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Gospel Light Magazine God and Heaven



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God's Ontological perception is a branch of metaphysics that is concerned with the nature and relations of being the true and perfect version of who He expects an individual to be.


When you have successfully developed an understanding of pragmatic working principles, oceans of knowledge will gladly sit on upon the crown of Wisdom which you have worn, especially when you are living within the ambit of God's Love.



Everlasting Father, to whom belongest righteous judgements;

• Please, save me from judgement in the pits of Hell in Jesus Name, Amen.

• Deliver my soul from persecution, the persecutions of the enemy, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• Save me, O Righteous Father, from the way of darkness and make me to walk in thy manifold light, in Jesus Name, Amen.

•Expand and expose to me, thy wondrous works of old and make them my gurgitations, in Jesus Name, Amen. Please, Father, make my heart to rejoice at them in Jesus Name, Amen.

• Loving Father, I stretch forth my hands unto thee hoping to receive thy blessings today. My soul thirsteth after thee, as a thirsty land. Fill me with the overflow of thy living water, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• O Thou that Hearest and answers speedily, hide not thy face from me, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the Morning, for in thee do I trust. At Noonday, O LORD, lighten my countenance with thy Love, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• Make me to know the way wherein I should walk, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• As I seek to do thy Will, Omnipotent Redeemer, lift my soul unto thee and nourish it, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• Hide me in the hollow of thy warm palms and shield me from my enemies, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• Teach me thy statutes and make me to do thy Will, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• Thou at my God and thy Spirit is good. Lead me into the land of thy uprightness, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• Quicken me O LORD, and in thy righteousness, bring me out of trouble, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• Out of thy Mercy, cut off all my enemies and destroy all those that afflict me, in Jesus Name, Amen.

•I am thy servant, dear LORD, please make me clean, in Jesus Name, Amen.

• O LORD, unto thee do I pray. Uplift my spirit with encouragements from thy presence in Jesus Name I pray, Amen.


No reputable Christian leader who believe that God speaks to His people living in our contemporary dispensation will ever equate anything they hear from God with any other phenomenon far from the Scriptures, other genuinely born again Christian inclusive.
Think about this.



Being equipped with the knowledge of God's righteousness awakens an uncanny confidence especially in the hearts of His children. This understanding can not be misunderstood or even replaced by the uncertainty pervading our present day's society. Although many perceive righteousness as an unattainable feature, the possibility of possessing this unique quality of our heavenly Father lies within the realms of unwavering Faith in the Son of God. His blood has made dining with God an attainable standard that only a select few can achieve. However, we ensure that our Faith in God is forge solidified by a corresponding believe that He is the rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. When this ultimately becloud out thoughts, only then will the powerful influence of the God that conquers all impossibilities take effect in our lives.

The Holy Bible teaches us that God is righteous and just in all His ways. Psalm 145:17 declares, "The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works." This righteousness is not merely a set of rules or moral guidelines but a reflection of God's very nature of Holiness. God's righteousness is perfect, pure, and unwavering. In contrast, humanity is inherently sinful and has fallen short of God's standard of righteousness. Just as Romans 3:10 rightly states, "There is none righteous, no, not one." It is clear that by our own efforts, it is impossible to reach the heights of God's righteousness.

Nevertheless, the good news is that God's righteousness is not dependent on our own abilities or achievements. Instead, it is a gift that God freely bestows upon those who have faith in Him. Romans 3:22 affirms, "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe." Through faith in Jesus Christ, we can be clothed in His righteousness and be justified before God. This is not something we earn or deserve; it is an act of God's grace. Ephesians 2:8-9 proclaims, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."

The righteousness of God does not only forgive our sins. It also empowers us to live a life that is pleasing to Him. When we accept the righteousness of God, we are transformed from the inside out. 2 Corinthians 5:17 declares, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." This transformation is not a result of our own efforts but is brought about by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers us to overcome the sins and struggles that once held us captive. We no longer live as slaves to sin but as heirs of the Kingdom of the righteousness God.

The righteousness of God defies human limitations and impossibilities. In our own strength, we may find it impossible to be holy, to resist temptations or to forgive those who offend us. However, through the righteousness of God, we are given the power to overcome these challenges. Philippians 4:13 testifies, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." It is this righteousness of God that sustains us through trials and tribulations. In Romans 8:37, we are assured, "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."

All throughout the Scriptures, we find examples of individuals who experienced the righteousness of God in remarkable ways. Noah, against all odds, found favor with God and was deemed righteous in a corrupt generation. Abraham, though deemed too old to conceive, was counted as righteous because of his unwavering faith. Moses, a stutterer with a checkered past, was used powerfully by God to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. These stories stand as a testament to the righteousness of God that defies all impossibilities.

In conclusion, the righteousness of God, as portrayed in the Holy Bible, is not an unattainable or impossible standard. Rather, it is a gift freely given through faith in Jesus Christ. It is a kind of righteousness that transforms us, empowers us, and enables us to live a life that honours God. This righteousness defies human limitations and impossibilities, enabling us to overcome challenges and obstacles that seem insurmountable. Let us embrace the righteousness of God and walk in its power, knowing that we serve a God that nurtures to the attainment of His expectations.


Do not try to make yourself of greater importance than God in every situation of your life. Nebuchadnezzar tried it and suffered for about seven years (Daniel 4:28-33). Herod attempted it and God's judgement was released upon him (Acts 12:18-23). Beware not to get lost in such practice as it has damning consequences. God bless you as you do.



The act of compromising is not the best especially when it comes to the Heavenly Kingdom, although it is often seen as a positive attribute in the modern society. People who are willing to meet in the middle and find common ground of agreement are occasionally viewed as peacemakers and mediators in the world. However, when compromise comes at the cost of reneging our stand for the truth in God’s word, it is very detrimental and its consequences can be damning if not repented of before the day of judgement. The act of dwelling in falsehood and lies peddled by the Devil is dangerous, both to the individual and to society as a whole. The Holy Bible warns against this type of behaviour and provides guidance on how to avoid it.

Compromise in the Holy Bible does not have a positive effect but rather a negative one. In the book of Daniel, we see the story of three Jewish men who were commanded by Nebuchadnezzar to bow down to an idol which he did set up. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to compromise their faith, even in the face of death, because it was against the command of God and for the sake that it negates His Sovereignty, they chose to stand on the LORD’S side. Their unwavering commitment to abide by the truth in God’s word and faithfulness to God’s commands is an example for us all. They stood firm in their beliefs, even when it would have cost them going up in flames.

In contrast, we see the story of King Saul, who compromised obedience to God’s instruction for the sake of being accepted in the sight of the people. In 1 Samuel 15, God commanded Saul to destroy the Amalekites and all of their possessions. However, Saul decided to spare the king and the best of their livestock. When confronted by the prophet Samuel, Saul made up excuses and tried to justify his actions. He compromised God’s standard only to fulfil his own desires and gain the approval of the people but got God’s disapproval.

We see the consequences of compromise in both of these stories. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were saved from the fiery furnace, and their faith was strengthened but King Saul, on the other hand, lost his throne and was rejected by God. Compromising One’s stand in righteousness for ungodly gains can lead down a slippery slope into more actions of unbelieve before finally plunging such an individual into the Lake of Fire which burneth with fire and brimstone. Standing on a firm foundation of God’s Truth is the only best known alternative which guarantees eternal life with Christ our Saviour and The Father of Light in whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning.

The Holy Book of God’s laws warns against dwelling in falsehood and compromising His TRUTH. In Proverbs 19:9, it states, “A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.” In Revelation 21:8, “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

When we compromise God’s standard of truth, we ultimately commence dwelling in falsehood and lying to ourselves and others. We are called to be people of God who will dwell in God’s truth and abide in His integrity always. We must stand firm as believers of God’s word even when it seems hard, to secure the hope of dining with the LORD eternally. As Christians, we must be willing to speak this truth of His without mincing words to everyone that crosses our path in life because anything contrary is compromise.

In conclusion, compromising God’s standard of righteousness is always a bad thing that becomes detrimental to every of its culprit. The scriptures provides us with examples of those who stood firm in their beliefs, even in the face of death, and those who compromised for the sake of pleasing others. We must be careful not to feature in falsehood and compromise against the standard of God in order to enjoy the maximum Peace that the LORD our God provides. Let us strive as people of God, forged in His Truth to live in the integrity of His Faithfulness and stand firm in our beliefs and speak His truth at all times. May His grace enable our commitment to thrive in our conviction and makes us soar on wings like eagles in Jesus Name, Amen.



It is no secret that God is rich in mercy and gracious to all penitent hearts, loving to rest forgiveness upon the sinner. However, there is also another side to God’s demeanour that is not often spoken of by many, and that is His nausea and disgust towards Sin. It is crucial that as Christians, we not only understand this aspect of God but also learn how to deal with it proportionately.

Revelation 3:16 warns us that “because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” This verse reveals that God’s disgust towards sin and its consequences is so strong that He would rather reject those who are living in sin completely than pamper erring individuals. Therefore, it is essential that believers learn to live a life that is well pleasing in His sight and avoid the things that make Him nauseous.

One of the first steps in dealing with God’s nausea is to understand what Sin is. According to the Holy Bible, Sin is the act of transgressing the instructions and commandments of God (1 John 3:4). Therefore, if we want to please God and avoid His nausea, we must live in obedience to His instructions and directives which He has laid down. It would please you to know that the Ten Commandments which God rolled out for the Israelites were all summarised by Jesus Christ into two forms. Mainly, Thou shall love the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength (Mark 12:30) and thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself (Matthew 22:39). This is meant to serve as guide to every believer living in this present world.

The second step is to realize that God’s nausea towards sin is justified. He is of a purer eye than to behold iniquity (Habakkuk 1:13). Sin does not only separate us from God. It also has devastating consequences such as death and destruction (Romans 6:23). It is only when we understand the grievousness of sin that we can begin to grasp the severity of God’s nausea towards it.

Lastly, we must learn to hate sin as God does. Proverbs 8:13 states that “the fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth....” We cannot love God and also love sin. This means that we can not serve two masters satisfactorily. It is either we love God by serving Him righteously or work against Him by getting involved in practices of sinfulness. The later has damning consequences. As believers, we must learn to hate sin with the same intensity as God to please Him. This hatred of sin, however, must be balanced with love for the sinner, just as God does.

In conclusion, dealing with God’s nausea requires understanding what sin is, realizing the seriousness of sin in God’s eyes, and learning to hate sin just as He does. His nausea towards sin is justified and teaches us the importance of living a righteous life that is pleasing to Him. May we, as followers of Christ, strive to live in manners that are pleasing to Him, and may we hate sin with the same intensity as God does, while also loving sinners with the love of Christ, in Jesus Name, Amen.



The concept of God’s Omnipresence has been a subject of discussion for centuries. It is the belief that God is present everywhere and at all times. This means that God’s presence is not limited by time, space, or location. Rather, one that is always with us, guiding us, and protecting us.

The King James Version of the Holy Bible provides many references related to the Omnipresence of God. In Psalm 139:7-10, the psalmist writes, “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.” This is a powerful reminder that we are never alone and that God is always watching over us.

Another reference to God’s Omnipresence can be found in Jeremiah 23:23-24, which states, “Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? Saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? Saith the Lord.” This passage emphasizes the fact that no one can hide from God neither can we escape His presence. It is comforting to be lost in this thought, as it reminds us that God is always there to guide us.

The Ubiquity of God’s presence is also illustrated in the New Testament. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus tells his disciples, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” This statement shows that even after Jesus ascended into heaven, His presence remains ever with His followers. This promise is still true today, as we can feel the presence of God in our lives whenever we pray and meditate upon His word. We must never forget that the dynamics of God’s presence is not just limited to our physical surroundings, as it extends beyond our thoughts and emotions. In Philippians 4:7, we are told that “the Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” This means that His presence bring us Peace and Comfort.

In conclusion, the God is Ubiquitously powerful and dynamic in that He is always with us. Get close to Him because there is no profit in running away from Him.



Faith is the key to receiving God’s best. The Holy Bible in Hebrews 11:6, says that without faith, it is impossible to please God (KJV). As believers, we must have an unwavering confidence in God and believe that He is able to do anything. We must trust in His promises and have faith that He will fulfill them.

In John 15:7, Jesus said, “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” This means that if we truly trust and believe in God, we can ask for anything and it will be granted to us. However, to be a beneficiary to this, we must first have an intimate relationship with God. Having an intimate relationship with God entails, possessing Jesus Christ as your LORD and personal Saviour. Psalm 145:8-9 says, “The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.” It is only after accommodating Him within the confines of your heart as your LORD and Master, that studying and reading the word of God while praying and seeking to do His Will, will become effective when we approach Him with boldness and confidence.

James 1:6-8 says, “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” We must have strong and unwavering FAITH in God's potential abilities. Doubt and fear can hinder and prevent us from receiving God’s best. We must trust that God’s Word is true and that He will keep His promises. In Matthew 21:22, Jesus said, “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” This is one of the most powerful promises God gave to us through Jesus Christ and we are expected to take it to heart. We must have Faith that God will answer our prayers according to His Will. We should not pray with doubt or uncertainty, but with confidence in God’s ability to answer our prayers.

The surest way to enhance our Faith in God is to meditate on His Word. Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” We must regularly read and study the Holy Bible, and allow its teachings to sink deep into our hearts and permeate our minds. When we are saturated with God’s Word, our Faith will blossom and we will be better equipped to receive God’s best. Lodgement of our Faith in God is equivalent to trusting in His ability to brings His goodness to our doorstep. The word of God in Jeremiah 29:11 says; “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end”. We must have Faith that God is good and that He desires the best for us. Even when circumstances seem difficult, we must trust that God is working things out for our good (Romans 8:28).

As a way of concluding this section, I will like to state clearly, that Faith is essential for receiving God’s best. We must have a solidified and unwavering Faith in God while we go about our various endeavours. Believing that He is capable of bringing into fulfillment every of His promise made known to us and by ensuring that our all is entrusted in Him, He will make His goodness to ravage our predicaments. Remember to Read and meditate on His Word, seek His Will and obey it, trust in His Faithfulness, and your Faith will be enhanced for great things because it is its peculiarity that gives us the impetus to boldly approach God in prayers. And as we do so, our requests will never go unanswered, in Jesus Name, Amen. Endeavour to put your Faith in the absoluteness of God and He will surprise you with his amazing wonders.



Ecclesiastes 9:11 states “... that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all”. It is clear as the word of God reveals, that running the heavenly race does not require the acquisition of a skill in a selected profession neither is the understanding of wealth and its efficient utilization, the prerequisite for advancement of this journey. In the book of Hebrews, chapter 12, verse 1, it is written, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” Running the race mentioned in this verse is not the same as running a physical race. Rather, it is the means by which a qualified believer can enter into the heavenly Kingdom of God to dwell in his glory that never shall vanish away.

To run the heavenly race, one must first be qualified. The qualification required for running this race can be obtained by adopting the formula prescribed in the book of Romans, chapter 10, verse 9: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” This is the basic qualification for anyone who intends to run the heavenly race. The believer must acknowledge Jesus Christ as his/her personal LORD and Saviour and believe in his resurrection.

In running the heavenly race, the believer needs to lay aside every weight, and the sin which easily entangles. These weights are sinful hindrances that prevent a believer from running the race well. As Christians, we are not exempted from temptations and trials, but we must overcome them. Temptations and trials can be likened to impediments that act as a clog in the wheels of progress as we journey on. However, the believer should be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. For the scripture says in James 1:12, “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.”

The heavenly race is only for believers that are patient. Patience is a vital virtue, and it is the fruit of an enduring Faith and hope. In the book of Hebrews, chapter 6, verse 12, the scripture says, “That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” In other words, the believer must hold fast to the promises of God and patiently wait for the manifestation of these promises. The Lord Jesus also emphasized the importance of patience when he said in Luke 21:19, “In patience possess ye your souls.”

Finally, the believer must keep his eyes focused on Jesus Christ, the author, and finisher of our Faith. It is written in the book of Hebrews, chapter 12, verse 2, “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Jesus is the perfect model for runners of the heavenly race. He ran the race and emerged victorious. Therefore, we must keep our hearts fixed like the Psalmist on him and imitate his example by persevering in prayer, trusting in his promises, and walking obediently in his ways.

In conclusion, running the heavenly race as a qualified believer requires laying aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily beset us, being patient, and keeping our hearts concentrated on the teachings of Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our Faith. We must continually pursue righteousness and holiness, knowing that we have a great cloud of witnesses watching and cheering us on. And as we run the race, let us bear in mind that we will receive the crown of life, which the LORD has promised to them that love him, and we will inherit this crown in Jesus Name, Amen.



The word of God in Proverbs 10:23 says “It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.” Here we are exposed to the idea of a foolish person. This individual who is usually submerged in foolishness takes pleasure in behaving badly, while a wise person avoids causing mayhem.

Perusing the Holy Bible, we find that there are many examples of individuals who exhibited foolish behaviour and the consequences that followed were grievous. In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon describes the futility of chasing after pleasure and material possessions while stating that all of it is meaningless in the grand scheme of life. The delicacy of this thought is preconceived by Proverbs 21:20, which reads “There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up.” This further explains that foolish behaviours lead to financial instability and ruin in life.

As the book of Proverbs expresses the quirks and dangers of foolishness, it did not fail to extensively proscribe its destructive nature. In Proverbs 14:16, we see that “A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.” The idea of recognizing the dangers of evil and avoiding it proves to be a wise one but when a foolish person advances it, the end is always a reckless abandon.

Furthermore, Proverbs 13:20 refreshing’s the memory without promiscuity by saying “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” It is an obvious fact that the character trait of the wise will always rub-of on their company, thereby impacting positivism on the society. Let this be know, the company we keep can greatly impact our own behaviour and moral compass. If we surround ourselves with foolish individuals, we are more likely to engage in foolish activities ourselves and will be left to suffer the consequences that accompany them.

In the New Testament, the apostle Paul also addressed the issue of foolishness and its negative impact on one’s life. In Galatians 6:7-8, he states “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.” And as such, we should take into account that our actions have consequences, and foolish behaviours will gravitate to destruction and suffering in the Lake of Fire which burneth with fire and brimstone.

In conclusion, the superfluity of a fool’s naughtiness is clear throughout the passages of the Holy Bible. Behaving Foolishly leads to financial ruin, moral corruption, physical harm and eternal damnation. It is therefore important for us to seek wisdom from God and avoid foolishness in all areas of our lives. If you are still considering how to become a beneficiary of God’s wisdom, look no further. Simply come to Jesus Christ, as he has paid the price for your redemption. Please, do remember to come to him with a penitent heart. God bless you as you do. Proverbs 4:7 states, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” May God Almighty give us all the wisdom and understanding we seek to live godly lives worthy of emulation while avoiding the pitfalls of foolishness along the way, in Jesus Name, Amen.



For a believer, prayer is an essential aspect of our daily routine. It is one of the most effective ways of communicating with God. When we pray to God, we express gratitude to him and seek his guidance. Although there are many ways to pray in the world, the only most powerful and intriguing method of praying is through the name of Jesus Christ(Acts 4:12). The name of Jesus is more than just a word or a label. It is the only authorized name that confers hope, grace, and salvation on all who believe. When we pray through Jesus’ name, we are in agreement with his divinity as a constituent member of the trinity. Calling upon his name releases a powerful aura. By doing this, we tap into the infinite source of love and compassion. The name Jesus Christ is an embodiment of authority just as we could see during his life time ministry on Earth(Mark 4:39).

There are several reasons why praying through Jesus’ name is so powerful. Firstly, it helps us to focus our minds and hearts on God. This is so because Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He said in the book of John 14:1-2, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you”. By using the name of Jesus Christ, we are reminded of his teachings and his example of humility, love, and sacrifice. We are also reminded of our own shortcomings which can be overridden by His sufficiency(2 Corinthians 12:9). As we live, we must make conscious effort to testify of God’s grace that made mercy and forgiveness available through Jesus Christ. For it is only on this base that we can boldly approach God with a sense of reverence and humility, knowing that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Secondly, praying through Jesus’ name gives us access to God’s throne room. The Holy Bible tells us that Jesus is the only way to the Father, The Truth and The Life(John 14:6). When we pray through his name, we are using the key that unlocks the door of possibilities lodging in God’s presence. Approaching God through the One who guarantees express access to Him, defines the expressiveness of our reconciliation to Him. This gives us confidence and boldness in our prayers, knowing that He has neither left us alone nor powerless without the support of the Holy Spirit.

Finally, praying through Jesus’ name aligns our prayers with God’s will. Jesus himself taught us to pray, saying “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10). When we pray through his name, we are surrendering our own agenda and desires to His supremacy while submitting to God’s plan for our lives. We trust that God knows what is best for us, and that he will answer our prayers appropriately and in his own way. This helps us to let go of anxiety, worry, and fear. Knowing that we are being held in His ever loving hands, we are reassured of His dynamic wisdom whose prevalence surmounts circumstances and rigid situations.

In conclusion, praying through Jesus’ name is a powerful and intriguing way to connect with God. Focusing our minds and hearts on God, gives us unlimited access to his presence, and aligns our prayers with his Will. So, the next time you pray, do not fail to apply Jesus Christ name. As you do, you will see how he transforms your prayer life and plunge you into victory.




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