'did I walk worthy today, pleasing Him?' And hopefully I will start to see the fruit and I will increasing in the knowledge of God.

And hopefully that can overflow freely to those around me, the aroma pleasing to Him inviting others to draw closer as well. Hopefully I can lean into His invitation to reboot and feel free to laugh, dance and delight, no matter who is watching.

What are you gazing upon?  What are you pausing to listen to and soak in?  It's infinitely easier to see and hear things...

What are you gazing upon? What are you pausing to listen to and soak in? It's infinitely easier to see and hear things that cause distraction, agitation, comparison, fear, or disillusionment. It takes intention and habit to seek out goodness to see and goodness to hear. He has given us a gift, so why do we allow ourselves to spend it frivolously?

I find myself overwhelmed by clutter, large buildings or an excess of noise.....and I know that if I seek out something that speaks of His goodness, that reminds my heart to pause and listen for Him, the joy and peace will grow.

These two photos were taken a month apart. But each time, I just HAD to pull off the road and revel in it for a moment. Stop rushing home. Stop looking to the next item on my to-do list. And my heart lifted.

What do you look at or listen to to remind you?

‭Proverbs 20:12 Ears to hear and eyes to see— both are gifts from the Lord.

Perhaps you're wondering what faith like jasmine means.  In 2 Corinthians 2:15, we read, "As far as God is concerned the...

Perhaps you're wondering what faith like jasmine means.

In 2 Corinthians 2:15, we read, "As far as God is concerned there is a sweet, wholesome fragrance in our lives. It is the fragrance of Christ within us, an aroma to both the saved and the unsaved all around us."

And several years ago my heart connected it to the fragrant jasmine that blooms in late spring here in South Carolina. Just earlier this week, I walked out of a the library and immediately inhaled the sweet fragrance. Without even seeing where it was coming from.

My hope is that our faith-filled lives can be like that, too. That the evidence of our belief, of our relationship with God, will be a fragrant overflow to those we meet. That the love of God that we carry into a place, or into a relationship, is fragrant and known.

How do we do that? How do we proclaim His love without words? How does the fragrance of His presence impact those around us?

And if it doesn't - what do you need to change?

(Photo of my daughter bringing flowers she picked out to her teacher at school)

Check out more here:

We have been reading these words with our kids this year. Over and over. And we will keep reading it the next 7 months a...

We have been reading these words with our kids this year. Over and over. And we will keep reading it the next 7 months as well. Because I can't keep the fear, insecurity or difficult decisions out of their lives. But with God's help we can teach them how to think.

And as God teaches ME how to think, I can pray and hope that instead of reacting from my flesh with fear or pride, I will react with thoughts that are honorable and lovely.

May our thought life be radiant and admirable so that we can out into practice what we have learned of Him.

And His holy response is peace. Peace with us.

JESUS with us. In us and through us.

‭Philippians 4:8-9 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.

You may know where I am; you may not.  It's a bit blurry because I left most of the lights off.  Light sometimes seems t...

You may know where I am; you may not. It's a bit blurry because I left most of the lights off. Light sometimes seems to chase away stillness.

This church aisle, with it's blue carpeting, holds history and tradition. It has seen weddings and funerals, welcomed visitors and returning family. It has seen toddlers racing up for a Christmas sermon and been covered by the fall leaves brought in beneath people's shoes. It has been full of radiant sunlight streaming in the stained glass windows as many days as it waits out the shadows of rainclouds outside.

On quiet Friday mornings, like this one was, it simply looks like an ordinary blue carpet in an empty church. Because churches are empty more days than they are full. Which means the bulk of our faith-filled lives are lived outside these walls, away from blue carpets that hold our traditions and memories. We gather for The Word, we gather for grief and we gather for celebration.

On other days, the sunlight hits our kitchen floor as we minister in our homes. On other days, the fall leaves are those that we sweep off a neighbor's porch. On those in-between days, we still need to serve faithfully and keep our eyes open so that we are the ones welcoming visitors, inviting toddlers to race about or simply sitting with someone who is waiting out the rainclouds.

At every turn, I will recommend this book, a compilation of women's hearts. Their insights, prayers, and experiences are...

At every turn, I will recommend this book, a compilation of women's hearts. Their insights, prayers, and experiences are encouraging, humbling, and challenging.

As you walk these last days of advent, remember this: Mary knew the story of Miriam well. She had the legacy of strength, worship, faithfulness and gratitude as her example.

What legacy are you pulling on?

What legacy are you leaving?

Psalm 86:12 "I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever."Father God ...

Psalm 86:12 "I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever."

Father God in a year filled with change, shifting and new things, we take refuge in the constancy of Your faithfulness. We lean into who You are to find strength and confidence.

Thank you for friendships old and new. Thank you for the abundant opportunities to grow and serve. Thank you for Your patient leading and Your wisdom, for Your loving conviction and Your unimaginable peace.

You are sovereign,
You are in control.
And we are not.
And it is good.

Help us to lean into You with both our dreams & our heartaches. Create pure hearts in us and help us to go out into the world in peace, serving & loving You faithfully. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Take a deep breath. Let it out. You can. Whatever it is today has.You can.Because He is with you.And He already has.

Take a deep breath.
Let it out.

You can.

Whatever it is today has.
You can.
Because He is with you.
And He already has.

He's the God who paints the sunrise.He's the God who found Rebekah for Isaac.He's the God who preserved Joseph in prison...

He's the God who paints the sunrise.
He's the God who found Rebekah for Isaac.
He's the God who preserved Joseph in prison.
He's the God who designed the cocoon.
He's the God who held the sun in place so they could win the battle.
He's the God who gave you ten toes to walk with.
He IS.
He cannot be transformed or canceled. He cannot lie. He cannot be unfaithful.
He cannot stop loving you.
He IS.

I have been reading through with a friend the book Teaching From Rest, as we kick off homeschooling for the year.  I kne...

I have been reading through with a friend the book Teaching From Rest, as we kick off homeschooling for the year. I knew God wanted us to do this well, and I also knew I wasn't going to steward it well without some help.

Toward the end, author Sarah Mackenzie reminds us of the first miracle of Jesus. Water into wine.

He could have created wine from nothing. "But here's the thing: He didn't. He started with what they had."

So, is your pitcher full? Because He is ready to work with what you have. Even if what you have feels messy or farthest from fancy as you can get. "He never asked us for wine. All He needs is our pitcher of water."

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” — Mother TeresaZecharaiah 4:10a, Do not...

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” — Mother Teresa
Zecharaiah 4:10a, Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin...

Ladybugs are this morning's reminder of tiny but mighty, a reminder of not despising starting small. Do you know how they got their name? "The name "ladybug" was coined by European farmers who prayed to the Virgin Mary when pests began eating their crops. After ladybugs came and wiped out the invading insects, the farmers named them "beetle of Our Lady." This eventually was shortened to "lady beetle" and 'ladybug.'"

Your something small today, this weekend, this season, may seem trivial to you or even to those around you. But the Lord rejoices over the work of your hands. He finds delight in what we deem ordinary. Maybe your small faithfulness can help save someone else, can help encourage or nourish another's faith.

So be faithful. Be small. There is goodness in the small things.

There are two things that expose the condition of my heart more than anything: parenting and a doctor's office.  My hear...

There are two things that expose the condition of my heart more than anything: parenting and a doctor's office. My heart gets stripped raw fast and I am left facing the truth at the bottom.

Do I lean on Him? Do I distract myself endlessly? Do I turn to worldly feel-good things that make me feel less exposed?

Lately, I have been trying to sit exposed in these moments. To take them as opportunities to pray. To pause, breathe and listen. It means I face the off-kilter rhythm of how I walk through my week, face my need for rest.

Where or when do you find your heart exposed? How do you handle it?

So, where is the next season taking you?  Are you back into a school year?  Starting a new job?Joshua had both some pret...

So, where is the next season taking you? Are you back into a school year? Starting a new job?

Joshua had both some pretty big shoes to fill and a big task ahead of him. But he knew that his God was bigger. And the Lord encouraged him,

"Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

So go. Go boldly. Go courageously.

Because He goes with you.


Sing to God; sing praises to the Lord; dwell on all his wondrous works!Psalms 105:2 Here's your task this week, in the m...

Sing to God; sing praises to the Lord; dwell on all his wondrous works!
Psalms 105:2

Here's your task this week, in the midst of your summer busyness. Pause - daily - and examine something. Examine it with the intention of seeking out the wonder and glory of God's wondrous works. If you aren't in the habit, it takes intention to develop the eye and the rhythm.

Stare and wonder over it. Use all your senses if you can. God doesn't just create on paper; what He creates is living and tangible. What colors did He choose? Lines? Scent? (Even if you don't like it!) Is there a texture?

What about His word - what dimensions do you find there? That's something we can wonder over daily, too. Read Psalm 105 in its entirety and get the wider picture.

The child that is driving you crazy! Stare at them and find the wonder again in who God made. The spouse you are at odds with - stare and wonder, remember.

Sing to God this week; sing out praises of wonder and Thanksgiving.

Every day someone is born, someone dies, and someone rings the bell cancer free while another gets their official diagno...

Every day someone is born, someone dies, and someone rings the bell cancer free while another gets their official diagnosis. Every day, someone is hungry, someone is falling in love, someone is getting yet another negative pregnancy test while another finds out its twins.

Every day, God is moving.

Every day, God is doing the impossible.

Every day, God is with you.

Even on the days it doesn't feel like it.

So rejoice in Him EVERY day because today is someone's miracle. Today is someone's breakthrough. Today God IS moving, even I'd today isn't your day.

So rejoice and be glad in today, for it is a day the Lord has made.

We all have our moments, days or seasons that leave us like this.  Belly up. Exposed. Unable to get ourselves upright ag...

We all have our moments, days or seasons that leave us like this. Belly up. Exposed. Unable to get ourselves upright again.

Do you have community though? Have you connected into a believing faithful group of people that will work to get you back on your feet?

It took several tortoises working together to get their friend rolled back over. But they persisted.

Are you persisting for someone? Are you aiding a friend who has gotten turned around or is feeling exposed?

If no, why not?

'No More Hiding' is on sale on Amazon!  Order your copy or one for a friend."This book a poetic offering of a faith jour...

'No More Hiding' is on sale on Amazon! Order your copy or one for a friend.

"This book a poetic offering of a faith journey. It explores raw emotions and spiritual growth in simple and complex ways. While some poems embrace childlike faith and enthusiasm, others are full of doubt as Griffin exposes us to the aches, suffering, fear and loss. We live in a world juxtaposing light and darkness every day. 'No More Hiding' can help us navigate those days and seasons with sometimes uncomfortable vulnerability, so that we may find that God is in it all. He is in our joy and our sorrow. And He can handle our anger and our doubts."

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'No More Hiding' is a poetic offering of a faith journey. It explores raw emotions and spiritual growth in simple and complex ways. While some poems embrace childlike faith and enthusiasm, others are full of doubt as Griffin exposes us to the aches, suffering, fear and loss. We live in a world ju...

The Lord watches overThe Lord hearsThe Lord is closeThe Lord comes The Lord protectsThe Lord will redeemSo I will praise...

The Lord watches over
The Lord hears
The Lord is close
The Lord comes
The Lord protects
The Lord will redeem

So I will praise
I will speak
I will boast
I will pray and pray
I will fear the Lord

Don't forget you can pick up gifts for friends and loved ones to help fill their lives with faith & encouragement!

Don't forget you can pick up gifts for friends and loved ones to help fill their lives with faith & encouragement!

This Digital Prints item is sold by FaithLikeJasmine. Ships from Valencia, CA. Listed on Mar 21, 2023

Give encouragement, life, hope and love.  Give compassion and presence.I had the privilege of hosting a women's event at...

Give encouragement, life, hope and love.

Give compassion and presence.

I had the privilege of hosting a women's event at our church, and it was so exciting to see the ladies thriving in His light. We exchanged gifts full of sunshine, shared laughter and stories, and ate food we enjoyed.

We gathered as believers to encourage and refresh one another, to bear burdens and exhort.

Where can you share sunshine this week? Where can you bring a token of His light into the hands of someone who needs their gaze shifted away from circumstances, weariness, or struggle?

1 Thessalonians 5:11
Hebrews 10:24

... for they refreshed my spirit as well as yours. Give recognition to such people.1 Corinthians 16:18Who is refreshing ...

... for they refreshed my spirit as well as yours. Give recognition to such people.
1 Corinthians 16:18

Who is refreshing to your spirit? Who is pouring nourishment and life into your life?

Have you thanked them for it? Take 2 minutes today and reach out to them. Acknowledge, recognize, and show appreciation to them. In words, giving, hugs or time.

So many times these people, these moments of refreshing, go unrecognized. We take them for granted.

Today, let them know they are seen. Let them know they are appreciated and loved.

Be still and know that I am God.Be. Be still.Be still and know.I AM.I am GodKnow that I am God.Be still and know I AM.He...

Be still and know that I am God.

Be still.
Be still and know.
I am God
Know that I am God.

Be still and know I AM.

He is God. Not me.
And I can be still.
I need to be still.
And I can know
The I AM.
I can know that
He is God. Not me

Be still and know that He is God.

"Obscure doesn't mean insignificant." - Kelly NeedhamDo the things that are unseen, never known, and covered in whispere...

"Obscure doesn't mean insignificant." - Kelly Needham

Do the things that are unseen, never known, and covered in whispered prayers. You aren't doing it for them anyway. Do them faithfully, that your overflow will be a fragrant offering and your love enticing.

Jehosheba has 2 verses in the entire Bible. She has a tumultuous family set up. But her reflex was to protect Jehoash made all the difference in our lineage of faith. It was hidden and it was invaluable.

But Jehosheba, King Jehoram’s daughter and Ahaziah’s sister, secretly took Ahaziah’s son Jehoash from the rest of the royal children who were about to be murdered and hid him in a bedroom along with his nurse. In this way, Jehoash was hidden from Athaliah and wasn’t murdered. He remained hidden with his nurse in the LORD’s temple for six years while Athaliah ruled the country.
2 Kings 11:2‭-‬3 will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.Acts 1:8Witness:-one tha...
14/04/2023 will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.
Acts 1:8

-one that gives evidence
-one who has personal knowledge of something
-something serving as evidence or proof

We are witnesses. Why? Because as a believer, you can give personal knowledge and evidence of your experience of His saving grace. It is that simple. You don't need a fancy degree, evangelism training, or eloquent speech.

You only need believe, receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and share your God story. Be ready. In and out of season.



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