The Hothouse Earth story
In the darkest days of Winter 2019, the Hothouse Earth podcast was born. The world had been rocked by a stark report from the United Nations, giving humanity a mere 12 years to stave off the worst effects of climate change. The public’s thirst for understanding of complex environmental issues was at an all-time high. As an institution that has been devoted to environmental law and policy for its entire existence, Vermont Law School seeks to meet this need through Hothouse Earth. Your hosts, Jeannie Oliver and Mason Overstreet, are joined by experts who discuss facets of the environmental crisis rocking our world, from the implications of legislation such as the 2019 Farm Bill and Trump’s America First Energy Plan to broader issues like natural disasters and climate refugees. Both Jeannie and Mason are graduates of Vermont Law School. As teachers, advocates, and communicators, they share a passion and skill for breathing life into these complex technical issues.